Romeo & Juliet

Vocabulary Word List

  1. Pernicious: (adjective)

having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

"the pernicious influences of the mass media"

Synonyms: / harmful,damaging,destructive,injurious,hurtful,detrimental,deleterious,dangerous,adverse,inimical,unhealthy,unfavorable,bad,evil,baleful,wicked,malign,malevolent,malignant,noxious,poisonous,corrupting;
"a pernicious influence on society"
  1. Augment: (verb)

gerund or present participle:augmenting


make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.

"he augmented his summer income by painting houses"

synonyms: / increase,add to,supplement,build up,enlarge,expand,extend,raise,multiply,swell,grow;More
  1. Portentous: (adjective)

of or like a portent.

"the envelope and its portentous contents"

synonyms: / ominous,warning,premonitory,threatening,menacing,ill-omened,foreboding,inauspicious,unfavorable
"portentous signs"
  1. Posterity: (noun)

all future generations of people.

"the victims' names are recorded for posterity"

synonyms: / future generations,the future
"the names of those who died are recorded for posterity"
  1. Languish: (verb)

lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble.

"plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant"

synonyms: / weaken,deteriorate,decline;
  1. Heretic:(noun)

plural noun:heretics

  • a person believing in or practicing religious heresy; a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted.

synonyms: / dissenter,nonconformist,apostate,freethinker,iconoclast;
  1. Esteem: (noun)

respect and admiration, typically for a person.

"he was held in high esteem by colleagues"

synonyms: / respect,admiration,acclaim,approbation,appreciation,favor,recognition,honor,reverence;
  1. Obscured: (adjective)

not discovered or known about; uncertain.

"his origins and parentage are obscure"

synonyms: / unclear,uncertain,unknown,in doubt,doubtful,dubious,mysterious,hazy,vague,indeterminate,concealed,hidden
"the truth is that many aspects of a war's outcome remain obscure for years"
  1. Boisterous: (adjective)

(of a person, event, or behavior) noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.

"the boisterous conviviality associated with taverns of that period"

synonyms: / lively,animated,exuberant,spirited,rambunctious;
  1. Purge: (verb)

past tense:purged; past participle:purged

rid (someone) of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition, typically giving a sense of cathartic release.

"Bob had helpedpurgeMarthaofthe terrible guilt that had haunted her"

synonyms: / cleanse,clear,purify,wash,shrive,absolve
"he purged them of their doubt"
  1. Loathe: (verb)

feel intense dislike or disgust for.

"she loathed him on sight"

synonyms: / hate,detest,abhor,execrate,have a strong aversion to,feel repugnance toward,not be able to bear/stand,be repelled by