Deadline 15May 2018

What’s Cittaslow International ?

We want to answer this question above by a short and simple video, telling stories about characters or lived experiences within cittaslow members throughout the world.

Basically the inspirationis and remains anyway free and it makes up of the seven Macroareas of our Cittaslow certification:

1. Energy and environmental policies (politiche energetiche e ambientali);

2. Infrastructure policies (politiche infrastrutturali);

3. Quality of urban life policies (politiche per la qualita’ urbana);

4. Agricultural, touristic and artisan policies (politiche agricole, turistiche, artigianali);

5. Policies for hospitality, awareness and training (politiche per l’ospitalita, la consapevolezza e la formazione);

6. Social cohesion (coesione sociale), social shared responsibility, active community.

7. Partnership (Partenariati)

The winning video will be awarded during the Cittaslow International Assembly, on 23June 2018 , in Mirande (France), and will be promoted throughweb channels and tv of Cittaslow association.

The International Contest concerns videos, videoclips, animations, graficarts, created only for this occasion.

For being accepted all video must have the following specifications: digital format MP4, HD, 16:9.

Each work must be free from any copyright, both on video and audio tracks; are allowed only licences “cc”, creative commons.

Language: in your original mother tongue along with english subtitles, or in english.

Every author can register for the contest just one work, lasting up to maximum 3 (opening credits and end credits included).

The works can be forwarded only in digital format via WeTransfer, DropBox or by FTP(file tranfer protocol) on our server. .

All works are to be sent by the “Registration Form” indicating a brief work summary , tecnica details details, cast and credits.

The final and mandatory deadline for your forwarding is: 15May 2018.

The participation is free.

The works received will be selected through unquestionable judgement by the technical jury of Cittaslow International.The jury will be composed of a Delegate of the Cittaslow Scientific Committee,a Delegate of the Cittaslow Presidential Committee, the Secretary General and the web responsibleof Cittaslow, Luca Filippetti.

All selected works will be screened during the Cittaslow International Assembly within provided areas and uploaded on the official website of our Association..

The author is the only responsible of his works and of the contento f his own works with renard to people and subjects shot.

They are excluded from the contest advertising productions and nation network production, as well as all works which have already participated in other contests.

All videos will remain at single use of Cittaslow Int’l for institutional purposes only.

The Contest is open only to the authors who allow the projection and the publication also on internet of their works.

By partecipating in the Contest the authors allow the treatment of their own personal data in compliance with and within the terms of the current laws on privacy.