Weekly Prayer Intentions


We trust in the mercy and love of our Lord,Jesus Christ, who went to the margins toencounter the poor, vulnerable and outcast.We voice our own petitions, asking for ourneeds and the needs of our brothers andsisters all over the world, saying, “Lord,may we love as one human family.”


For the Singh family in India, whom weare remembering this week through CRSRice Bowl, and all those who struggle togrow crops amidst flooding and othernatural disasters. We pray to the Lord.

For our own community of faith, that weremember the words of Christ: “Whatever youdid for one of these least brothers or sisters ofmine, you did for me.” We pray to the Lord.


For Evelina in Zambia, whom we areremembering this week throughCRS Rice Bowl, and mothers, grandmothersand all women who work to provide nutritiousfood for their children. We pray to the Lord.

For our own community, that we mayfollow Pope Francis’ example in learningthe names, faces and stories of ourbrothers and sisters who are suffering

from hunger. We pray to the Lord.


For Fernando in El Salvador, whom weare remembering this week through CRSRice Bowl, and all young people strugglingto find meaningful work and provide fortheir families. We pray to the Lord.

For our own community of faith, that wepromote the rights of workers, rememberingthat Jesus worked, and that through ourwork, we remember that we are made in theimage and likeness of our God, who labored

through creation. We pray to the Lord.


For Maria and her community in Mexico,whom we are remembering this weekthrough CRS Rice Bowl, that they maycontinue to find strength and joy in the

time they spend planting and harvestingtogether. We pray to the Lord.

For our community of faith, that we maydeepen our relationship with Christ byrecognizing his face in the faces of our brothersand sisters in need. We pray to the Lord.


For Dita in Ethiopia, whom we are rememberingthis week through CRS Rice Bowl, and allthose affected by drought or lack of cleanwater, that life-giving rain may revitalize theirfields and their spirits. We pray to the Lord.

For our community of faith, that we do ourpart to preserve our natural environmentand be good stewards of the gifts Godhas given us. We pray to the Lord.


For those we met through CRS Rice Bowlthis Lent, and all people around the worldwho struggle to provide enough food tomeet their families’ daily needs, that theymay overcome the challenges of hungerand poverty. We pray to the Lord.

For our own community of faith, that wemay welcome the homeless, the lost andthe wandering, recognizing that Jesushimself lived without a permanent placeto call home. We pray to the Lord.