ACBAR Vacancy Format

RFQ Type / Provision of Vehicle on Rent
Highest Finished Education
RFQ / CSFO-0015
Title / Provision of Vehicle on Rent
Organization / Core Skill Focus Organization (CSFO)
City / Kabul
Duration / 12 Months
Announcing Date / 10-01-2017
Closing Date / 18-01-2017
Core Skills Focus Organization (CSFO) is a non-governmental, and non-profitable organization managed by highly qualified members of Afghan team for developing and conducting community based skill development; Core Skill Focus Organization (CSFO) is a the training and consulting firm working since 2008 and has successfully implemented Capacity training, assessment, feasibility study Vocational Training projects from NSDP/Molsmad, DAI/LGCD/USAID- Tawanmandi/British Council, Embassy, DAI, UNOPS,UNICEF, UNHCR, GIZ, , SCA , AWDP,of Afghanistan etc. during last eight years of its operations. Core Skill Focus Organization has also provided its professional and business development services to the commercial sector and civil society sector of Afghanistan. Core Skill Focus Organization (CSFO) has implemented projects in,,Kunar,Laghman,Nuristan,Kandahar,Urozgan,Parwan,Joazjan,Baghlan,Nangarhar,Herata,Paktika,Kunoz,Medan Wardak,Ghazni,Mazar Sharif.
The firm is consisting of full time professional individuals having training designing, instruction design, enterprise development, feasibility study, business strategies development, research, report writing and analysis expertise. Our team includes local and Foreign staff.
Our Key Services includes
Training and Capacity Building
Business plan and Feasibility Studies
Proposal Writing and Research Reporting
Assessment and Evaluation
Accounting and QuickBooks
Vocational Training
Economic development
Rural development
Agriculture and livestock development
Monitoring & as an Inspection agency
Scope of Work:
CSFO are looking to procure 2 vehicles (1 Super Custom, 1(سراچه for its Kabul headquarters.
CSFO are looking for a highly-quality service providers to provide vehicle on rent for a period of 12 months.
The Contractor will provide the vehicle with no defects or damages and must be operational and mission capable throughout the contract duration.
All components must be operational and vehicle with any defects will be rejected and must be replaced by the contractor with 24 hours upon receipt of notice.
The contractor will be responsible for the regular maintenance of the vehicles and if the vehicle is required for long hours for maintenance or major repair, the contractor must provide a replacement vehicle of the same model and make without additional charges to CSFO.
The Contractor will not be responsible to provide fuel and driver under this contact.
The Contractor is to provide vehicles on rent on a monthly basis.
Award Criteria :
The Contact will be awarded on the basis of the following award Criteria:
  • Authorization Letter
  • Price Schedule
  • Past Performance
  • Company License

Submission guidelines:

  • Submissions will only be accepted if they are returned via email to the following email address:
  • Hard copies will not be accepted

Submission Email :