PresentVicky Wilton, Practice Manager Calvert & Riverside

Sara Emmet, Practice Manager Kingston

Denise Wilkinson, Practice Manager Quays

Colin Watson, Riverside

John Crook, Quays

Janet Sabin, Quays

ApologiesHeraldo Richmond, Calvert

Robert Horsfall, Quays

  1. Notes of previous meeting
/ Item 3 –Patient Survey Slides - VW to chase Jo Scholes for the slides of the results of the patient survey, to be displayed in reception areas.
Item 4 – Grant Application - HR to action the grant application form.
Item 5 –Terms of Reference - CW felt that the TOR should be reviewed yearly. CW felt that the quorum of today’s meeting was not sufficient but was happy for meeting to go ahead. VW to bring copies to next meeting to discuss.
Item 7 - Open Access Clinic - discussed at item 2 later in these minutes.
Item 7 - Attendance at PPG meetings - VW raised that two people from Riverside are interested in attending however they had not done so thus far, VW to speak with them. SE has a patient who is keen on doing research of the practice and would be approached to join the group. Suggestions from members were to ask clinicians to persuade patients to join and also to have expressions of interest forms on reception for patients to fill in. Current members offered to meet and greet any new members who may feel awkward joining an established group. Members suggested sitting in waiting areas periodically to talk to patients about PPG and give out leaflets. Members to let their respective practice managers know when they are available to do this.
Item 7 - Reflexology – still no further on. PMS to chase head of service.
Item 7 - CCG – DW reported that Rob Thompson is no longer the Practice Manager rep and nominations are taking place to appoint a new rep. PMs to feedback to group once known. DW had previously emailed the latest information on CCG including structure etc and requested members to take a look.
Item 7 - Support Groups List – progressing by JC.
Item 7 - Population of Riverside Medical Centre – VW explained that she had analysed patients leaving and joining the practice list since 2010 (since CHCP established). DW to check whether any of these patients have moved to the Quays. Discussion on how list size could be increased eg. Leaflet drop in local shops and CW agreed to leaflet drop around is home address, bus stop advertising, eye catching poster. VW to produce leaflet in first instance. It was discussed that the bus stop advertising may be expensive. Other practices have advertising on the side of buses. VW to report back at a future meeting to report any impact.
Item 7 - Team Meeting Riverside – CW attended a recent team meeting. CW offered to attend flu clinic to try and up the numbers of PPG and also leaflet drop to try and up the patient numbers. JC would be happy to attend a future Quays meeting. JC and DW to arrange. / VW
  1. Action Plan Patient Survey
/ SE explained that an action plan was required and wished to discuss with the members today. Although the results were excellent there were one or two areas to look at which the meeting discussed and agreed. See attached action plan. Action plan to be posted on each practice website by 31 March 2013. / VW
  1. Newsletter
/ Members are reminded to submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter. The next one is due out at the end of April. / Members
4. Date and time of next meeting / Friday 24th May @ 12 noon, The Conservatory, Goodwin Centre.