Name: ______Class: ______


Boycott –

Smuggling –

Liberty Boys –

Militias –

Patriots –

Tories -

Short Answer

What was the French and Indian War known as in Europe?

Who did the French fight during the French and Indian War?

Due to the Treaty of Paris of 1763, where was Georgia’s western border moved?

Who was the Royal Governor of Georgia during the Revolutionary War?

Why did Great Britain tax the colonists?

What were the British soldiers called?

Where were the 1st shots of the Revolutionary War were fired?

When were the 1st shots of the Revolutionary War were fired?

What were the consequences of the Stamp Act in Georgia?

What was another name for the American Revolutionary War?

When did the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence?

Why wasanti-British sentiment less in Georgia than in other colonies during the Revolutionary period?

Why was the only colony that did NOT attend the 1st Continental CongressGeorgia?

Which country fought on the side of the Americans?

Who was the commander of the American Continental Army?

Who was the commander of the British Army at Yorktown?

What were the advantage for the Americans in the war?

What were the causes of the American Revolutionary War?

Who led the army in the battle ofBattle of Kettle Creek?

Who were the signers of the Declaration of Independence for Georgia?

The end of the war is considered to be when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown. When did this take place?

Who wrote most of the Declaration of Independence?

Why was the Battle of Kettle Creek important?

Which British policy had the greatest affect on Georgia?

The Intolerable Acts were passed to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party. What did the acts do?

What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

Who was Nancy Hart?

Who was Austin Dabney?

What did Thomas Payne write and what did it accomplish?

Put the following events in order of their occurrence.

A. Boston MassacreB. French & Indian War

C. Surrender at YorktownD. Declaration of Independence.

According to the Treaty of Paris of 1783 what were the United States boundaries?

North ______

East ______




Explain the colonists’ pre-war slogan “No taxation without representation.” Do you think the colonists were right to protest the taxes? Explain your answer completely.

Explain in complete sentences, how two of the following led to the American Revolutionary War. Give specific acts, taxes, or events as examples to explain or support your answer. You may answer all three and mark one for extra credit.

A. LandB. Trade/ TaxesC. Events