Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Center
Job Description
Job Title: Executive Director
Reports To: OHCWC Governing Board
Positions Reporting to the Executive Director: Chief Nursing Officer, Project Coordinator, Executive Assistant, Contractual/Grant Staff.
Compensation: Commensurate with education and experience.
Essential Functions: The following are major areas of responsibility with a brief description of each area:
- Develop, plan, (along with the OHCWC governing board and board committees), and implement long term and short term objective goals to advance the work of the OHCWC;
- Provide status reports to the OHCWC Governing Board and committees, the Oklahoma Hospital Association and other partners, the Oklahoma State Legislature, the Governor’s Council for Workforce & Economic Development, and others as appropriate;
- Serve as primary spokesperson, representing OHCWC and/or providing reports and presentations to interested groups and the public;
- Formulate strategies to market the OHCWC mission, and its services and products;
- Pursue funding for projects within the OHCWC goals and objectives from a variety of sources;
- Manage the OHCWC operational budget in accordance with Center goals and objectives;
- Coordinate activities of the OHCWC, including working with board committees, consultants, grant partners and staff;
- Collaborate with other stakeholders including schools of nursing and allied health, healthcare employers, health professionals, health-related associations, economic and workforce development professionals, and others to promote improvement in health care workforce issues; and
- Participate in national, regional, and state groups specializing in health care workforce issues.
Educational Requirements: A master’s degree is required, along with a minimum of 5-7 years of experience in a health-related field.
Essential Skills/Abilities: The employee must be able to:
- Prepare and deliver presentations to the public and interested groups;
- Assess needs, plan, implement, and evaluate OHCWC programs;
- Maintain records relevant to OHCWC;
- Manage multiple projects simultaneously;
- Attend to details and coordinate complex projects;
- Communicate well verbally and in writing;
- Work effectively with internal staff, external groups and consultants;
- Receive and process multiple inquiries simultaneously;
- Manage financial resources (budget);
- Delegate and monitor performance of other employees/consultants;
- Assimilate information, identify problems, and develop alternative plans of action;
- Diplomatically handle problem situations; and
- Demonstrate accountability to the OHCWC Governing Board for work processes and outcomes.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, current resume, and list of three references electronically to by Wednesday, November 25, 2009. Review of applications will continue until the position has been filled.
Revised 10-11-2009