Distributed:23 July 2008


Staffing Commission Meeting

Monday 7 July 2008

1.00 pm – 3.00 pm

Venue: Training and Conference Centre


Name / Designation / Name / Designation
Rosemary Hawley / Chair / Colin Rowling / Vice Chair
Pam Jervis / Association of School & College Leaders
Principal, Kirkby Community Learning Centre / Elaine Ayre / Service Director – Schools and Early Years Services
Julie Young / Children’s Services Manager, KMBC / Jason Woodruff / Human Resources, KMBC
Simon McEneny / Future Schooling in Knowsley Director, KMBC / Karol Grabowski / Principal, North Huyton Joint Faith Centre for Learning
Charlie Thomasson / Communications, KMBC / Fr Fintan O’Driscoll / North Huyton Joint Faith Centre for Learning TGB
Fr Nick Wilde / Kirkby Catholic Centre for Learning TGB / Alan Bell / Liverpool Archdiocese and Diocese
Bill Morris / Kirkby Community Learning Centre TGB / Peter Bradley / Principal, Kirkby Catholic Centre for Learning
John Cooper / Halewood Community Centre for Learning TGB / Francis Raynor / Halewood Community Centre for Learning TGB
Ann Behan / Principal, Halewood Community Centre for Learning / Marion Farrell / Principal, Prescot and Whiston Community Centre for Learning
John Mayes / Teachers Union / Jeff Bowe / UNISON on behalf of the Single Status Unions
Diane Williams / Education and Schools Resource Manager / Claire McNally / Children and Family Services, KMBC (Clerk)
Name / Designation / Name / Designation
Damian Allen / Executive Director of Children’s Services, KMBC / Dave Barkley / Parent Governor
Cllr Dave Friar / Prescot & Whiston Community Learning Centre TGB / Dave Norton / Human Resources, KMBC
John Robson / Prescot & Whiston Catholic Learning Centre TGB / Chris Town / Prescot & Whiston Catholic Learning Centre TGB
Cllr Graham Morgan / South Huyton Centre for Learning TGB / Cllr Jayne Aston / Kirkby Community Centre for Learning TGB
Madeleine Cotson / Principal, South Huyton Centre for Learning / Martyn Campbell / Principal, Prescot & Whiston Catholic Learning Centre
Nathan Horum / Youth Parliament





Minutes of Previous
Matters Arising / Rosemary Hawley, on behalf of the Staffing Commission, congratulated Pam Jervis on her MBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list for Services to Sports Education.
The minutes from the meeting of9 June 2008 were agreedas an accurate and true record.
Charlie Thomasson reminded all Principals to forward a biography and photograph for use with general communications, by email as soon as possible if they had not done so already.
Key points to be carried forward to September 2008 meeting include:
The Staffing Commission agreed to a small working group, to look at the purpose and scope for Primary, Special and Secondary, and make recommendations back to the Staffing Commission.
Principals agreed to gather feedback at their next meeting and to report back at the next Staffing Commission in July 2008. / All 7 Principals
Communication Update / Charlie Thomasson updated the Staffing Commission on Phase 2 of the Marketing and Communications Campaign which had the engagement message “Aint no stopping us now”, which would be promoted by Knowsley singers and played on RadioCity, Talk Radio and Magic. The singers had recorded and finalised the CD.
An audio clip was played to the Staffing Commission to raise awareness of the external messages which will be used as a tool to take into schools to inspire and generate discussion. The singers will also perform at the ‘Party in the Park’ in Liverpool which will again help to attract media attention.
Charlie Thomasson discussed with the Staffing Commission the termly update which was distributed in draft for information before it went for print later that day. Staffing Commission advised that Southern Primary School needed amending to read Southern Primary Support Centre and that Kirkby Community needed amending to read KirkbySportsCollege. Any abbreviations within the briefing needed to be in full.




Future Schooling in Knowsley Programme
- Update / Simon McEneny provided a verbal update to the Staffing Commission.
All buildings were still progressing well and on target for open dates, with walls/frames going up. However, slight delays had been identified in relation to cladding or steel work but these delays would not affect the open dates of the Centres for Learning.
Fr Fintan O’Driscoll expressed concern regarding information and reports that need to come through much quicker than had been happening to ensure everyone was kept informed as quickly as possible. Simon McEneny acknowledged concerns and will ensure the speedy communication of information.
Simon McEneny updated Staffing Commission on the 3 Test Model Environments across the borough which are based within the 3 City Learning Centres. Each Test Model Environment was equipped with furniture and ICT that would be transferred to the Centres for Learning and which would provide an opportunity for teachers, staff and young people to experience several times. Training dates will begin in September 2008 which will allow for focus on how the space can be used.
Simon McEneny requested one Principal and a representative to visit the furniture manufacturers with some pupils to sit/feel/touch furniture to be able to sign off an order. Simon McEneny confirmed that there would be no commitment to all furniture at this current time so lessons can be learned and changed.
The Staffing Commission discussed the management of the Centre for Learning buildings and Simon McEneny reiterated that the PFI Scheme is a very different way of operating a building. Simon McEneny proposed to take all 7 Principals to a school running as a PFI to look at the logistics etc, at the end of September 2008.
Planning over the Summer 2008 would take place to assess the integration into the Centres for Learning. Simon McEneny updated the Staffing Commission that realistic assessment would take place on what communities/adult education want from the Learning Centres. There would be a series of consultation exercises over the Summer which Simon McEneny would update the Staffing Commission on during the September 2008 meeting. / SMc




Future Schooling in Knowsley Programme
- Update
(continued) / North Huyton Centre for Learning would be prioritised to create a model for other Centres for Learning, looking at what people want, what can be provided and what community use can be moved into the Centres. Understanding the desired need was crucial to assess demand and look at pricing. Simon McEneny would feed back during the Autumn Term 2008 on what would be available to model.
Elaine Ayre updated Staffing Commission that Elected Members had put together a working group through the Scrutiny system as they were keen to engage with the potential for Centres for Learning. The Working Group would meet over Summer 2008, talking to Wards and would then meet again in October 2008 to feed back.
Pam Jervis updated the Staffing Commission that Leisure/Sports are mapping out another piece of work which will focus on extended schools linking in with Primary Collaboratives.
John Cooper updated the Staffing Commission that Football Foundations Bids had been successful and would be included in Simon McEneny’s update model which will be brought back to Staffing Commission during the Autumn Term 2008.
Simon McEneny advised the Staffing Commission that a booking system would need looking at to set principles. / SMc
Human Resources
- Update / A Future Schooling Funding – Redundancy Payments and Salary Protection paper had previously been circulated to the Staffing Commission for information. Diane Williams, Education and Schools Resource Manager, advised Staffing Commission that a draft paper had gone to Formula Review Group on 23 June 2008 and was due at Schools Forum on Thursday 10 July 2008.
The purpose of the report was to provide information on the termination of employment costs currently associated with the Future Schooling programme and how this would impact on the Dedicated Schools Grant. The report related to teaching and non-teaching school staff.
Diane Williams drew Staffing Commission’s attention to Item 4 on the report. In light of the Local Authority’s decision to bring the closure of Ruffwood and Brookfieldforward, arrangements have been made to ensure staff are not disadvantaged.




Human Resources
- Update
(continued) / Jeff Bowe queried under Item 6.8 Risk Assessment and the statement “from the date the protection commences the individual does not receive any further increments, but for the 3 year period they do get the annual pay award”. Jason Woodruff to clarify if any further increments would be received and to email copies of the latest policy.
Pam Jervis highlighted pay protection and what different pay rules and conditions there are for teachers. Jason Woodruff confirmed consistency with corporate policy, however, clarification sought and to be confirmed.
Jason Woodruff advised Staffing Commission that work would be carried out over the Summer 2008 which focused on managing transition through creating a strategic taskforce of teachers over the next 2 years, Jason Woodruff would report back to Staffing Commission in September 2008.
The TUPE list was still being worked through and meetings taken place with ICT/Premises Officers. Jason Woodruff advised Staffing Commission that all remaining officers on the list would be written to by the end of July 2008.
A Criminal Records Bureau – Disclosure Service paper was circulated to the Staffing Commission outlining the impact to Centres for Learning due to the number of changes that would take place, particularly where staff would transfer from their substantive school to the new Centres for Learning.
In order to ensure that the necessary checks would be undertaken ahead of each Centre for Learning opening, Jason Woodruff asked the Staffing Commission to consider 3 options in respect of the Criminal Records Bureau process. Staffing Commission agreed to recommend to Temporary Governing Bodies, Option 3 “introduce a process of checking all appointments to the Centre for Learning regardless of previous checks undertaken”.
Pam Jervis informed the Staffing Commission that the process had already commenced at Kirkby in light of the early closure of Ruffwood/Brookfield and the opening of KirkbySportsCollege. / JW




Human Resources
- Update
(continued) / Fr Fintan O’Driscoll stated the Criminal Records Bureau process should be made a priority and funded from school budgets. Diane Williams advised Staffing Commission that checks would be undertaken in a phased approach and that she would take a paper and costings to the Formula Review Group.
Fr Nick Wilde queried whether Criminal Records Bureau checks for governors should be undertaken. Staffing Commission recognised the manpower needed to undertake the task as Jason Woodruff advised it took 5 Human Resource Officers to support 200 checks for Kirkby alone.
Jason Woodruff presented an additional paper for circulation to Staffing Commission and debate with unions, which focused on the principle of vacancies in the system wide Centre for Learning recruitment process being ring fenced further. The paper’s principle was to look at anyone at risk against vacancies before being ring fenced further, to allow another look within, following movements across Centres for Learning and to allow to look further at minimising the amount of pay protection being offered.
Jeff Bowe informed the Staffing Commission that there had been a few individual anomalies where appointments to lower grade posts on salary protection had been made. Jason Woodruff advised Staffing Commission that Human Resources had been working through these anomalies with trade unions and these would be addressed over Summer 2008.
The Staffing Commission agreed to the paper and noted the circulation of two circulars to support the process to ensure deliverables.
Jason Woodruff updated Staffing Commission on all Centres for Learning and that appointments were almost complete. Once complete there would be a list created that would hold information on all appointments and all those at risk, who would be supported over Summer 2008.
Ann Behan formally thanked Jason Woodruff and Human Resources for their continued support and work undertaken to date.




Performance Management / Julie Young discussed the Performance Management paper previously circulated to the Staffing Commission and asked for consideration to be made on the pay recommendation guidance. Staff on the upper pay scale completing their first year’s performance criteria, would need to ask their current headteacher, in writing, and then forward their signed review to the Principal of the Centre for Learning. Staff on the upper pay scale completing their second year would go to the Governing Body.
Staffing Commission agreed that Julie Young amend the draft paper to include “that the teacher should also keep a record”.
Staffing Commission agreed to the final paper and recommended Temporary Governing Bodies adopt it.
Pam Jervis suggested Staffing Commission present the paper to the Chair of Temporary Governing Bodies to ensure their current headteacher fulfils the request.
Draft Interim Report / Colin Rowling formally thanked Staffing Commission for their input to the report and congratulated Human Resources for their contribution to the process. Staffing Commission was asked to consider the future of Staffing Commission meetings now all 7 Principals were appointed and the continuation of the collaborative approach.
Staffing Commission agreed the Interim Report and formally thanked Colin Rowling for his hard work.
Any Other Business / None.


Monday 8 September2008, 1.00 pm – 3.00pm, Knowsley Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) Nutgrove Villa, 1 Griffiths Road, Huyton, L36 6NA

Please send your apologies to Claire McNally on 0151 443 5689

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