Hi-Life Yearbook Photography Project


·  Sign-out school camera or use your own (360dpi) minimum to take photos that meet the criteria below. You must use the sign out sheet for camera use.

·  Upload a minimum of 10 photos for this project (if you have more than 10 good, quality photos you will receive extra credit points).

·  Full points will be awarded on photo projects that have all of the Who, What, When, Where and photographer name, info data on each photo uploaded (use Balfour public upload or just sign-in to Studio Works and import your photos to the Yearbook Photography Project folder).

Choose 5 of these types of shots:

·  A single individual engaged in a learning activity.

·  A shot of a teacher and a student engaged in a learning activity.

·  A head shot of a single individual.

·  A group of at least 4 people not in the Yearbook.

·  A photo taken in a classroom setting.

·  A school spirit shot taken at a school function: rally, assembly, ball game, etc.

·  A sports action photo of an athlete (game or practice).

·  A sports action photo with an athlete and the ball clearly in the frame.

·  A photo of an athlete on the sidelines of a game or in conference with a coach or another player.

·  A photo of at least 2 members in an organization engaged in an activity for that organization. (All club activities or practices).

·  Any photos that highlight the theme STAND OUT (extra credit!)

Use two of these techniques:

·  A miscellaneous shot, student’s choice, with unique composition.

·  A photo shot from an interesting angle

·  A photo utilizing the rule of thirds

·  A photo with impact or emotion

Grading Rubric:

Assignment Requirements
The student will fill in which shot option and which technique they selected to use in their portfolio. / Points
Possible / Points
Shots # 1 - 2 / 10
Shots # 3 - 4 / 10
Shots # 5 - 6 / 10
Shots # 7 - 8 / 10
Shots # 9 - 10 / 10
Technique #1 / 10
Technique #2 / 10
Responsible use of the camera – Used Camera Sign Out form to sign out/in camera time / 10
Pictures placed in the public upload folder / 10
Photos have all upload information filled in Who, What, When, Where and photographer name / 10
-10% late penalty if the Portfolio is not submitted by the deadline of Monday, September 14th / -10
Total Points / 100
