Meso- American GeographyName:



DIRECTIONS: Read and study the maps in History Alive, pg. 256-257. You may also refer to the maps on pg. 427-431. Answer the questions below.

  1. Which countries did the Inca civilization occupy?
  1. Which countries did the Mayan and Aztec civilizations occupy?
  1. What kinds of climates does Mexico have? Describe at least 4.
  1. What mountain range runs along the western border of South America?
  1. What two mountain ranges can be found in Mexico?
  1. What country is the YucatanPeninsula located?
  1. What two bodies of water surround the YucatanPeninsula?
  1. What physical feature runs along the western border of Chile?
  1. What kind of climate does Chile and Peru have?
  1. What are the two dominant climates of South America?
  1. How did humans arrive in North America and Meso-America?
  1. When did the Mayan civilization reach its peak? When did the Aztec and Inca Empires fall?

Which countries did the Inca civilization occupy? / Which countries did the Mayan and Aztec civilizations occupy? / What kinds of climates does Mexico have? Describe at least / What mountain range runs along the western border of South America?
What two mountain ranges can be found in Mexico? / What country is the YucatanPeninsula located? / What two bodies of water surround the YucatanPeninsula? / What physical feature runs along the western border of Chile?
What kind of climate does Chile and Peru have? / When did the Aztec and Inca Empires fall? / What are the two dominant climates of South America? / How did humans arrive in North America and Meso-America?
When did the Mayan civilization reach its peak? / What is a peninsula? Define. / Tenochtitlan was the capital city of what empire? / What foods were commonly grown by the Maya and Aztec?
Describe the landscape of Central America. / What regions does Meso-America refer to? / What country connects Meso-America to South America? / What three countries are considered part of North America?
What is the name of the rainforest in Mexico? / Name four cities that were part of the Mayan Empire. / What was the capital city of the Inca Empire? / Name two bodies of water the surround South America.
Name three things the Maya, Aztec, and Inca all shared in common. / What civilization inspired the Mayan Empire and its achievements? / Name two different countries that border Mexico in the south. / Sketch North, Central, and South America and show where the Maya, Aztec, and Inca Empires were located.