Course number, title and credits; total time allocation

Course Number / ACC 246 / Credits / 3 / Title / Volunteer Tax Internship
Lecture/Discussion / 45 / hrs/semester / Lab / 0 / hrs/semester / Clinical / 0 / hrs/semester

Catalog Description and Pre- and Co-requisites (Same as taxonomy and catalog)

Gain valuable tax preparation work experience by participating in the IRS VITA program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistant). Students will provide free tax preparation services for low to mid income earners, the elderly and the disabled in Jackson, Lenawee or Hillsdale counties. Working with both the Community Action Agency and the Internal Revenue Service, students will train and test to be become VITA volunteer tax preparers. Training and certification will occur during January; tax preparation fieldwork will take place February 1st through April 15th; and ACC 246 coursework will conclude during the April. This internship position must be arranged well in advance of tax season with faculty approval late December or early January. Confident computer skills and strong interpersonal communication skills are required for this internship. Prerequisites: ENG 085*, CIS 101* and MAT 020* or higher

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Students Acquire from this Course (Educational Objectives)

  1. Develop an emerging understanding of U. S. individual income tax
  2. Apply these tax skills to a job situation by preparing VITA tax returns
  3. Develop computer skills by working with industry tax software
  4. Develop interpersonal communication skills by working with tax clients
  5. Develop soft skills such as punctuality, work ethic and team work at each VITA site

Associate Degree Outcomes Addressed in this Course (These must appear in course syllabus.)

Excerpt from ACC 246 syllabus:
The Board of Trustees of Jackson College has determined that all JC graduates should develop or enhance certain essential skills while enrolled in the college. ADO #7 will be addressed in this course, which represents critical thinking.

Units/topics of Instruction

Tax training in basic US individual income tax returns, IRA Basic VITA exam test preparation and successful completion needed to certify, work experience preparing tax returns, reflective writing and portfolio completion, developing interpersonal communication skills, developing computer skills, developing work skills such as punctuality, work ethic and team work

Instructional Techniques and Procedures

Tax training in January will consist of group sessions as well as online content. All other aspects of the course reflect work experience only.

Instructional Use of Computer or Other Technology

Tax internship students will use commercial tax software for all work. This software is provided by the IRS.

Instructional Materials and Costs to Students

All tax training materials are provided by the IRS.

Skills and abilities students should bring to the course

a limited amount of material / basic, pre-algebraic problems
Able to read / X / an average amount of material / Able to compute / X / simple algebraic problems
an above average amount of material / higher order mathematical problems
relatively easy material / short compositions
Able to read / moderately difficult material / Able to write / X / medium length compositions
X / technical or sophisticated material / lengthy compositions
X / keyboard skills/familiar with computer
Able to use / X / computer application / Other necessary
technology / X / web navigation / abilities

The course is usually scheduled
(This internship is available at a variety of locations and times facilitated through JetNet.)

Day: / Fall / Winter / Spring
Evening: / Fall / Winter / Spring
Online: / Fall / X / Winter / Spring
Prepared by Suzanne Kiess______ / Date 10/9/2015______
Approved by Dept. ______ / Date ______
Approved by Dean Jeremy Frew / Date ___10/12/15______
Approved by Curr. Comm. ______ / Date ______

(Last names, please)Form Revised 1/2/01