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[address of organisation]

Date: xx/xx/xxxx

Dear [head of organisation],

We are writing about a new carer-focused research study being carried out by the School of Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford. The study, funded by the Alzheimer’s Society, is called Caregiving HOPE and will look at how prepared, willing and eager carers of people with dementia feel in relation to their caring roles and responsibilities and how this affects their well-being. The outcomes of the study will involve producing a booklet containing tips from carers about what helped them feel prepared and confident within their role. It is also hoped the study will have an impact on developing services for carers from different cultural groups.

The first part of the study will involve distributing a short survey to carers of people with dementia. We hope to achieve approximately 370 survey responses and are currently seeking help from organisations to identify both White British and South Asian family carers. We hope to either distribute paper copies of the survey or complete the survey over the phone with the carer

We feel that [recipient’s organisation] is particularly well-placed to help with this part of the study. Your inspiring work supporting carers has been observed by the research team and we would greatly value your involvement.

We would be happy to discuss the way you might help us to reach carers of people with dementia. Dr Sahdia Parveen, who is leading the study, would like to arrange to speak with you (or a delegated staff member) by telephone or to visit your premises in person to discuss options.

Some of the recruitment strategies which have proved successful for us in the past include:

  • Attending organisations’ “coffee mornings” or training events to talk to carers about the research.
  • Arranging for organisations to send out surveys to carers registered on their mailing lists (full costs paid by the university).
  • Asking organisations to place an advertisement in their newsletters and/or other forms of communication with carers.
  • Placing posters and leaflets in locations carers are likely to notice them (e.g. on organisations’ reception desks and noticeboards).

You may have other methods in mind which have worked well for you in the past. This is why we would value the experience and expertise you have developed while supporting local carers.

If agreeable, we would like to call you by telephone in a few weeks to discuss the study in more detail. In the meanwhile, do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish to ask about what we are trying to achieve in the study and how we believe its findings will make a valuable contribution to the way we understand issues concerning carers of people with dementia and how they might be supported in the future.

Kind regards,

[sign here]

Dr Sahdia Parveen

School of Dementia Studies

Faculty of Health Studies

University of Bradford


Tel: 01274 236089

Mobile: 07469378359

Version 1.0 20 November 2015