God’s Loving Plan

Recommended Resources

Stage / Recommended Resources / Curricular Links
P1 / ·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p1-creation.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p1-i-am-unique.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p1-those-who-care.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p1-belonging.html
·  Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary (pages: 20- 23, 17-18)
·  Quality Circle Time- Jenny Mosley (units 1, 2, 5, 6, 8)
·  Bounceback (Unit 8 – bullying, Unit 2 – emotions)
·  Glasgow SHRE (P1 lesson 4 and lesson 2)
·  God’s Loving Plan CD (worksheets 1-6) / Science:
·  living and non-living things
·  Growing and caring for plants
·  New birth in spring
·  Nature walks
·  Senses
Expressive arts :
·  Music of the seasons
·  Singing ‘I am special’
·  Self portrait
·  Food production and journey
·  Bullying
·  Feelings and emotions
·  friendships
Social Studies:
·  People who help us
P2 / ·  God’s Loving Plan CD (worksheets 1-7)
·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p2-my-uniqueness.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p2-jesus-family-and-ours.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p2-community-of-faith.html
·  Glasgow SHRE (P2 Lesson 1, Lesson 4)
·  Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary (P1 pg 30, P2 pg 25-29,31)
·  www.sciaf.org
·  www.missionmattersscotland.org
·  Quality Circle Time- Jenny Mosley (Unit 1, Unit 5, Unit 6, Unit 8)
·  Bounceback (Unit 5, Unit 8) / Science:
·  living and non-living things
·  Growing and caring for plants
·  Seasons
Religious Education:
·  Charities
·  Parish groups
·  Advent and Christmas
·  Chaplain visit
Expressive arts :
·  Music of the seasons
·  Singing ‘I am special’
·  Self portrait
·  Food production and journey
·  Bullying
·  Feelings and emotions
·  Bouncing back
·  Relationships
·  Friendship
·  Hygiene
Social Studies:
·  People who help us
P3 / ·  God’s Loving Plan CD (P3 worksheets 1-3)
·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p3-gods-beautiful-creation.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/our-good-work.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p3-relationships.html
·  Glasgow SHRE (P3 Lesson 1, P3 Lesson 2)
·  Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary (P3 pg 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40)
·  www.bibleforchildren.org/languages/english/stories.php
·  www.appleseeds.org/canticle.htm
·  Quality Circle Time- Jenny Mosley (Unit 1, Unit 2)
·  Bounceback (Unit 1, 2 and 5) / Literacy:
·  Fiction – character choices, feelings
·  living and non-living things
·  Seasons: Spring & Autumn
·  Farming
·  Gender: differences and similarities
·  Physical differences Naming of some genital parts
·  Hygiene
·  Healthy Food
·  Emotions
·  Bouncing back
·  Sleep
·  Exercise
·  Caring for myself and others
Religious Education:
·  Good Samaritan
·  Creation
·  Sacrament of Reconciliation
·  The Ten Commandments
·  The Greatest Commandment
Expressive Arts:
·  Drama – hot seating, freeze frame characters
P4 / ·  Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary (P4 pg 43-48, 50)
·  God’s Loving Plan CD (P4 worksheets 1 – 7)
·  Quality Circle Time- Jenny Mosley (Unit 1 and 2)
·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p4-church.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p4-life-of-jesus.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p4-living-the-word-of-god.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p4-sunday.html
·  Cybersmart: www.cybersmart.gov.au/Kids.aspx
·  Bounceback – Unit 2- Unit 5 / Literacy:
·  Fiction – character choices, feelings
·  Sun, moon, stars
·  Land and sea
·  Living and non-living things
·  Caring for plants/animals
·  Animal’s offspring
·  Life cycles
·  Food, health, nutrition
·  Sleep, diet and exercise
·  Smoking
·  Alcohol
·  Hygiene
·  Bouncing back
·  Friendship and relationships
·  Internet safety
P5 / ·  God’s Loving Plan CD (P5 worksheet 1)
·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p5-creationbaptism.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p5-calling-old-testament.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p5-calling-discpiles-of-jesus.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p5-pentecost-holy-spirit-and-prohpecy.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/jesus-through-art-the-man-born-blind.html
·  Quality Circle Time- Jenny Mosley
·  www.un.org/milleniumgoals
·  www.sciaf.org/uk
·  www.cafod.org/uk
·  www.missionmattersscotland.org
·  Rory Pack
·  Glasgow Health Pack - Drug, alcohol, tobacco
·  In:Tuition (Drinkaware lessons 1-3) http://www.intuitionkit.com
·  Police Scotland – drug education unit
·  Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary (P5 pg 62) / Literacy:
·  Fiction – character choices, feelings
·  Physical changes: getting taller, putting on/losing weight etc
·  Compare/contrast developments: baby/toddler/current age
·  Good body image
·  Personal hygiene
·  relationships
·  Personal safety
·  Internet safety
·  Stranger danger
·  Abuse
·  Rights and responsibilities
·  Rights of the child
Religious Education:
·  Sacrament of Reconciliation – healing and forgiveness (relationships)
P6 / ·  Seven Days of creation video: www.kids4truth.com/Dyna/Creation/English.aspx
·  God’s Loving Plan PPT and worksheets (P6 PPT parts 1-3 worksheets 1-8)
·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p6-justice-and-peace.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p6-humanity-and-sexuality.html
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p6-kingdom-of-god.html
·  Values for Life
P7 / ·  The Voice of Creation video www.kids4truth.com/Dyna/CreationsVoice/English.aspx
·  Before I knew You Video www.kids4truth.com/Dyna/Before.aspx
·  Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars:
·  www.rcdomeducation.org.uk/p7-creation-and-science.html
·  God’s Loving Plan PPT (P7 ppt 1-3)
·  Confirmation resources/workbook
·  Child Protection: www.nspcc.org.uk/inform.policyandpublicaffairs/scotland/guidance_wda88255.html
·  Thinking Skills programme
·  Artsnet programme
·  www.cybersmart.gov.au/Kids / Religious Education:
·  Preparing for Confirmation
·  Lenten programme
·  Free will