Head of the Centre - The Honorary Scholar of RF, Dr.(Econ.) Professor Ruben Nikolayevich Evstigneev.
Member of Academic councils for conferring candidate and doctoral degrees (at IIEPS and the Institute of Economy, RAS), member of Academic councils at IIEPS (Academic council for research and administration activities), at the Institute of Market Problems (RAS) and at the Institute of Transition Economies. Chairman, Expertise Council of Fedorenko International Foundation for Economic Studies, member of the Commission for Varga Awards. Member of editorial board of "Economic Issues", "Social Sciences and Present" journals. Lectures a course of Russian economy at the Institute for Business and Economics, Californian State University, East Bay. Examination Board Chairman, the Russian-German High-School of Management, Academy of National Economy for the RF Government. Member of European Association of Comparative Economic Studies (EACES). Author of more than 300 works, including 5 monographs, executive editor of about 30 individual and collective monographs on CEE states' Socialist and contemporary development, as well as on theoretical issues of market transformation.
phone number: (495) 120 93 87
Research areas of the Centre:
Comparative analysis of transitional economic problems in Russia, Central and East European countries, CIS and some Asian states.
The basic research directions:
· Credit and financial relations of Russia and the CIS countries (international economic organizations, state sector, private sector, trans-national corporations). Head of direction - Dr.(Econ.) Boris Heifets
· Comparison of transformations in Russia's and foreign countries' real sector of economy. Head of direction - Dr.(Econ.) Sergei V. Kolchin
· Institutional problems of development in Russia and countries with emerging market economy. Head of direcrion - Ph.D.(Econ.) Marina Deryabina
· Transformation in agrarian relations in Russia, Central and East European countries. Head of direction - Ph.D.(Econ.) Boirs Ye. Frumkin
Leading researchers
Ivan N. Buzdalov - academician of the Russian Academy for Agricultural Sciences, Dr.(Econ.), professor, principal research officer. Member of the Council for agro-industrial complex issues for the Council of Federation Chairman. Member of the Council for Agrarian Policy for the RF Agriculture Ministry. Member of the Academic Councils of the IIEPS and Timirjazev Agricultural Academy. Author of 15 monographs and more than 500 research works covering issues of agrarian policy, agrarian relations, economic and social development of agriculture in Russia, Central and East European countries and CIS.
phone number: (495) 120-93-87
Marina A. Deryabina - Ph.D.(Econ), leading research assistant. Head of the research direction "Institutional problems of development in Russia and countries with emerging market economy". Member of the Expert council for competition-protective legislation, State Duma Council for economic policy, entrepreneurship and tourism. Member of the IIEPS and Institute for Economics (RAS) Academic Councils. Associate professor at the Department of management control at the State University of Management (GUU). Author of 3 books, some collective monographs and about 100 research works on market transformation and comparative economic studies.
phone number: (495)120-9387
Boris Ye. Frumkin - Ph.D.(Econ.) , leading research assistant. Head of the research direction "Agrarian transformation of Economies in Transition". Head of the direction "Transformation in agrarian relations in Russia, Central and East European countries". Member of the Academic Council of the IIEPS RAS. Associate professor of the European Integration Department at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (University) for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Author of 4 books and more than 140 research works on problems of agro-industrial complex and related international cooperation in the CIS and CEE countries.
phone number: (495)120-9387
Yury M. Goland - Ph.D.(Econ.), leading research assistant, member of Expertise council for the State Duma Budget and Taxes Committee, author of several books on New Economic Policy (NEP) and numerous articles in periodicals on NEP in connection with present-day reforms.
phone number: (495) 120-9387
Gennady S. Lisichkin - Dr.(Econ.) principal research officer, member of IIEPS RAS Academic Council, member of the Russian Writers' Union, the economic observer of "Trud" (Labor) newspaper. Author of 7 monographs, about 230 publications on market reform issues, agrarian policy, the development of cooperative movement in Central and East European countries and the CIS.
phone number: (495) 120-9387.
Tatiana Yu. Litvinenko - researcher, author of about 14 research papers with overall volume of above 14 pr. quires. Sphere of research interests covers institutional development problems of Russia and the countries with emerging market economies.
phone number: (495) 120-9387
Lyubov V. Popova - Ph.D. (Econ.), senior researcher of the Institute, author of above 50 research papers on the problems of agrarian sector economy, cooperation in the CEE and CIS countries.Initiator and organizer of the number of "round tables" on these problems in the IIEPS RAS and in others scientific institutes.
phone number: (495) 120-9387
Boris B. Ryabushkin - senior laboratory assistant researcher, studies foreign economic cooperation of the post-Socialist countries.
phone number: (495) 120-9387
Leonid I.Tsedilin - Ph.D. (Econ.) leading research officer. Sphere of academic interests covers research in the sphere of Ordo-liberal and evolutionary economic theory, economic problems of Eastern Germany. Responsible secretary of "Politeconom" Russian-German magazine. Member of the Dissertation Council conferring candidate of science degree.
phone number: (495) 120-9387
Andrei V.Vernikov - Ph.D. (Econ.), leading research officer. Member of editorial board for "Dengi i Kredit" ("Money and Credit") journal. Sphere of research interests – transitional economy, banking and financial sector, institutional economics.
phone number: (495) 120-9387
Selected publications
Ivan N. Buzdalov
Agrarian Reform in Russia: Concepts, Experience, Problems (in co-authorship). Moscow, ERD, 2002.
Agrarian Policy and Peasantry."Power, Business, Peasantry: a Mechanism of Effective Interaction". Moscow, 2002.
Policy of Market Reforms in Agrarian Sector: Strategy, Results of the Decade, Implementation Perspectives. In: New Tendencies in Agrarian Policy and Coping with Agrarian Crisis in Transforming Russia. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2002.
Agrarian Policy of RF Under Transition. Moscow, ERD, 2005 (in coauthorship).
Agrarian Protectionism Under Market Reforms Conditions and Globalization Process. "Vestnik of RGNF", 2005, No 3.
On Socio-Economic Character of Poverty. "Russia and the Contemporary World", 2005, No 2.
Marina A. Deryabina
Privatization, Property, Control: a Shift of Priorities. Research Paper, Moscow, EPIKON, 2001.
Institutional Aspects of Post-Socialist Transitions. "Economic Issues", 2001, No 2.
Tendencies of Transforming Russian Regions into Independent Economic Subjects. Research Paper, Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003.
Theoretical and Practical Aspects for Reforming Natural Monopolies. Moscow, EPIKON, 2005.
Ruben N. Evstigneev
From Crisis to Growth. Moscow, URSS, 1998.
Evstigneev R.N., M.A. Deryabina, Nesterenko A. Reforming Federal Relations in Russia (from a Competitive Federalism Standpoint)."Economic Issues", 2000, No 10.
Open Letter to President V.V.Putin on Reforming Federal System in Russia (in co-authorship with M. Deryabina, A. Nesterenko). "Politeconom", 2000, No 14.
Russia and Economic Globalization/ "Social Sciences and Modernity". 2000, No 2.
The Development of Economic Relations Along the "Centre-Territory" Line in Russia. Moscow, 2000.
The Relations Between Federal Government and Regions in Russia. "International Dialogue", 2000, No 2.
An Original View on Economic Transformation in Russia. In: Ten Years of Economic Transformation, Volume 1. Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2001 (in co-authorship with L.Evstigneeva).
Economic Globalization and Post-Modernity. "Social Sciences and Modernity". 2001, No 1 (in co-authorship).
Liberal Policy in the German Style. "World Economics and International Relations", 2003, No 4.
Ten Years of Economic Reforms in Central and East European Countries. "Russia and the Contemporary World", 2003, No 1.
Russia's Self-Identification and the Formation of a New Regional Union. "Voprosy Ekonomiki", 2004, No 6 (in co-authorship with L. P. Evstigneyeva).
Economic Growth: Liberal Alternative. Moscow: Nauka, 2005 (in coauthorship).
Wordless Knowledge. Economist’s Recollections. Moscow: Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2006.
Boris E. Frumkin
Central and East European Countries' Agrarian Policy as a Factor of the Enlarged EU Single Agricultural Policy. In: New Tendencies in Agrarian Policy and Coping with Agrarian Crisis in Transforming Russia. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003.
Land Law in Central and East European Countries. "Land Herald of Russia", 2002, No 1.
The Economic Relationship Between Russia and Europe: Current Situation and Energy Trends. In: Russia and Europe: Putin's Foreign policy. SNDC, Stokholm, 2002.
Rosja 2002: raport r trausformacji (in co-authorship). IW, Warszawa, 2002.
General Agricultural Policy of EU and New Member-States. "The World of Transformations", 2005, No 1.
Gennady S. Lisichkin
A Trap for Reformers. Moscow, Akademkniga, 2002.
Bondsmen Forever, "Trud", 09.08.2005
On Chicken Sticks (on Village Problems). "Business, Organization, Strategy, Systems" (BOSS), 2005, No 1.
What Hinders Reform Process? BOSS, 2005, No 2.
Tatjana Yu.Litvinenko
Taxation in Polish Transition Economy (in co-authorship with Kuligin P.I.). "Rules of play", 2000, No 4.
Taxation Policy and Economic Growth under Transition: Polish Experience (in co-authorship with P.Kuligin). "Bulletin of Scientific Information of IIEPS RAS", 2001, No 2.
Poland: Development of Legislation on Business Competition (in co-authorship with P.Kuligin). "Rules of play", 2002, No 3.
Corporate Relations and Corporate Structure in Transition Economy (in co-authorship with M.Deryabina). "The Bulletin of Scientific Information of IIEPS RAS", 2004, No 1.
Lyubov' V. Popova
The Political Aspect of Russia's WTO Accession. "Agrarian Russia", 2003, No 1.
Cooperative Sector in Romania's Economy. "Agrarian Russia", 2003, No 2.
Food Safety of Russia and Regional Specific Character. "Russia and the Contemporary World", 2005, No 2.
Forms of Natural Resource Rent in Russia. "Voprosy economiki", 2005, No 2.
Leonid I.Tsedilin
Articles and notes in "Politekonom" journal, 1996-2001.
Expansion of EU and Economic Perspectives of Eastern Germany. Scientific Paper. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005.
EU Expansion and the Perspectives of East German Lands. "Voprosy Ekonomiki", 2005, No 4.
Andrei V.Vernikov
Where to Find Money for the Banks. "Expert", 2000, No 41, October 30.
Russian Banks with Foreign Capital. In: Russian Economy on New Ways. Ed. by E.I. Goyzman and R.N. Evstigneyeva. Мoscow, Academy of National Economy and Heyward: CSUH, 2001, No 10.
Assessing the Scope of Foreign Banks Presence. "Dengi i Kredit" ("Money and credit") journal, 2002, No 1.
Strategies of Foreign Banks in Russia. "Voprosi Ekonomiki" ("Economic Issues") journal, 2002, No 12.
Foreign banks in Eastern Europe. "Mirovaya Economika i Mezhdunarodniye Otnosheniya" ("World Economy and International Relations") journal), 2003, No 8.
Revisited Banking System in Russia. "Dengi i Kredit" ("Money and credit") journal, 2003, No 10.
Banking Sector Liberalization and the Impact of Foreign Banks: the Case of Russia. "TIGER Working Paper", No.65, Warsaw, September 2004.
Foreign Banks and Quality of Corporate Management. "Dengi i Kredit" ("Money and credit") journal, 2004, No 9.
Foreign Banks in Russia: Daughter Enterprises or Branches? "Dengi i Kredit" ("Money and credit") journal, 2004, No 6.
Banks will Come and Money will Come. "Expert-Ukraine" journal (Kiev),2004, No 2 (02), November 29.
Terrible and Not so Much Terrible "Daughters". "Expert", 2004, No 46 (446), December 6.
Foreign Banks in Transitional Economy: Comparative Analysis. Мoscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005.
Private Savings and Foreign Banks. "Dengi i Kredit'' ("Money and credit") journal, 2005, No 2.
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