Visit of Pajaro Jai to Washington, DC Hosted by Panama RPCVs
Purpose of PCPF hosting Pajaro Jai:
- Promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of all Americans, the “Third Goal” of the Peace Corps.
- Open Pajaro Jai to public in Alexandria, VA
- Support Red Cross Days in Alexandria.
- Invite Panama-related groups to visit boat.
- Invite Peace Corps-related groups to visit boat.
- Publicize work of Peace Corps in Panama, focusing on volunteers’ work with indigenous groups.
- Continuing contributions of former volunteers to development.
- Reunion for former Peace Corps volunteers, staff who served in Panama.
Schedule and Location:
Pajaro Jai should arrive in DC area Thursday, June 15 and be here for 7 – 10 days. We plan to obtain dock space in Alexandria.
Day 1.Thursday, June 15: Pajaro Jai Arrives in Alexandria
- Dinner and meeting of PCPF Directiva on board in evening.
Day 2.Friday, June 16: Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival
- Prepare for 25th AnnualAlexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival
Day 3.Saturday, June 17: Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival
- Responsible: Steve Spangler
- Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival
- Red Cross Contact: Sharon Grant 703 299 2508
Day 4.Sunday, June 18: Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival
Day 5.Monday, June 19: Peace Corps, Congress and National Peace Corps Association
- Responsible: Bud Keith, Steve Spangler & Jim Brunton
- Publicity: Valerie Whiting
- Peace Corps Contact: Allen Zanger 202 692 2510
Day 6.Tuesday, June 20: Panamanian Embassy and Fundación de Panamá
- Responsible: Sarah Berghorst and Sarah Schmidt
Day 7.Wednesday, June 21: Open Night
- Responsible: Jamie, Bud, Sarah, Justin, Jerry, Sarah & Steve
- Dinner cruise for PCPF Directiva, family and friends?
Day 8.Thursday, June 22: SmithsonianMuseum of the American Indian and Smithsonian TropicalResearchInstitute
- Responsible: Justin Mortensen 202 1234567
- Publicity: Valerie Whiting
- Smithsonian contact:
Day 9.Friday, June 23: RPCV Night
- Responsible: Jerry Lutes
Day 10.Saturday, June 24: PCPF Reunion
- Responsible: Jamie Thornberry
- Nationwide PCPF reunion and party, including cruise on the Potomac
- Boat open to public during day
- Participate in 25th annual Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival at OronocoBayPark, Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, June 17 & 18. The Red Cross uses this event to raise critical funds for the Chapter.
- Red Cross: Sharon Grant, 703 299 2524
- Robinson Terminal for boat docking: Thom Unger 703 683 8455
PCPF Contact: ______
- Invite groups to tour Pajaro Jai as guests of boat builder, Embera Indians, and the Peace Corps Panama Friends Directiva.
- The Embera from the Darienplan to thank current and former Peace Corps directors and Peace Corps volunteers for supporting indigenous groups throughout the world.
- Fund raising for PCPF
- Invite groups to hold social events on boat.
Mission of Pajaro Jai:
The mission of the Pajaro Jai Foundation is to encourage the self-sufficiency of indigenous societies by finding ways to eliminate the dependencies that are often a consequence of efforts to aid these societies. Working with indigenous groups, and public and private organizations and NGOs, the Foundation aims, first to understand the root causes of failures in specific programs, and then to explore and invent modifications and/or alternative options designed to emphasize the development of self-sufficient individuals in healthy self-sufficient societies. Entrepreneurship, ownership, consequence, and responsibility are underscored in projects designed to respect the natural environment as well.