IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP)
IMPORTANT: DLP Chair must approve all speaker visits in advance of the trip. The Power Energy Society (PES) reimburses for inter-city travel for approved visits to Chapters. Local expenses are to be paid by the chapter.
Considering a DLP Speaker Visit
DLPis designed to support PES Chapters(Student chapters or PES Conferences should work together with the local PES Chapter for a Joint visit) / Be listed in the current DLP program or submit nomination materials.Arranging a Visit
Consider speakers from the current DLP list only. (Non-DLP speakers for lectures not covered in the current list may be considered under special circumstances. Obtain approval from DLP Chair before proceeding.)Contact the selected speaker to determine compatibility and arrange a date for the visit. / Accept Chapter invitation and agree on date for the visit.
If international travel is involved, consider organizing a joint visit with other Chapters in the area. Region and/or Chapters Representatives can help facilitate planning. / Work with organizing Chapter to consider a joint visit with other Chapters in the area.
Receive estimate of inter-city travel expenses from speaker. / Give Chapter an estimate of inter-city travel expenses (air travel, ground transportation). The airfare should be economical.
Obtain estimate of local expenses, to be paid by the Chapter. Agree with speaker on reimbursable amount. / Obtain estimate and agree on local expenses to be paid by Chapter (hotel, ground transportation, meals, registration, other).
Approval of a Visit
Submit a visit request to the DLP Chair at “”, copy the speaker and the Regional Representative. / Receive copy of Chapter request to the DLP Chair for your speaking engagement.Receive approval of request from the DLP Chair. / Receive copy of approval for visit from DLP Chair.
Preparing and On-Site
Confirm date and make all local arrangements.Request PES Promotional Material from Membership Services / Confirm date and purchase tickets.Request from the DLP Program Coordinator a set of slides about the PES to be included in the presentation
Provide speaker with details of the presentation site, expected attendance, and other arrangementswhich include IEEE/PES promotion (i.e. videos, PES brochures).Invite students from local universities. / Provide Chapter with presentation needs (audiovisual, helpers, material, etc.) and travel arrangements.
Make notes of topic, total attendance, technical content, oral presentation, and overall presentation for follow-up report to PES-DLP. / Deliver a lively presentation that showing excellence in technical content.
After a Visit
Send a thank you note to the speaker. / Submit an IEEE expense report for inter-city reimbursement along with all receipts in one pdf file to:Reimburse speaker for local expenses. / Submit a cover letter with request for reimbursement along with all receipts to the Chapter for reimbursement of local expenses.
Submit the “Follow-Up Form” to the DLP Chair. / Receive reimbursements from Chapter and DLP.
Note:Rules for DLP –Distinguished Lecturers should not request monetary compensation from Chapters or use the program as advertisement tool.