
Abba 189,211

Abortion 46-8,52

Abraham 78-9

A Brief History of Time126

Academia 89


Adam and Eve 85,96,189

Adaptation 64-5

Addictive greed 175

Age of the Universe 87-8

Agnostic 228

Algebra of Sets 109

Algebraic Abstraction 87

All Things Anew 61,221

Alpha and Omega 131-3, 158,182,217,219

Alter-Ego 218

Analogy 146

Androgyne 41,55

Animal copulation 42

Animal husbandry 43,80

Antioch 189

Anti-particle 151

Apocrypha 190

Aramaic 185,209

Archaeology 76-7,188,228

Archetypal Mother 158

Archiepiscopal Ordinariat, Turin 197

Aristotle 46,86,94

Aromatics 205-6

Art 29

Articles of Faith 87

Art of Contemplation 233

Asceticism 180

Aseistic Evolution 63

Aseistics 170,222

Aseity 68,74

Aseity speaks her mind 26

Aseity Inc. 59,173,208,223

Aseity’s Act-Art 159

Asexual Reproduction 34

Atoms 149,150

Atonement 207,210

Augustine 117

Aut...aut 103

Authority 75,84

Autosomes 43

Babylonian Captivity 77

Ball 152

Ban All Graffiti 20,115

Banks 178

Baptism 82

Barber Paradox 20,115

Beautiful Lady 8,215

Belly 235

Bernadette 8

Bible and Tradition 229

Bible 88

Big Bang 218

Binary Arithmetic 105-8

Biological Evolution 67

Biunity 80


Book of Revelation 3,26

Born again 233

Born of Woman 2

Brain-child 216

Breathing 234

British Museum 197

B.Sc. 110

Burali-Forti Paradox 118

Cain and Abel 77-8

Canaanite neighbours 77

Canon Law 49

Cantor, Georg 109,110,128

Cantorian Theory 19

Capitalism 224

Carbon Dating 201

Cardinal Ballestrero201,204

Cardinality of Sets 110,128

Cardinal Ratzinger 212

Case 160

Catalyst Capital 179,180

Catharsis 30,219

Cathartic Evolution 170

Catholic Church 186,189

Catholic Doctrine 215

Catholic Theology163,193,


Causality 28

Celibacy 91

Cell Reproduction 37

Cerebral Computer 54,136,139,145,222, 234

Cerebral Virus 96,214

Chalcolithic 228

Chance 59,67,72

Chaos Theory 62

Chemistry 179,180

Child of Man 4

Choice 61,65

Choreography 58

Christian Asceticism 180

Christian Church 86-7,184

Christianity 81-4,86-7,97,189,197,206

Christian Theology 98,111,196

Christmas 187

Christos 187-8

Chromosomes 35,43

Chronology 187

Church Fathers 75,125,195

Circle 152


Class of All Classes 117

Clitoris 34

Code of Hammurabi 78


Collective behaviour 73

Commodity 177-8

Common pool 91

Communion 53

Communism 224

Competition 217

Complementarity 101

Compounds 100

Computer brain 145

Concept 138

Conception 42,46,94,163

Conception of Jesus 194-5

Conjunction 99

Consciousness 29,152

Conservation of Parity 157

Conspiracy theories 201

Consistency 118,123

Consubstantial 139

Contemplation 132,142-5

Continuity of Life 34,45

Continuum 88,147,181,218

Contraception 53

Contradictions 119,123

Cooperation 217

Copernican Revolution 33

1 Corinthians 84

Cosmology 126

Cosmos 230-1

Counting 108

Creation 28,78,82,162-3,185

Creationism 58

Creation myths 82

Creatrix 163

Creed 185

Cretans 20,115


Cultural Evolution 23,48

Cultural Revolution 96

Custodial Ownership 224

Cybernetics 167,170

“Daddy” God 88-9,189,211

Darwin Charles 67

Darwinism 62,66,70-2

Dead Sea Scrolls 75,190

Debt 176-8

Debt-Money 177-8


Destructibility 150

Determinant 89,181

Diction 123

Dignitatis Personae 46

Dilemma 210

Diploid Zygote 38

Disjoint 112

Disjunction 100

Disobedience 83-4

Disparagement 96,214

Distinction 133

Distinction and Union 41,55

Divine Ancestress 79,228

Divine Maternity 42

Divine Paternity 34

Divorce 91

DNA 43

Dogmatic Theology 163

Do-It-Yourself 66,71

Domesticity 77

Double-headed arrow ↔ 3

Drama of the Cosmos 81,225

Drama of Aseity Inc. 180,218,220

Dramatis Personae180-1,218

Dreamtime 132

Dual foci 181

Duality 182

Dual-lobed circuitry 139

E=mc2 126

Early Church 75,96,184,187,213

Earth 59

Earth Goddess 25

Earth Mother 161

East and West 40

Ecology 167

Economic Entropy 174

Economic Growth 174-5

Economic slavery 162

Economics 175-9

Education 172

Egg and Sperm 41,54-5,88

Egg-laying Hen 29

Egg shape 153-4

Egg-sperm functioning 41

Ego-egg 1,6,44,159,163,185

Egypt 77

Einstein Relativity Theory 18, 126

Electromagnetic Radiation146

Electromagnetic Spectrum 148

Elizabeth 191

Ellipse 153-4

Ellipsoid 153

Elliptical orbit 154

Embryo 43,48-9

Emotional alternatives 224

Empty 28

Energy 151,168-9

Entropy 168-170

Epimenides 20,115


Epistles of Paul 215

Equilibrium 60,64,84

Equivalent 108

Essence and Existence 27

Essenes 190-2

Eucharist 53

Euclidean Geometry 119

Eve 88

Everything from an egg 33,159,161

Evil One 220

Evolution 34,38,56-7

Exclusive ‘or’ 100

Existentialism 9

Existential Relation 19

Existential Relativity 19,159,163

Externalities 95,162

Father 86

Father–God 81,184

Father of lies 81-3

Father-Son Relation 208

Fatima 8,211

Feedback 160,166

Female business 42

Female divinities 81

Feminism 161

Fertility 79

Field Unity 158

Finite universe158

Focus 154-6

Foetal brain 234

Foetus 48-9,139,153

Force-field Spirit 51

Foresight 59

Four Colour Theorem103

Fourth control sample 201,204

Fractals 126

Free Choice 102

Freedom 62,64-5,103,162

Freedom of choice 166

Free Will 103

Frege, Gottlob 109,118

Gabor, Dennis 127

Gaia 25

Gaian Hypothesis 22,99

Galileo Galilei33

Games 153

Gametes 36,45,47

Genes 43,88,138,231

Genesis 78,80

Genesis Rib 2/22-3:33,84-5,88

Genetic Programming 231

Geometry 152,181

Gestation 216,233

Global Theatre 81

Goddess 81,185

Goddess Worship 77,90

Gödel, Kurt 121

Gödel’s Reproof 118,120-2

Godfather of Lies 216

God the Father 185,189,209

Good 219

Good and Evil 81,83,166-7

Gospel 186-7,204-5

Graffiti 20,115

Grand Finale 225

Greed-culture 89

Greek Academies 86,97

Greek Philosophy 81,97,125

Greek Philosophers 86,152

Greek Theology 188

Greek translations 209

Growth 68,99,156-7,167,175,231

Haploid Cells 38

Hardy G 7

Hardy-Weinberg Law 60

Harvey, William 33

Hawking, Stephen 24,125,126

Heat 168

Hebrew Mythology 84

Hebrew Pantheon 81

Hebrew scribes 80,83

Hebrew tribes 77

Hen Bird’s Spirit 6

Hermaphrodite 41,55

Heisenberg 149

Heroic verse 9

Hetero- 31

Heterosexuality 82,85,96

Hildegard of Bingen 215

Hindsight 59

Historical observations 186

Holism 99

Hologram 127

Holography 127-8

Holy Spirit 26

Homo- 31

Homoiothermism 63,67

Homologous Structure 34

Homosexuality 82,90-1

Homosexual Trinity 111,189

Homunculi 46,94

Human Becoming 46

Human Being 46-7

Human consciousness 225

Humankind 30

Human mind 147

Human Mindset 147

Human Person 46

Human progression 218

Hypothesis 162

Hypothesis of Everything 162

i am 26

I AM 158


Iambic heartbeat 139

I AM–Thou Art 216,233

Idea 138

Iesus Christos 188

I-me-mine 90

Immanent Aseity 59

Immortality 35

Implicate form 128

Implosive recollection 77

Important factor 89

Incarnate Logos 189

Incarnation 193,214

Inclusive ‘or’ 100

Individual 35

Individuality 92,156

Inerrancy of Scripture 196 Infancy Narratives 187

Infinite sets 128

Infinity 128-130

Information Technology 107,145

Inerrancy 52,196

Inner Space 97,152

INRI 192

Inspiration 216

Intellectual homosexuality 90

Intelligence 218,232

Islamism 81-2

Israel 84

Israelite History 83

IT 145

Ius in corpore49

Jerusalem Bible 192

Jeshua 187

Jesus the Nazarene 185,187, 188,190,193-5,213

Jesus the Christ 188,193,195

Jewish Burial Ritual 205

Jewish Myth-Theology 188

Jewish Tradition 194,213

Johannine Mindset 84,189

John the Baptist 191

Joseph of Aramathea 191,204-6,209

Judaeo-Christian traditions184

Judaism 81-2

Judas 190

Jung, Carl Gustav 110

Kersten and Gruber 203,209

Kingdom of Heaven 90

King of the Jews 192

Knowledge 112,116,135,138

Knower and Known 138

Koran 176

Lamb of God 209

Language 152,220

Language Analysis 44,47,57,75,160

Laughter 136-7

Law of Cosmology 50,69,71,166

Law of Ecology 167

Law of Entropy 50,52,168

Law of Generation of Sets114

Law of Moses 78

Learning process 144

Leeuwenhoek 33

Left Lobe 40,55,235

Legal Person 44

Letters of Paul 186

Liberty 66

Life 29,68

Light 146-7

Linguistic Analysis 25,101,220

Literary devices 140

Literature 182

Living Whole 27

Logos Rule 114,130

Lord God Almighty 81,214

Lourdes 8

Love 165,225

Love’s Spirit 6

Lovelock, James 22,99

Madame Wu 157

Magisterium 195

Male Function 35-6,86

Male hegemony 89,221

Male man 50,84-6

Male superiority 33,82-4

Malice in Plunderland161

Mammon 222

Mandelbrot Sets 126-7

Man’s Business 48-9

Margulis, Lynn 22,99

Marriage of Mary and Joseph 193-4

Mary Magdalene 76,190,194,209

Mary, Mother of Jesus 193-5

Mary’s divine maternity 195

Masada 185,202

Masquerade 60

Mass - energy104

Master 194

Masters in Christendom 35, 74,86,96,195

Mathematical Logic 24,75,109,124-6,181

Matriarchal Culture 162,228

Matrimony 50

Matter 60,159,183

Meaning 140,182

Mechtild of Magdeburg 215

Medieval Forgery 201-2

Medieval Mindset 94

Medieval Schoolmen1,25

Meditation 132,143

Meiosis 39,94

Menstruation 45,51,79

Messiah 188,193,209,221

Messianic Kingdom 221

Metabolism 231

Metaphor 140

Metaphysics 17

Metaphysics of Holography 149

Metaphysics of Maternity 126

Methodology 162

Mind 182

Mindset 89,149

Mindset of all Mindsets 183

Mindsets in Transition 90

Mine 223

Mirrors 154-6

Mitosis 35

Modes of choice 165

Modern Philosophy 25

Money 174

Monotheism 76,78,82,88,90,161,211,217

Morality 170

Moral Theology 91

Mortality 34

Mortal sin 180

Mortification 180

Mother Earth 173

Mother Goddess 78-9

Motherhood 9-11

Motherless Children 162,214

Motherless Culture 81-84

Mother Nature 25,42,154,224,226

Mother Self of the Cosmos 24,81,90,126,235

Mother-Son relation 208 Mutability 150

Mutually exclusive 100

Myrrh and Aloes 205-6

Mysterium Magnum 98

Mystery 98

Mythology 93

Myths of male superiority89

Nag Hammadi 75,190

Narcissism 166

Natural Law 42,48

Natural Numbers 129

Natural Philosophy 23,159

Natural Religion 95

Natural Selection 57

Nature 51,170


Nazarene Reformer 185,187, 188,190,193

Nazarenes 188,190-3

Nazareth 188,192

Near and Middle East 77

Negative feedback 166-7, 170-1

Neo-Catholic Thealogy193

Neo-Christian Church 215

Neolithic 77,228

Neophytes 82

Neo-Platonism 181

Neumann-Bernays-Gödel 119

New Age 161

New Creation 208

New Jerusalem 92

New Mathematics 23,109,111

New Testament 186

Nicodemus 191,204-6,209,233-4

None 107

Nothing 28,163

Notone 107

Notre Dame 215

Notself 20,101,113,115

Notset 113

nous (Greek) 181

Nuclear Glue 226

Nuclear Physics 150

Number 105,108-9

Number Theory 98,107

Numerals 106

Obedience 84

Observer 28

Ockham’s Razor 20,116,124

Oedipus 221

Old Testament 77

Omnia ex Ovo94

One 105-110

One Commandment 170

Onenessof togetherness 165

Ontogeny 43

Operation of Selection 57

Opposite 102

Optics 154

Ordinal Numbers 118

Orgasm 53,63

Original Sin 96-7

Orthodoxy (Christian) 195

Other 101,113

Others 114-5

Otherness 39,42

Otherself 20,101,107

Our Lady 215

Our Lady’s Message 8,211

Ours 171

Ovaries 44-5

Ovoid 153

Ovoid nature ofconsciousness 152

Ovum 50

Paedophilia 91

Panentheism 1

Pantomime 58

Paradigm Shift 160

Paradoxes in Set Theory 131

Paradoxes in the Market Place 177-8

Parts 151,171,230

Particle 140,146-7,151

Parthenogenesis 77-8

Paternity 82,185,189,232

Patriarchal Culture 163,184,221

Patriarchal mindset 74,82,86,88-9,94,97,163

Patrilinearity 78

Paul’s Vision 210

Pauline Christianity 81-2, 85,125,184,186,213

Pauline Christology 97,234

Pauline mindset 84

Pauline Theology 186,207

Paul’s celibacy 214

Paul’s Conversion 188,210

Paul’s Vision of Heaven 8

Penis 34

Person 44-8,145

Personal growth 180

Phallus 80

Phases of existence 47-8

Philosophical Analysis54, 139

Philosophy 17

Phylogeny 43

Physics 157

Pilate 184,192

Placental Mammal 74,76,80

Planet Earth 59,224,232

Plasma 173

Plato 86

Plato’s Academy 152

Pluralism 116

Plurality 116

Pontifical Academy of

Sciences 197,201

Pope John Paul i, 213

Pope John Paul ii, 47

Positive feedback 166-7, 170-1

Potter 96

Power set 111

Prayer 138,222

Pregnancy 45

Pregnancy mimed 159

Pregnant Aseity 25,59

Pregnant Woman 25,139

Prime Numbers 124

Principle of Contradiction 102

Principia Mathematica118-20

Privatization 50,223

Privatize and Perish 160

Profit 174

Procession 41,161

Progression 161,218

Propagation of Species 94,164

Prototype mammal 88

Providence 229

Psychical 156

Psychology 110

Puberty 180

Pudenda 90

Purpose 59,60

Qaratania Mountains 191

Quantum Theory 104,147,149,218

Quaternity 137,152,159,165

Queen Bee 51

Queendom 218

Queendom of Heaven 40,79,92,232

Queens of the Universe 221

Questions 135

Qumran 191

Ramanujan 7

Random Selection 58,66

Randomness 29,72,149

Reason 229

Rebirth 96,208

Rebirth of Christianity 208

Recollection 216

Redemption 97,193

Reflection 154-6

Reflexive 29,105,137

Reflexive Awareness 76,89,162

Relation 23,137

Relativity Theory 151

Religion 138,226-9

Reproduction 34,40

Resurrection 185,196

Resuscitation 185,196,209

Revelation 83,87

Richard, Jules 120-1

Right Lobe 40,55,235

Right to Life 52

Ripples 155

Ritter von Baer Ernst 33

Rules of Courtship 42

Russell, Bertrand 20,109, 118

Russell’s Barber 112,114

Sacrament 53

Sacrament of Matrimony 54

Sacramental Sexuality 53

Sacrament of Sex 53

Sacrifice 56,222,225

Sacrifice of the Mass 208

Salutation 237

Sanhedrin 193

Saul of Tarsus 188,194

Scholastic Philosophy 1,74,111

Science 21-2,87-8,130


Science of Everything 8

Scientific Method 21-2

Scientific Reformation 83,215

Scientific Revolution 96

Scribes and Pharisees 193

Scribes of Genesis 82

Seats of Learning 86,89,97

Seed propagation in plants 95

Self 20,113,116

Self denial180

Self-other existence 28,89

Selflife 28,73-4,120,230

Selflife Inc. 173,208

Self of the Cosmos 23-4

Selfother 108

Self-Other Relativity23,25,38,58,89

Self-Other-Unity 89,159

Self-sustaining 28

Semen 94

Semitic peoples 77

Set of all Sets 24,112,218,227

Sets 23,69,128

Sets of sets 111

Set Theory 24,109,111,117,120,124,128,131

Sex Education 180

Sexistential Relativity 63

Sexual Distinction 35,40


Sexuality and Early Church 96-7

Sexual Propagation34,36,164

Sexual Reproduction 37,40

Sexual Revolution 33

Sexual sin 91


Shareholder 171

She-He-It 5-6,145

Shroud of Turin 196-7

Sign of the Cross 126

Simple harmonicfunctioning139

Simulation 146,235

Sin 180

Sire-son 88,211

Sistine Chapel 95

Slave of Christ 214

Sociology 224

Socratic self-sufficiency 81,86,90,97

Solar System 154

Soleself 34,41-2,49,52,107

Son of God 194

Son of Man 193

Sophia 9

Soul 34,94

Sources of Revelation 83

Space and Time 132

Spaced time 1323

Spectator 133,151,218

Spectrum 148

Speech 145

Sphere 152-3

Spirit 91

Spirogyra 63

Stages of egg growth 44,47

States of Matter 172-3

Statistical Theory 67-8

Stone Age 77-7,91

String Theory 30


Subatomic World 133,149,150-1

Subject and Object 101

Subsets 111

Success and Failure 58

Sumer 77

Sumerian civilization 77

Surrogate parenthood 195

Sustainability 163,167

Swiss Textile Historians 202

Symbiosis 56,58,73,167

Symbols 140,160

Systems 99

Tabula Rasa54

Taxonomists 1

Technology 166

Temperature 168

Temple of Yahweh 222

Thealogians 40

Thealogy 1,19,193

Theatre of the Cosmos 83,133,219

The Cope of St. Louis d’Anjou201,204

The Day of Judgment 221

The Divine Ancestress 228

The Divine Maternity 42

The Divine Romance 225

The Face on the Shroud 198

The Great Other 222

The Jesus Conspiracy 203,209

The Mass 207

The Mind of Aseity 126

The New Creation 208

Theology 87

Theory of Everything 8,22,24,87,131

The Prophecy of the Third Secret 211


Thermodynamics 168

Thermostat 166

The Third Secret of Fatima 211

‘Thou art’ 29,138

Tiamat 78

1 Timothy 2/13: 85

TiteDr. Michael 201,204Togetherness 52,80

Topology 103

Totems 226

Tradition 96,229

Tragedy 30

Transcendental Meditation142

Transitive 29,105

Tree of Life 32

Trial-and-Error 73,81,160,170,181,217

Trichotomy 170

Trinity 116,137,153

Triunity 116,137

Truth 137,219

Two-edged Sword 114

Turing Machines 124

Types of knowledge 141-5

Types of Maternity 233,235

Umbilical Cord 49,139

Uncertainty Principle 149

Understanding 144

Unified Field 22,50

Union 104

Unity 105,108,111

Unity and Infinity 24

Unity of Knowledge 156

Universal Idea 109

Universe 95,231

Un-order 168

Uroboros 220

Usury 175-6


Vatican 196-7,201,203-4

Vel…vel 103

Venus figures 78

Vicarious Atonement 84,207

Virgin Mother of God 215

Void 28

Wage slave 172

Waste excrement 224

Wave-Particle Duality 147

Ways of thinking 89

Wealth 178

Western financial practice 178

We-Us-Ours 90,139

We-Us-Ours Inc. 172

What is Love? 236

Whitehead, Alfred 118

Whole 70,105,126-8,151,171,223,225,230


Wholism 98

William of Ockham 120

Wilson Ian 202

Wisdom 19


Wittgenstein 125

Woman 95-6,161

Woman-Man 96

Woman’s Business 48

Woman’s mindset 129

Womb 49,235

Womb of the mind 54

Word alterations 183-5

Word of God 189

Words 139,140,182

Word Womb 54,140,147,182,232

Worship 229

X≡{X,Y} 120,126,164

Yahweh 76,81,184

Zechariah 191

Zeno 129

Zermelo-Fraenkel 119

Zygote 36,42-3,47-8