
1.  Rewrite a scene from the play in modern English. (Choose the scene wisely) min 2 pages-iambic pentameter.

2.  On fabric or paper, create a mural of the most significant events in the story.

3.  Research life in Macbeth’s Scotland. Include such topics as housing, food, clothing, religion, entertainment, social classes, politics, education, dating and marriage, and occupations.

4.  Design a t-shirt that could be sold at the production of Macbeth. Include a quotation from the play. Be sure to include the name of the play and the season in which it is playing.

5.  Research the life of Macbeth—the title character is a real Scottish historical figure. Report the highlights of his life.

6.  Make a model of the globe theater.

7.  Script a eulogy after Lady Macbeth’s death given by Macbeth.

8.  Read about captain donwald and his wife in Holinshed’s chronicles and compare and contrast them to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

9.  Imagine you are a political reporter assigned to Macbeth’s castle. Write a news story about the events that occurred the night Duncan was killed. Include in the first paragraph or two what happened, and why it happened. Because you are writing a news story, do not include opinion or information on events that were not public events, however, make sure to include the strange happenings in nature.

10.  Research the life and assassination plot of King James I and report the highlights.

2-4 people projects

1. Create a board game based on the characters and plot of this play. The board game should have pictures and/or words that represent places or happenings in the story. Be sure to include detailed directions that explain how to play the game.

2. Present a news broadcast of a “special report” on the death of Duncan. Interview family members and others involved in the event. If possible, dress in clothing reflective of that time.

3. When people go to a stage production, they always receive a program. Create a program for Macbeth that includes:

A. a cover

b. Two articles of general interest-restaurant reviews, fashion trends, news stories.

c. One article on the historical background of the play-globe theater, Shakespeare’s life, life in London.

D. act-by-act summaries (including songs if you choose a musical).

E. several advertisements as fillers.

4. Create a front page to the Scotland times (newspaper) the day after the death of Duncan or the day after the death of Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. Use newspaper format.