Ms. Brzezinski

Room 140

Intermediate ELA Reading & Writing

Class Objective:

m  You will develop English skills to be successful in all school subjects.

m  You will develop English skills to be successful in college and/or the workplace.

m  You will learn and use new English vocabulary words and grammar.

m  You will practice important reading strategies and different types writing daily.

m  You will practice English communication through listening and speaking.

My English Goal:

I want to learn English because…


Outline: What will we do this year?

m  Units from Shining Star Level A and Level B (textbook)

m  We will read three novels: The Circuit, Nightjohn, Seedfolks

m  Writing five paragraph essays

m  Speaking presentations and debates J


Students are expected to follow the expectations and respect each other at all times:

m  Students are expected to participate and do what is asked the first time.

m  No use of cell phones, IPods, and no electronics at any time! Your phone will be given to the Assistant Principal if you do not respect this rule.

m  Uniforms must be worn at all times. .


*I will teach when there are NO distractions. Class time is very important. Your education is very important.

Our Classroom:

Responsibility: Be on time!

You are to be on time for class everyday. Class begins when the bell rings.

m  If you are late, you must have a pass to enter the room. Enter quietly and begin your work.

See Ms. Brzezinski after class or you will be marked absent for the day.

m  You will lose participation points every time you are absent.

Materials: 4 Things

1 spiral notebook Three Ring Binder &

Pack of dividers (5)

Pen or Pencil EVERYDAY!!!

*You must bring all materials by Monday Aug. 24th

20 points!!!

How will I be graded?

You will be graded on your English skills and effort:

m  Reading

m  Writing

m  Speaking

m  Portfolio

m  Participation

(A)  90%-100% Exceeds English Expectations

(B)  80%-89% Meets English Expectations

(C)  70%-79% Developing

(D)  60%-69% Does not meet Expectations

(E)  0-59% Incomplete or missing


I expect this will be a wonderful year. Please understand I am here to help you. Come see me if you need extra assistance at any time. I am here before and after school.

Participate and practice and you will succeed.

*Homework* Share, explain, and/or translate this important information with your parents/guardians. Once you have talked with your parent(s) please sign below to commit to a successful year.

By signing this contract you are telling your teacher that you understand and agree the expectations for this class.

Al firmar este contracto, le avisas a su maestra que

entiendes, y que estas de acuerdo con las expectativas

para esta clase.

Thank You,

Ms. Brzezinski


Return to teacher: MONDAY August 24th

I ______understand and commit to Ms. Brzezinski’s classroom expectations. I will try and participate this year in my English class. If I need help or have questions, I will see my teacher immediately. I have translated/shared this information with my parent(s). He traducido/compartido esta informacion con mi(s) padre(s).


Student signature Parent/guardian signature

Parent’s name: ______

Parent’s phone #:______