Spring into Reading:

Let your Imagination Grow

March 1 – 22, 2018

Dear BMES Families,
We are excited to bring back the BMES PTA READ-A-THON. All students are encouraged to participate. The best part is that 100% of the money collected from the READ-A-THONwill be used to support our school while promoting a lifelong love of reading.
All students who hand in theirREAD-A-THONforms will receive a specialty pencil and be included in a prize raffle. Students who read 250+ minutes will have a chance to win additional prizes, including Principal for the Day! The class with the highest percent of participation and the top three student readers will also win prizes.
We hope you’re excited to spring into reading and let your imagination grow! Thank you for your support & participation,

Here’s how it works:

  1. SPONSORS - Students will ask family and friends to sponsor them for the READ-A-THON. Use the Sponsorship Form to track your sponsors. Each sponsor will pledge to pay for each minute your children read (or are read to) or pay a flat fee for minutes read.
  2. READING–From March 1st-22nd students will read and record their minutes each day on the Minute Recording Sheet.Minutes, rather than books, are recorded to be fair for readers at every level.
  3. SUBMISSIONTO BMES PTA - After March 22nd, students will tally their minutes read and collect pledge money from sponsors. Put all forms and money in an envelope labeled PTA READ-A-THON and turn in to your teacher or main office to be placed in the PTA mailbox. All forms and money are due by April 5th in order to receive a participation prize and to be eligible for other raffles and prizes.


Start reading and recording your minutes on Thursday, March 1, 2018.You may read books, comic books, short stories, poems, magazines, or newspapers. Online reading also counts.

Use your Minute Reading Sheet to track your minutes read each day. Use your Sponsorship Form to keep track of your sponsors and how much they have pledged to donate.


Reading by yourself / Reading to someone else
Being read to / Reading assigned homework
Reading before or after school / Reading in any language
Reading on the bus, in the car, at Horizon or EBB / Attending BMES Reading Night (earn extra 20 minutes!)


Reading before March 1st / Reading after March 22nd
Reading during school hours / Playing video/computer games



All participating* readers / Receive a READ-A-THON pencil and entered into a raffle for Friends of the Library MC (FOLMC) book voucher
Students reading 250+ minutes / Entered into a prize raffle, including “PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY” raffle
Class with highest percentage of participation / Wins a pizza party and each student in class wins a FOLMC book voucher

*Participating is submitting a complete Minute Recording Sheet with or without sponsors.


Top 3 students(with most minutes read) / Gift cards for$75, $50, and $25 & FOLMC book voucher
Name: ______/ Grade: ______
Teacher: ______

Review the READ-A-THON rules. Starting March 1st, record the total number of minutes read daily in the calendar boxes (remember, reading time in school doesn’t count). Parents: please initial each day.

THUR 3/1 / FRI 3/2 / SAT 3/3
*READ-A-THON Kickoff assembly / *Character Dress up Day
SUN 3/4 / MON 3/5 / TUES 3/6 / WED 3/7 / THUR 3/8 / FRI 3/9 / SAT 3/10
*Pajama Day
SUN 3/11 / MON 3/12 / TUES 3/13 / WED 3/14 / THUR 3/15 / FRI 3/16 / SAT 3/17
*School Spirit Day
SUN 3/18 / MON 3/19 / TUES 3/20 / WED 3/21 / THUR 3/22
*Reading Night

Attended BMES Reading Night:  YES  NO (if YES, add 20 minutes to your total)

Total minutes read: ______

READ-A-THON Code of Conduct:

Character Counts in the BMES PTA READ-A-THON to make it a fun and fair activity for all students. We (parent and child) certify that we honestly tracked and reviewed the minutes read each day.

Parent signature: ______/ Child signature: ______
Name: ______/ Grade: ______
Teacher: ______

Dear Sponsor:

The Burnt Mills Elementary School (BMES) PTA READ-A-THON is a reading incentive program designed topromote a lifelong love of reading as well as raise funds for BMES PTA. All of the money raised during the READ-A-THONwill be used to support our school. Students will read (or be read to) during a 21-day period and ask sponsors for pledges for their minutes read. Thank you for supporting the students’ efforts to spring into reading!

All checks should be made payable to: Burnt Mills Elementary School PTA. Cash is also accepted.

Sponsor’s name / Sponsor’s phone number / Amount Pledged (Per minute OR
flat rate) / Total amount collected

Total minutes read: ______Total money raised (collected only): ______


Put all forms and money in an envelope labeled PTA READ-A-THON. Turn envelope into your teacher or main office to be placed in the PTA mailbox. All forms and money are due by April 5th in order to receive a participation prize and to be eligible for other raffles and prizes.

Dear BMES families,

Please give the donation forms below to your generous sponsors to serve as a record for their taxes.

For more information go to: / Page 1 of 6