Faculty and Student Guidelines for Completing the MPH Thesis – Overview


These guidelines are intended to serve as a guide to students and faculty in the Department of Health Services for planning, conducting, and submitting the master's thesis. The outline presented here incorporates departmental and Graduate School requirements, and includes discussion of the standards for acceptable theses, the roles and responsibilities of the committee members and the student, and detailed guidelines and timeline for completing the master's thesis. The goal of the document is to help make the thesis process predictable, enlightening, and yes, even enjoyable for both students and faculty.

Faculty and Student Guidelines for Completing the MPH Thesis – Standards

Scholarly, rigorous, generates new knowledge

The master's thesis is an original research study that is carried out using rigorous methods that are appropriate to the research questions, that generates new knowledge, applies concepts and methods from one or more branches of science relevant to public health, and is presented in a scholarly format. The thesis demonstrates the student's comprehensive knowledge of the substantive area of the study and the research methods used. It represents the culmination of the master's program, and an opportunity to integrate and apply the concepts and methods learned in coursework.

Students in Health Services approach the thesis with varied skills in research methods and data analysis. The thesis is primarily a learning experience for the student, designed to challenge the student at her/his skill level, while adhering to a standard of high quality regarding the questions posed, the analytic methods, and the written product.

Types of acceptable thesis projects

Several different types of projects may fulfill the thesis requirement: case studies, policy analyses, descriptive studies, analytic studies, program evaluations, or experiments. Each type of study requires a slightly different approach to formulating research questions, and to collecting and analyzing data. Regardless of the type of study chosen, the student investigator must apply critical thought, systematic analysis, and clear presentation.

  • Case study:a detailed review of a unique or important program that captures the background, process, outcomes, successes, failures and lessons learned. The case study may include either qualitative or quantitative data or both. The case study provides an opportunity to explore a single program in depth, but places the onus on the investigator to provide clarity, organization, and scholarship to the investigation. Case studies typically have limited generalizability.
  • Policy analysis:a synthesis of existing and newly collected data brought together in an organized, structured, and thoughtful manner to answer a policy question or present and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of policy options for decision makers. A policy analysis usually employs multiple sources and types of information (e.g., literature, documents, interviews, secondary data). The policy analysis also places the onus on the investigator to identify relevant data, and provide clarity, organization, and structure to the analysis.
  • Descriptive study:a qualitative or quantitative study to measure magnitude, variability of a need or problem, and to explore associated factors. Descriptive studies are often guided by questions rather than formal hypotheses, and are often the first step in more directed research.
  • Analytic study:a case control or cohort study, although other approaches may fit into this category. Analytic studies utilize quantitative methods, and are often guided by hypotheses. Analytic studies typically have clearer methodology than 1. and 2. above, and produce obvious results. Analytic studies conducted by master's students typically use existing data.
  • Program evaluation:structured study to assess whether a program, intervention, or technique was effective at accomplishing its goals (effectiveness or efficacy for interventions). A program evaluation addresses explicit questions, and the methods and measurement may be complex.
  • Experiment:a study with randomized or otherwise highly controlled allocation of two or more identifiable intervention strategies to test an hypothesis, frequently one regarding causation or treatment effectiveness/ efficacy. The experiment most explicitly addresses the study question, results are clearly relevant, and can be communicated in a straightforward way. Feasibility of conducting an experiment is usually limited within the time frame and resources available to the master's student, given that the student must take significant initiative in study design and execution.

Some types of projects are not acceptable as theses, including:

  • A literature review, though a review with critique and suggestions to the field can be acceptable. A formal meta-analysis is acceptable in that it generates new knowledge.
  • A group project, though the thesis may be part of a collaborative project, provided the student had the lead role in that part (original work).
  • A "warmed over" class or practicum project, though the thesis can be a significant extension of work that began as a class paper, project, or practicum.

Publication of the thesis

Students are encouraged, but not required, to prepare the thesis in a potentially publishable format, with the support of the committee. This topic is discussed in more detail in section (Publishing Your Thesis) of this handbook.

Standard thesis format

Standard thesis format includes four sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Topics within each section are described below. The organization of subsections may vary, depending on the topic and the preferences of the student and committee.

  1. Introduction
    Introduces the problem, research questions, previous research on the problem, and the conceptual approach used in this study.
  2. Specification of the problem; significance , magnitude, and importance of the problem
  3. Specific research questions or hypotheses addressed by the study
  4. Literature review
  5. Conceptual model
  6. Methods
    Describes in detail the research methods used in the study.
  7. Study setting
  8. Selection of study subjects

i) Source

ii) Sampling method/recruitment

iii) Criteria for eligibility/exclusion of cases

  1. Description of intervention (if any)
  2. Data collection

i) Source (e.g., questionnaire, interview, record review, vital records)

ii) Protocol for typical subject

iii) Steps taken to assess and assure data quality

  1. Analysis plan

i) Hypothesis testing/generation

ii) Definition of key analysis variables

iii) Sample size/power considerations

iv) Statistical methods

  1. Results
    Provides a clear, systematic presentation of results, linked back to the research questions and conceptual model. It does not include interpretation or discussion of results.
  2. Characteristics of the study sample, including the number of subjects and the response rate.
  3. Table(s) or figure(s) addressing each research question. Tables and figures usually progress from univariate, to bivariate, to multivariate analyses. Text highlights (but does not duplicate) results shown in tables and figures.
  4. Discussion
    Provides the opportunity to discuss the findings, compare them with previous research, and consider the implications of the findings.
  5. Study strengths and limitations
  6. How key findings compare or contrast with previous work
  7. Implications of findings

i) For the theory or conceptual model described in the Introduction.

ii) For public health practitioners or clinicians

iii) For future research

  1. Appendixes
    Contain detailed materials related to the thesis, such as cover letters to respondents, instructions for computing a scale score from the raw data, documentation of the mathematical equations used in the data analysis, and so forth.

Grading of the thesis

The MPH program requires a total of 9 thesis credits. All thesis credits may be taken in one quarter, but are usually distributed over two or more quarters. The chair assigns a grade of N for each quarter until the thesis has been completed and approved by the committee. (N is a grade that indicates that work is in progress, and it is acceptable for purposes of continuing student financial aid. An “I” for incomplete should typically NOT be given.)

The Chair assigns a final grade for the thesis; previous N grades will convert to this final grade. The final grade may be either Credit or a decimal grade. Criteria for thesis grading have been adapted from general departmental grading guidelines (Grading Criteria for Theses).

A thesis must meet the standard for a grade of 2.7 or higher before it can be accepted by the committee.

Faculty and Student Guidelines for Completing the MPH Thesis – Roles

Roles and Responsibilities of the Supervisory Committee and Student

A. Master of Public Health Thesis Committee (The Master's Supervisory Committee)

(These guidelines apply also to students pursuing the Master of Science (MS) degree.)

The Supervisory Committee for students aspiring to the Master's degree in Public Health must consist of at least two faculty members, a chairperson and one other committee member. The chairperson must be a member of the University's graduate faculty, and hold a faculty appointment in the School of Public Health, preferably in Health Services. Adjunct faculty in Health Services can qualify. On a 2-member committee, the second member does not need to be a member of the graduate faculty, nor of the SPH, and can be drawn from almost any of the faculty of the University. In addition to regular and adjunct faculty, clinical and affiliate faculty can qualify, if approved by the MPH Graduate Program Director. Non-faculty, or faculty at another university, may serve on UW master's committees. But because the Graduate School requires one-half of committee members to be on the graduate faculty, this would result in a 3 or 4 member committee. (The best practice is to have only 2 faculty; others who make a contribution can be acknowledged in the thesis credits section and/or in any publication that results from the research.)

It is generally expected that the chairperson of a master's supervisory committee be selected from the faculty in the concentration the student has chosen, e.g., among the Maternal & Child Health (MCH) faculty if enrolled in MCH. The second member of the committee should be on the faculty in Health Services if the chairperson is not.

General questions on committee formation can be directed to . Students should notify the MPH Program Office at when their committee is formed by submitting the MPH Thesis Plan Form. Committees are generally expected to be formed no later than the end of autumn quarter in the second year.


The Chairperson has the overall responsibility for guiding the student through the process of the successful completion of a thesis which fulfills the requirements of the Graduate School, the School of Public Health, and the Department of Health Services. The master's thesis should be evidence of the graduate student's ability to carry out an independent investigation and to present the results in a clear and systematic form.

More specifically, the Chairperson's roles and responsibilities are to:

  • Guide students' expectations about what can and cannot be done within the time constraints of their 2-year program.
  • Assess the student's ability to actually carry out all parts of the proposed thesis project and, if gaps are identified, advise the student on how to gain the skills necessary for completion of the thesis project.
  • If necessary, help the student identify an appropriate second faculty member for the thesis committee.
  • Help the student negotiate with outside "players" (i.e. agencies) for thesis opportunities (i.e. access to data, opportunity to collect primary data).
  • Help the student set up a timeline for completion of the various thesis key milestones such as chapters of the thesis and the oral presentation, if required.
  • Make sure all committee members have read and approved the thesis "proposal" (i.e. brief overview of problem statement, data collection, and proposed analyses) early in the thesis process. The proposal should be presented in writing.
  • Negotiate with committee members the extensiveness of their roles (see below) on the thesis.
  • Read and give feedback on draft "chapters" within two weeks.
  • Advise student on designing the project, preparing the Human Subjects application, collecting and analyzing the data, and writing up the thesis. Note that the chair must sign the Human Subjects application.
  • Monitor the student's progress. However, it is not the Chair's responsibility to "hold the student's hand." It is the student's responsibility to meet deadlines.
  • Convene and chair meetings of the committee.
  • Be a mediator when conflict arises. Chairperson has final word.
  • Work with other committee members to achieve consensus on the acceptability of the thesis and to determine an appropriate grade.
  • Sign the Graduate School’s Master’s Supervisory Committee Approval Form
  • Grade the thesis.

Second Committee Member

  • Read, give advice, and sign off on the initial thesis proposal.
  • Negotiate the tasks for which s/he will carry primary responsibility in guiding the student (if necessary).
  • Work individually with the student on the thesis aspects for which the committee member carries primary responsibility.
  • Attend meetings requested by chairperson.
  • Advise the student outside "formal" meetings.
  • Read drafts forwarded by Chairperson and provide comments to student and Chairperson.
  • Give input on time-line in light of his/her own availability, time constraints, and the amount of work required for the part of thesis the 2nd member oversees.
  • Give feedback to the student within two weeks.
  • Sign the Master’s Supervisory Committee Approval Form

B. Student Responsibilities

Although it is expected that the student receives a great deal of help and support from his/her committee members, the student is responsible for carrying out the thesis. S/he is expected to take the lead in setting up all aspects of the thesis project, and to complete the project in a timely fashion. It is important that students begin thinking about the thesis project (and what may be required to conduct such a project) during the first year of graduate school.

Thus, it is the student's responsibility to:

  • Formulate and communicate thesis ideas to his or her academic advisor during the first year of graduate school.
  • Discuss with academic advisor (and later with Chairperson and/or second committee member) what classes may be needed/useful for execution of specific thesis projects.
  • Explore leads to gain access to data for thesis.
  • Approach faculty members who have relevant, complementary expertise regarding the thesis project and ask them to be on the committee.
  • Fill out the Human Subjects application and conduct the other necessary research activities required for completion of the thesis.
  • Get a thesis committee together PRIOR to executing the thesis project. Students NEED input and approval from both committee members BEFORE they actually conduct their thesis project.
  • Set up (with help of committee members) a realistic time-line for completion of tasks.
  • Stick to the agreed upon time line.*
  • Communicate REGULARLY about your progress (or lack thereof) with committee members and make sure that all members receive revised and realistic timelines.*
  • Provide the Chairperson with interim products as requested.
  • Communicate clearly about when feedback is requested, but make the requested deadlines realistic based on Committee members' work/travel schedules.
  • Write up the thesis according to the basic guidelines set by the Graduate School. Otherwise, the manuscript of the thesis can be formatted according to the specifications of a journal in which it might be published, e.g., AJPH.
  • Submit final draft of entire thesis to committee members by at least 6 weeks before the intended graduation date (roughly November 1 for autumn, February 1 for winter, May 1 for spring, July 1 for summer). If the full draft has not been received by that time, the student should expect to graduate the following quarter.
  • Conduct an oral presentation of research findings, if required by concentration or program.
  • Obtain signatures on the master’s supervisory committee approval form, and submit it to the Graduate School.
  • Submit the thesis to the Graduate School.

*Note:Committee members are NOT required to approve a thesis that is incomplete to meet a pressing deadline imposed by the Graduate School.

Faculty and Student Guidelines for Completing the MPH Thesis – Completing

Guidelines for Completing your MPH Thesis in Health Services

The section presents guidelines for completing the thesis requirement for the MPH in Health Services. While classes have well-defined start and end dates, the thesis has far less structure and can vary considerably in content and duration. In most cases, your ability to complete a thesis depends on what you know about your thesis topic and research methods; your skills in time management, organization, and working with other people; and your attention to completing logistical details required by the Graduate School. These guidelines are designed to help you navigate the thesis terrain from beginning to end. The guidelines apply to students in the in-residence MPH program and the Executive MPH Degree Program (eMPH), although eMPH students have a slightly different time line.