Up-County Festival
May 19 & 20, 2017
Somers High School
120 Primrose Drive, Lincolndale, NY 10540
Host: Ricky Myint
Email address:
All-State & Regular Solos
Voice, Strings, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, Harp & Classical Guitar
NO Instrumental or Vocal Jazz at this Festival
Somers HighSchool will host the 2017 NYSSMA Solo & Ensemble Evaluation Festival on May 19th and 20th, 2017
There will be no piano at this festival
There will be no Jazz at this festival
Students wishing to audition for Jazz must register and attend the Down-County festival at White Plains High School on April 28 and 29, 2017
Up-County students may only audition for JAZZ at the Down-County festival
Regular and All-State auditions for all other instruments and voice must be performed at the Somers High School Festival in Somers.
No Up-County students will be allowed to audition for All-State at the Down-County Festival. No exceptions.
The registration deadline for this festival is April 5, 2017
Registrations for this festival must be done online at SoloChair.com.
If you are unfamiliar with online registration please visit
You may register all your students at once, or a few at a time.
By the registration deadline:
- Print invoice and send with one payment to the address on the invoice.
- Please do not send multiple checks.
- Districts with unpaid fees will not receive score sheets until full payment is submitted.
- Be certain that the solo is from the correct section of the manual
- Be sure that you have checked that the solo is in the manual.
- Register All-State Voice applicants with the correct voice part designation (I or II).
- Check that the All-State vocal solos are in the correct key for the voice part
- Pieces must appear in the NYSSMA Manual XXXI (July 2015.)
Please submit one check covering your entire registration rather than separate checks from individual students.
All-State applicationsMUST be completed at NYSSMA.org in addition to the application on SoloChair.
All-State applications must be printed and submitted to Ricky Myintwith all the required signatures by April 5, 2017.
Students using recorded accompaniments will be responsible for providing appropriate equipment for playing the recording.
- Make sure to communicate with other teachers from your district who will be attending this festival.
- If you will be sharing a bus, make sure to request similar preferred times.
- If you have siblings that are performing, make sure that all teachers involved request the same time for those siblings. (If two different times are requested, then they will not be placed near each other.)
- If a student is performing in multiple solos/ensembles, make sure that every teacher involved marks the 'multiple' column.
PLEASE REMEMBER: a request is not a demand, nor an command
After the schedule is published teachers will be able to make schedule adjustments for their own students. They will not be able to delete registrants. Only cancel. Canceling only removes the student from the festival. It does not remove them from your invoice.
- NO REFUNDS for canceled auditions will be given after the festival has closed
- You may “DELETE” until the scheduling begins
- You may “CANCEL” at any time
- “CANCELING” does not remove the fee from your invoice
- You must pay for all “CANCELED” auditions.Questions and correspondence about this festival may be emailed to Ricky at .
Do not email the webmasterat solochairabout festival-specific questions
All correspondence should be forwarded to Ricky Myint at Somers.
Contact by email only:
Date of Festival:May 19-20, 2017
Host: Ricky Myint
Mailing Address: Somers Intermediate School
240 Route 202,
Somers NY 10589
Festival Location: Somers High School
120 Primrose Drive
Lincolndale, NY 10540
Email address:
Date of festival: May 12 & 13, 2017
Host: Robert Schwartz
Location: Lakeland High School
1349 East Main Street
Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Email address:
Piano solos and Duets (4 hands one piano only)
- Pieces must appear in the NYSSMA Manual XXXI (July 2015)
- Only solos in the manual will be graded
- Students must have ORIGINAL Copies
- No Photo Copies
- Make sure students are aware of scale requirements
Registrations for this festival must be done online at SoloChair.com.
If you are unfamiliar with online registration please visit
You may register all your students at once, or a few at a time.
By the registration deadline:
- Print invoice and send with one payment to the address on the invoice.
- Please do not send multiple checks.
- Districts with unpaid fees will not receive score sheets until full payment is submitted.
Deadline for the Piano festival is April 1, 2017
Please have each Piano student fill out the attached form.
Make sure the piano teachers name & contact # is on the form.
Before the festival date, forward to:
Robert Schwartz
Lakeland High School
1349 East Main Street
Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Copy the following page and submit one per student to the Piano Chairman.
May 12 & 13, 2017 @ Lakeland High School
Registration Form and Fees due date: APRIL 5, 2017
Please return to: (School Teacher)
FEES: $21 for Level 1-4 Piano Solos $26 for Level 5-6 Piano Solos
Each performer must have TWO originalcopies of the solo: one for the performer & one for the adjudicator. Performances from illegal photocopies will not be permitted
Student's Name ______Grade in School ______
If you have a sibling performing a solo at THIS festival, please check the box Sibling’s Name ______
Parent’s Phone Number: ______E-Mail: ______
Piano Teacher’s Name: ______Phone Number: ______
Solo Information (If known. The NYSSMA school teacher is not responsible for solo choice or illegal copiesSolo Title ______Composer ______
Is the solo from a book? No Yes If yes, Name of Book ______
NYSSMA Level ______NYSSMA Manual Page # 8 -______
If the piano teacher does not have a copy of the Current (July 2015 Edition) NYSSMA Manual (Blue pages,)
He/She may purchase one at NYSSMA.org
The solo must be listed in the current manual to receive a grade
Solos not listed in the manual will be given “comments only”
Instructions for School Teachers:
Only School Teachers may register students ON-LINE at: solochair.com
Please send this form with Solochair invoice & payment