Comanche County Free Fair
September 1-5, 2008
Exhibiting At the Fair
The Comanche County Fairgrounds Trust Authority reserves the right to reject any entry offered. All exhibitors must have an Exhibitor Entry Number available from the Great Plains Coliseum Office. Livestock exhibitors will have a number but are not required to use it on the entry cards. The name, address, and Social Security number for the owner of each animal or exhibit must be provided. Do not put someone else's Social Security number on your entry. Exhibitors will use the same number each year. The Comanche County Fairgrounds Trust Authority is not responsible for payment of premiums due on any entrant whose entry form is not completely and correctly filled out or any class incorrectly entered.
Comanche County Commissioners
Gail Turner
Ron Kirby
Susan Ulrich
Comanche County Fairgrounds Trust Authority Board Members
Chairman – David Dorrell
Vice-Chairman – Ken Price
Treasurer –Jerry Krasser
Other Board Members:
Ike Higdon
Ronnie Love
Mark Henry
Albert Johnson Jr.
Mike Hannabass
Alvis Kennedy
Comanche County Excise Board Members
A.C. “Al” Bennett Ronnie Jeff Glover JP Richard
Comanche County Fairgrounds
Executive Director
Richard Pool
Office Manager
Joe Kirk
Comanche County OSU Cooperative Extension Personnel
Marty New, Extension Educator, Agriculture, 4-H Youth Development, CED
Alan VanDeventer, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Maretta Toler, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth
Nicole Neilson, CNEP Area Coordinator Comanche Unit
Comanche County Ag-Ed Instructors
David Dorrell, Cache Heaven Kern, Indiahoma
Jeff Miller, Lawton Jeff Durham, Lawton
Jerry Renshaw, Elgin Rick McElhaney, Lawton
Matt Kelly, Elgin Chris Conway, Lawton
Chad Blocker, Elgin Peter Dempsey, Lawton
J C Bunch, Fletcher Jared Bain, Geronimo
Jeff Davis, Sterling Derek Mitchell, Chattanooga
Work in Agriculture and Rural Development, Youth Development, Family and Community Service and Related Fields * USDA-OSU and County Commissioners Cooperating.
Monday, August 25
By 5:00 pm Horse entries due in Comanche Co. Extension
Monday, September 1
8:30am Youth Horse Show begins at the Lawton Rangers Arena
No Entries Taken
Tuesday, September 2
2-7:00pm Enter 4-H and FFA, OHCE, and Open Class exhibits in
The Coliseum Annex – All exhibits must be tagged and in place no later than 7pm.
9am-8pm Petting Barnyard open
4:00pm Tractor Driving Contest
6:00pm Farm Hand Olympics in the Coliseum
Wednesday, September 3
8am Livestock barn open for Dairy move-in.
9am Dairy Cattle Entry Cards turned in to the Superintendent
9am-5pm Coliseum Annex closed for judging of exhibits.
9am-8pm Petting Barnyard open
10am Dairy Cattle Show begins in the Coliseum
3pm Dairy Goat cards due to Superintendent
4pm Dairy Goat Show in Coliseum
5pm-8pm 4-H, FFA, OHCE and Open Class exhibits open to the public
In the Coliseum Annex.
4:30-5:30pm Rabbit & Poultry Entries due to Superintendent
6pm Rabbit and Poultry judging in Coliseum
Thursday, September 4
7am Livestock Barn open for Swine move-in
9am-8pm 4-H, FFA, OHCE and Open Class exhibits open to the public in
The Coliseum Annex
9am-8pm Petting Barnyard Opens in Designated Area
9am Swine Entry Cards turned in to the Superintendent
10am Swine show begins in the Coliseum
5-5:45pm Pet Show entries taken
6pm Pet Show in Coliseum
Friday, September 5
8am Sheep and Goat weigh in
9am Weigh Market & Prospect Steers in Designated area
Heifer cards turn in to Superintendent
10am Meat Goat & Sheep Show begins in the Coliseum
12 Noon Heifer Show begins in the Coliseum. Prospect Steer Show follows the Heifer Show. Market Steer Show follows Prospect Steer Show.
9am-6pm All buildings open to the public for viewing of exhibits.
9am-8pm Petting Barnyard open to the public
5-6pm Sassy Salsa Contest entries taken in Annex
5-5:30pm Crochet A Chain Contest Entries taken in Annex
5:45pm Crochet A Chain Contest
6pm Sassy Salsa Contest begins in Annex
5-5:45pm Talent Show entries taken
6pm Comanche County Talent Show
7pm Entries Released
All Comanche County Residence may participate in the fair. Participant must meet age and other requirements for the event entering. Age is based on age on January 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 2
4:00 p.m.
- Open to members of a Comanche County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter.
- Contest will be held on the South side of the Coliseum Annex Building.
3. The contest will include a 25 question test (multiple choice or true and false) and a timed four wheel driving event.
4. Contest participants will participate as team members and/or individuals. A team consists of a 3 to 4-member team from the same school. The 4-member team will drop the bottom score.
5. Questions and the driving skills are based on the 4-H Tractor Driving Program Literature including all four manuals.
Awards will be given to the top team and the top 4 individual.
6 P.M.
Conducted by: Farm Bureau
Held in Coliseum
Awards given to winning teams in each division.
Registration 5:30-6:00
DIVISIONS: Cloverbud (ages 5-8)
Jr. Team - 8th grade & under
Sr. Team - 9th grade & over
Thursday, September 4
Show begins at 6 p.m.
Registration 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
Comanche County Youth 19 & Under
Held in Coliseum
Each exhibitor is welcome to bring as many pets as they wish, however; Each pet can only be in 2 CATEGORIES. No animal registration papers needed. There will be 16 categories with the winner of each receiving an award. Each participant will receive a dollar. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST BE IN CONTROL OF THE ANIMALS AT ALL TIMES, BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER THE SHOW. IF SHOW OFFICIALS REQUEST YOUR ANIMAL TO BE REMOVED YOU WILL DO SO IMMEDIATLEY. If your animal is not accustomed to other animals do not bring it for safety reasons. This is a youth activity. Parents will not be allowed to show an animal for a youth. The categories are as follows:
1. Largest Pet (4 feet & over) (all pets)
2. Largest Pet (Under 4 feet) (no dogs)
3. Best Dressed Pet (all pets)
4. Best Trained Pet (no dogs)
5. Most unusual Pet (no dogs, insects unless in community habitat ex. Ant farm)
6. Most Talkative Pet (no dogs)
7. Ugliest Pet (no dogs)
8. Cutest Pet (no dogs)
9. Largest Pet (dogs only under 4 feet)
10. Smallest Pet (dogs only)
11. Best Trained Pet (dogs only)
12. Most Talkative Pet (dogs only)
13. Ugliest Pet (dogs only)
14. Cutest Pet (dogs only)
15. Master/Pet Look-a-Like
16. Smallest Pet (no dog, no insect)
Friday 6:00pm
Entries taken 5:00 – 5:45pm
Place: Prairie Building
Participants will be judged within the following age divisions: below 12 years old; 13-15; 16-18; 19 and above.
Money will be awarded for 1-3 placing. Any appropriate talent may be performed. A mic, tape deck, and CD player will be available for use.
Friday, September 5
Entries taken 5:00-5:45 P.M.
Judging begins at 6:00pm
Place: Annex
Entry must consist of at least two cups of ingredients. Entries should not be in sealed jar. Ribbons will be given through 10th place.
1. Tomato (Tomato is the main ingredient)
1a) Mild
1b) Medium
1c) Hot
2. Fruit (Tomato is not the main ingredient)
Friday 6pm
Entries taken 5:00-5:45pm
Place: Annex
Contestants must furnish own crochet needle size H. Thread will be provided. The contestants will have five minutes to crochet a chain. Ribbons will be given through 10th place.
1. No dressing may be used on beef cattle.
2. No blocking chutes or property boxes and/or equipment will be allowed outside on the south and west ends of the barn. Alleys must be clear of all equipment. Fans must be out of walkways and high enough so the public can not reach them.
3. All trailers will be parked in the southeast corner of Fairgrounds
4. No animals will be exercised west or south of the Coliseum.
5. No animals will be allowed in the halls of the Coliseum.
6. All animals must be washed at the wash racks. No washing will be allowed in the barns (other than in the wash rack), stalls, pens or outside the barns.
7. Bedding will consist of wood chips and shavings only. No sand or straw will be allowed. Bedding and manure must be placed in the provided containers. No bedding and manure will be placed near the doors or outside the barns on the ground.
8. Keeping stalls, pens, alleys clean in the barns shall be the responsibility of exhibitors.
9. Other than operating hours, the Coliseum will only be open or occupied during actual hours of the livestock show.
10. Exhibitors must have entry cards fill out completely when they are turned in to the superintendent.
11. Anyone wishing to have an animal re-weighed must request a re-weight before the animal leaves the scales. Scales will be balanced and the animal in question will be re-weighed immediately.
12. Market lambs, Steer classes and barrows will be broken by weight. Breeds will be divided as equally as possible by weight.
All entry cards must be filed with the livestock superintendent at times designated. The management reserves the right to reject any entry offered. All applications for entry must be made on the printed exhibitor cards. Cards are available from the Fair Office Livestock Superintendents. The Social Security Number for the owner of each animal MUST be on the entry card or on file with the fair office. Do not put someone else's Social Security number on your entry. The fair will not be held responsible for items incorrectly entered.
1. Only exhibits listed in the catalog will be accepted for entry.
2. Exhibitors are expected to accompany their livestock to the show, care for, and exhibit the same. In case of sickness or other conditions making this impossible, some other exhibitor may show their animals with special permission from the Superintendent in charge.
3. Separate livestock exhibits must be provided for each entry. Individual ownership must be established if more than one entry in one class is made from the same farm or home.
4. Livestock must be owned by the exhibitor.
5. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to keep exhibits, stalls and alleys clean.
6. Animals will be in stalls from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. each day.
7. Animals showing evidence of disease will not be admitted to the Fairgrounds. Animals developing disease or sickness while at the Fair will be subject to removal from the Fairgrounds based on recommendation of a licensed veterinarian.
8. Exhibitors, when called, are expected to bring their livestock promptly to the show arena. No interference with the judging will be allowed. When the judges have given placing, the Superintendent of the class will promptly mark the entry card and present awards and/or ribbons.
10. Ribbons will be awarded through 12th placing in livestock classes. Cash premiums will be awarded as listed in the catalog.
11. No premiums will be awarded on an unworthy exhibits whether there is competition or not, and where there is no competition the judge shall award first, second, third, or no prize according to the merits of the exhibit.
12. Show officials reserve the final and absolute right to settle all questions regarding the awarding of premiums.
13. Junior eligibility: Exhibitors must be a member of a Comanche County 4-H Club or FFA chapter in good standing. This show adheres to the regulations of the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association regarding eligibility with enforcement.
Open class and adult eligibility: Exhibitors can participate in breeding and open classes .
14. Junior Exhibitors shall be limited to four steers, (two steers weighing 1000 pounds and under, and two steers weighing over 1000 pounds), three market lambs, and three barrows for an individual exhibitor in the Fair.
15. All steers will be weighed at the show by official Weighing Committee.
16. School groups shall consist of 4 steers, 3 heifers, 5 barrows, and 5 wether lambs. One exhibitor may not show more than two animals in a school group.
17. The Board of Trustees and Superintendents will not supervise any exhibits left on
the Fairgrounds after 9:00 PM., Friday, September 5, 2008.
18. Any infraction of these rules may cause forfeiture of any premiums earned.
19. All beef-breeding animals will be required to have registration papers or a letter of certification for registration papers or a letter of certification for registration from the breeder.
20. Dressing of swine will be water only.
21. The exhibitor will weigh all barrows and their Ag-Ed Instructor or county Extension educator will certify the weight on the entry cards.
22. No premium will be paid to any livestock exhibitor without a Social Security Number.
23. Exhibitors must own the animal used in the showmanship contest.
Exhibition Swine
1. All market swine exhibited in the State of Oklahoma for fall shows shall:
a. Be individually identified with an official metal ear tag (cattle brucellosis pass tag) permanently affixed to the right ear.
b. Have negative pseudo rabies test conducted after June 1, each year, and be identified on the test chart by official ear tag number.
c. Present test record at each exhibition.
d. After being exhibited, be kept separate and apart from all breeding swine or until they are retested negative in not less than fourteen (14) days following last exhibition, or shipped direct to slaughter.
2. All breeding swine exhibited in the State of Oklahoma shall:
a. Be individually identified by ear notch or ear tag.
b. Originate from Pseudo rabies Qualified Herd or have been tested negative within 30 days prior to exhibition.