Your Year of Miracles - Hair Skin & Nails
Good morning everyone and welcome to your year of miracles. Today, we're gonna be doing hair, skin, and nails. And that's gonna be amazing, right? I just had my hair shortened a whole lot because my darling daughter has discovered how to rip it all out. So her grasping thing is been really exciting. So we just shortened it a whole lot.
But I wanna welcome all of you to the call and we're gonna be working on getting you looking a lot better, and feeling a lot better with the hair, skin, and nails. And welcome to the new people joining us today and also for those of you who are coming in for second round. You'll notice we added a whole lot to the clearings.
And little Adelia actually started pumping about 15 minutes ago. She's been opening and closing her hand down in her little chair. She was watching while we get ready. So she's all excited about the class today. Aren't you? oh yeah. You're looking-- you're figuring it out, aren't you? There we go. Yeah. All ready.
Okay, so. Welcome, everyone. Please do sign in. Nila, Paula, Trevor, Susan, Margo, Laurel. Oops. Oh big burp. Cynthia, Julie, so. Welcome everyone and keep signing in as you're arriving here and we'll start with our opening mantra. Or blessing rather. Our love wisdom affirmation. oopsie. I wonder what's going on there. Okay. So much to adjust the screen so it's not quite, so. There we go. Perfect. Okay. Cindy, Felipe, Seval, Trinity, Kristine, and Roxanne. Welcome. Okay. Here we go.
"I am free to live a life of spiritual freedom and full self expression, liberated in love, gratitude and mastery in this body here and now. My spirit is limitless. I'm responsible for any limits I experience in this body, and have completely access to the divine through prayer and contemplation to release myself from any human bonds I have worn as spiritual clothing that no longer resonate with my essence."
And just allow that affirmation to really become a part of you and free to let go. I'm free to live a life of spiritual freedom, of emotional freedom, of physical freedom. I'm free to be myself fully expressed. Living life in balance and in joy. And then the opening mantra. The opening blessing to remove the obstacles from our 3-hour class today. [Sings in Sanskrit from 00:03:09 to 00:04:31].
Okay. And we're going to do our demonstration. But before we do that, let's just pop down to the first clearing chart. Today, again, the topic is hair, skin, and nails. The skin is the largest illumination organ. So we'll be working on improving that clearing failure programs for the hair, skin ,and nails. Balding, we're gonna be removing balding anomalies and programs. And focusing on regeneration in the second part of the class.
Probably the last hour, we'll be doing regeneration. You know, the big work really is to get the clearings done. This is the clearing for healthy fully functioning skin. Free of blemish, rash, and disease. Removing domination, suppression, and control.
As you can see, there's a lot of emotional anchors in here. Hatred, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, blame, greed, crushed, embarrassed, hurt, irritated, nervous, sad, envy, shame, frustration, fear, glee, and sorrow. As well as our programs and spiritual interferences.
I couldn't hear. I actually checked to see where there anchors that weren't associated with a specific spiritual interference. Maybe where anchors that were left behind that affected that didn't have a spiritual interference and sure enough, seeds, permeations, auditory scions, and nanotechnology were anchors that didn't have, in this case, were potential problems that were left behind that didn't have a spiritual interference, so.
We've included those as well as the spiritual interference and their anchor, so. It's a long list. So if you wanted to get started on this, we say the double pump is gonna be your best pump for that. After we finish that clearing, we'll be going on to the hair clearing which is also quite complex. And then finally, we'll be going into the nail clearing. So we've got some nice big long list to clear.
And let's see here. We've gotta figure what's going on here. Wiggle worm. What's the wiggle worm doing. What's the little wiggle worm doing? So you can just go ahead and start pumping on the first chart. And that's a double pump. So just going to the first chart.
And then the demonstrations on the quantum pump. Here we go. We're back in. There. Now you can see. You just wanted to see yourself there? You wanna see mommy? Let's see. She's ready for her nap. So that might be she's asleep in a second. Hey there little walking. There. Okay.
The single pump is this. Little chubby girl. Single pump here. And then the double pump is the two-handed. You're keeping your fingers loose. The elbow is down at the side and you're pumping forward. So that's the single pump. The double pump is both hands. Oh. Hey. Hey you headbanger. You wanna stand up? You want to stand up?
The double pump is this. Okay. And then I'll do the other demos in just a few minutes. I'm gonna give her a little milk and she's gonna go to sleep. So I will put the clearing on the chart and get started with the clearing right away. Yeah. Are you just ready to fall asleep? Is that what's going on with you? You were so excited. You're a little girl, so you get sleepy real fast.
Okay. And welcome to-- let's see. Trinity is excited to be here. Patrice, Jackie, and Limmy from Estonia, and Linda. Good morning to everyone. So we are really excited to be here and doing this wonderful activation right before the holidays, so. It's a good time to be renewing and strengthening. Especially those things that help with self esteem and confidence.
Right, permission, and ability to enjoy fully functioning skin. Free of blemish, rash, disease. Removing domination, suppression, and control. Lucifer stops, bloodline, clan, demonic curses, evil spirit curses ,trauma, karma, spirals. And this is kind of newer where we've added spirals meaning it's a nonlinear progression of time. Where everything exist all at once.
And so sometimes, we have to remove it from all planes at the same time. Then that's-- it's similar to a timeline but different. So it's--yeah. There she is. Sound asleep. So if you were interested in reading about the actual spirals, you could onto the blog. I think there's 3 blog articles that are more recent.
They were from about a year ago that I put up on the nonlinear progression of time. You can find those interesting. That's something that is curious to you. And some of that experience of deja vu comes from the spiral phenomena. So that you're progressing because of the way that our experiences and our mind is we experience the timeline that goes from birth to death.
What if everything existed all that once? That you're-- before birth, your after birth, your entire life all plays out at the same time and exist in a spiral. So there's a linear progression for your understanding and your growth. But it's all happening all at the same time. And that's what the conversation on the spiral is. Good morning to Linda.
We look also at trauma and karma. Trauma would be something that was traumatic in this life where karma would be something traumatic from a past life coming forward into this life needing to be resolved. And if it doesn't get resolved in this life, then it keeps going forward. Trauma is simply from this life. Some kind of trauma, whether physical or emotional trauma, mental trauma.
And if you're new to our program, atheist thought forms are though forms that people have that they believe they can't heal. They can't transform. That this is the way it is. It's always the way it is. It's kind of a hypnotic convinced yourself that this is it. This is the way it's always gonna be.
Medical control energy is notorious for implanting in the minds of people, you know, that you're sick or you gotta be worried or there's no healing this, we're just gonna give your drugs forever to treat the symptoms. And that they're the authorities, so we put a control energy that has you line up with their belief system.
So we'll just go back into the demonstration now. So the double pump is what everyone is doing for the first clearing. Double pump. Single pump is the elbow at the side and the hand just falling forward. And the double pump is the elbows at the side and I do it alternatingly. But some people do the double pump this way. So whatever is comfortable with you.
We may switch to the platter at some point. That's the hand facing forward and then the hand, the palm facing up. The doorknob, it's very similar too. If you've seen the doorknob, so platter is like that.
Chopping is like this where the double pump is like this. So the fingers are loose and the difference is the fingers are together. Chopping. Chopping and doorknob, we just use for spiritual interferences. We typically don't use it for a clearing turn.
And then the muscle testing is in the ring finger on the right hand pressing down. My name is Julie Renee. My name is Bozo the clown. Donald Trump is a hundred percent good for this country. 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30. Donald Trump is 30 percent good for this country. Donald Trump will make an excellent president in 4 years. 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8. Well, we'll just have to wait and see. We'll just see what happens.
So you can muscle test just anything. I know that's been-- he's been naming different people and there have been all kinds of different things sprung up. But know that everything is in divine right order even if it looks really crazy. So trust that there is a divine plan. Okay. So we're gonna go back to the chart.
Alright. So we are all settled in. So everybody is pumping for the first clearing. Okay, so. Let's go through a little bit more on the quantum pump itself, so. The quantum pump works because we're in the quantum field and we're always in the quantum field because we're part of the quantum field of that oneness field.
And so it makes a lot of sense with spirituality and the field of oneness when you think about that. We're always made up of particles vibrating and we're always related to others, so. Based on the particles are vibrating, we're related to all the people on the call. We're related to the flowers and the globe and whatever because everything is that particles vibrating that's what's making the field of the quantum field up.
And then we're re-arranging it by setting an intention with our mind and then doing one of the pump versions, so. That's how we're accessing the quantum field. Now, that my sweetheart's in bed, single pump is the hand dropping forward. And like that. And dropping forward.
And then the double pump. Double pump looks like that. And then let's see. The-- let's see here. Okay. And then the next one would be the discreet pump which is the flutter on the side. The hand flutter on the side. And this is how it looks. It just looks like a little hand flutter on the side.
The foot pump-- let's see here. My office has become filled with toys. The foot pump is the ankle pumping forward. So that you can do, if your hands get tired and you wanna keep pumping, you can pump with your feet. Yeah. I think that we covered everything.
Then just to review, the ones we'll probably use today are the quantum pump, single, double pump. So again, elbows are tucked in neatly to your waistline. People say, "There are were the muscles get tired." If you use the way I show you to tuck the arm in so it's sitting at the top of the hip, ladies, and for men, at the waistline, that your in alignment with your shoulder here and just dropping forward.
This is the gonna be the least wear and tear in the body. And also keeping the wrist and hand pretty much in the same plane so you're not going like this or like this. Not doing some weird convulsion with your wrist. You're literally just in the same place. You see that? That's the same plane. It's not really-- there's not a lot happening there. It's just the hand falling forward and coming back.
So if you do it in the way that I teach you, there's not a lot of strain anymore. It's just actually a reflex with very little use of muscle, even, so. That could be something that could help you. If you're doing something a little goofy. This one is a little more, because you are. But then again, I want you to see this; the wrist stays the same and the twist is actually in the fingers.
So there's not a lot of happening again. A little bit happening with the wrist, but where the turn is happening, the platter is-- it's happening in the fingers. Not so much the wrist. Let me show you the whole thing. And so yeah. A little bit in the wrist.
But you're not doing this kind of a thing which would be exhausting eventually to the wrist. You know, it would probably, cause carpal tunnel if you did it all day long, so. Keeping this in a flat plane, the hand, and the arm. And so I think that that might be a shift that's some of you could make that field better.
Muscle testing. I've seen people muscle test from my students and just been so surprised with what people will accidentally and I can't help but wonder if spiritual interferences are making them not see what I'm doing, so. Some people go like this. Like that. For muscle testing, you're gonna get any answer. So they're going from this way instead of up and down. It's only up and down.
And some people are pushing backwards. I don't even know how you could see that, to push backwards. But some people are pushing up instead of down. And so you wanna push it down. So I think that if you can fine tune that, I think that that's gonna be really helpful. Okay. Wonderful.
And I'd love to hear what you see is possible for yourself in this class. If you're looking for a transformation. I have amazing hair and I've got-- I'd have a little skin irritation on my upper part of my body that I'd love to get release and also my nails have not been perfect the last couple of years, so. Even though, they maintained their hardness, they've got some ridges going on in them.
So for me, I'm looking at a transformation in my upper torso skin and the smoothness of my nails, so. What are you looking forward today in this transformation? And for the very first time, we've added the emotions and there are a whole lot of emotions. Emotional anchors. So much so that I just went of kind of like a paragraph here and you know, instead of a running list like we normally do because there was just so many of them, so.
That's the first time that we've done that and those. And also now, first time, we really identifying the alien type. If it's a type, like a type 5, a reptoid, but we're also identifying the name. And the anchor that they're anchored in on for the problem, so. This is a deeper clearing than we've ever done and it's including much more than we've ever included before.
Margo, "I would like to let go of my psoriasis." Beautiful. "Looking to get rid of nail ridges, wrinkles, and creepy skin, and thinning hair." Thank you, Nila. Roxanne, "I would like my skin to be smooth and clear like it was when I was younger." Lovely, Roxanne. Yeah. Beautiful.
Okay. So we got 3 people declaring what they'd like and 52 people sitting in the background going, "Oh I don't know if I wanna say anything." Say something. Or maybe you're all just typing books. You're writing something that's really long.
"I'm desiring thicker ruler hair." Okay. And that's from Linda. And Seval, "I wanna be free of acne, and I want my vibrant firm face again. I wanna stop hair loss and lose the grey and I want my hair again like it was when I was 20." Great. And Susan, "I'm releasing thin hair. Clear skin of dark spots and eczema, ridges and nails." Smoother firm skin for Linda.
Laurel, "I have to intent to clear my eczema, thickening hair, and stronger nails." Beautiful. And Paula, "Get rid of age spots on skin and clearing hardened nails." Okay. "And I would like to say goodbye to the moles on my skin in my body and get stronger nails." And that's from Limmy. Beautiful. Beautiful.
So we progress on this clearing; right, permission, ability to enjoy fully functioning skin free of blemish rash, disease, removing domination, suppression, and control. Okay. More coming here. Felipe, "I want to have my hairs back in full and natural color, not grey." Okay. "Thicker luxurious hair. Beautiful firm skin and lovely nails." Catherine. That's Nila. Catherine, "Everything that Nila mentioned and plus some acne pits especially white hard bumps on my skins especially on face, shoulders, and joints." Okay, Catherine.