U.S. History
We learn best when we create our own patterns. A one pager is a front/back notebook page concerning one chapter in your textbook. It is creative and experimental. It is imaginative and honest. It is a way of making your own pattern of unique understanding of this part of U.S. History class.
Steps to follow:
- Read the assigned chapter in the text: Chapter 10.
- As you read, jot notes in the graphic organizer to help in designing your one pager.
- Don’t forget to read headings, subheadings, and information found under illustrations and in the margins.
- Use one 8x11 blank sheet of paper to create your one pager. Use both sides.
- Keep in mind that an audience should be able to examine your one pager and understand the essence of this chapter.
Requirements for successful completion:
_____ As you read, pull out 5 important/meaningful quotations and write them word for
word – these are springboards to explore your own ideas.
_____ Include a minimum of 8 visual images related to significant or informative facts
from the chapter.
_____ Include 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
_____Identify and state the historical significance of 6 individuals in the chapter.
_____Describe and state the historical significance of 6 major issues (events, laws,
_____Make 3 personal statements about what you read. Be honest – what do you think
of this stuff?
_____Generate 2 questions about what you read…perhaps something you didn’t quite
understand, something you’d like to know more about, or something you think is
significant enough to be included on a quiz or test.
_____ On a separate sheet of paper copy the Critical Thinking questions on page 376 and answer all 4
Use color and design to make your mosaic even better!
Due: ______
Outline & Grading: Name ______
_____ /5 important/meaningful quotations
Page #Page #
Page #
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Page #
_____ /8 A minimum of 8 visual images related to significant or informative facts from the chapter. (list/describe pics)
_____/6 Include 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
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Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
_____/6 Identify and state the historical significance of 6 individuals in the chapter.
Page #Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
_____/6 Describe and state the historical significance of 6 major issues (events, laws, conflicts…)
Page #Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
Page #
_____/3 Make 3 personal statements about what you read. Be honest – what do you think of this stuff?
_____2/Generate 2 questions about what you read…perhaps something you didn’t quite understand, something you’d like to know more about, or something you think is significant enough to be included on a quiz or test.
_____ 8 On a separate sheet of paper copy the Critical Thinking questions on page 376 and answer all 4 thoughtfully. Answers must be typed.
_____8 Use color and design to make your mosaic even better!
52 points/______
___ /5 quotations
___ /8 8 visual images related
___ /6 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
___ /6 the historical significance of 4 individuals in the chapter.
___ /6 the historical significance of 4 major issues (events, laws, conflicts…)
___ /3 3 personal statements about what you read.
___ / 2 2 questions about what you read…
___ / 8 On a separate sheet of paper copy the Main Idea Questions on page 284 and answer all 4 thoughtfully. Answers must be typed.
___ /8 Use color and design to make your mosaic even better!
___ /5 quotations
___ /8 8 visual images related
___/6 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
___ /6 the historical significance of 4 individuals in the chapter.
___ /6 the historical significance of 4 major issues (events, laws, conflicts…)
___ /3 3 personal statements about what you read.
___ / 2 2 questions about what you read…
___ / 8 On a separate sheet of paper copy the Main Idea Questions on page 284 and answer all 4 thoughtfully. Answers must be typed.
___ /8 Use color and design to make your mosaic even better!
___ /5 quotations
___ /8 8 visual images related
___ /6 6 vocabulary words, defined in your own words
___/6 the historical significance of 4 individuals in the chapter.
___ /6 the historical significance of 4 major issues (events, laws, conflicts…)
___ /3 3 personal statements about what you read.
___ / 2 2 questions about what you read…
___ / 8 On a separate sheet of paper copy the Main Idea Questions on page 284 and answer all 4 thoughtfully. Answers must be typed.
___ /8 Use color and design to make your mosaic even better!