
Members:1 member of the Executive nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

Chairman of the Board of Governors, ex-officio

3 representatives of the Board of Governors who are not members of University staff *

3 representatives of the Academic Board *

President of the Students Union, ex-officio

Principal of RWCMD

Secretary:Clerk to the Governors (non-voting)

* These members shall serve for a term of three years, their membership to lapse if they cease to be members of the body they represent.

6 members shall constitute a quorum.


  1. To receive and determine nominations for the award of Honorary Doctoratesand Honorary Fellowships of the Universityon behalf of the Academic Board and the Board of Governors.
  1. To note nominations from RWCMD for the award of Honorary Fellow of the College, which have been made in accordance with the criteria and procedures laid down in the College’s academic regulations and policies.

3.Whenever there may appear cause for the withdrawal of Honorary Doctorates, Honorary Fellowships, Chancellor’s Medal or Honorary Associateships (the latter two awarded under previous Regulations), to consider the case and make recommendations to the Board of Governors.


Updated November 2014


1.Title and Tenure

The Honorary Doctorates to be awarded by the University are:-


Updated November 2014

Doctor of Letters(DLitt)

Doctor of Science(DSc)

Doctor of Technology (DTech)

Doctor of Laws(LLD)

Doctor of the University(DUniv)


Updated November 2014

except that the Conferments Board has the option of agreeing to award others which are conventionally adopted for Honorary Doctorates by other Universities. The award shall be held for life, except that it may be resigned by the holder, and withdrawn as provided for in (11).

2.Criteria for the Award

The award shall be made only to distinguished persons whose acceptance of it would enhance the status of the University as an academic institution. Persons considered for the award will have made an outstanding contribution in their chosen field(s) of activity. Where the contribution is in a field related to an academic discipline, a specific Doctorate (e.g. DSc, DLitt) will be awarded; in other cases, a Doctorate of the University will be awarded.


Serving members of the University shall not be eligible for the Award.


Nominations for the award may be made by any member of the Board of Governors or member of staff of the University, or by the Students Union Council. All nominations shall be made in writing on the official form and be accompanied by a supporting case.

5.Conferments Board

Nominations shall be submitted to a Conferments Board, constituted as above. Each decision of the Conferments Board shall require at least a two-thirds majority.

6.Offer of Award

The offer of award shall be communicated in writing by the Secretary to the person(s) selected. Notice of acceptance or otherwise shall be requested.


The proceedings of the Conferments Board will be strictly confidential to the membership of the Board until a public announcement of its decisions is made.


Nominations for the award shall normally be invited at the beginning of each Academic Year; the closing date for nominations shall be 30 September. The Conferments Board shall meet as soon as possible thereafter. The award will normally be conferred at the Awards Congregation in the following year.


Persons to whom the award is to be made will normally be expected to attend an Awards Congregation for the conferment of the award. In exceptional circumstances the award may be made in absentia.

A citation shall be given, outlining the grounds on which the award is being made. An appropriate officer of the University shall then formally admit the candidate to an Honorary Degree.

Each person awarded an Honorary Doctorate shall have the opportunity of responding, but if more than one Honorary Doctorate is conferred at the same Congregation, one person receiving an Honorary Doctorate may, by consent, respond on behalf of all.

10.Obligations and Privileges

Broadly, persons receiving Honorary Doctorates shall be expected to advance the objectives of the University and to strengthen the links between it and the field(s) in which they have achieved distinction. There shall be no further specific obligations, other than that of attending a Congregation for the conferment of the award. Persons receiving Honorary Doctorates shall be entitled to attend all major University occasions as honoured guests.


Whenever there may appear cause for the withdrawal of Honorary Doctorates from a holder, the Conferments Board shall consider the case and recommend to the Board of Governors. Withdrawal of Honorary Doctorate shall require at least three-fourths majority of the Board of Governors, arrived at by ballot.


1.Title and Tenure

The Award of Honorary Fellowship will be to former members of the Board of Governors;former members of staff; members of the local community or others who have made a contribution to the University or a discipline area. The award is for life other than it may be removed under (11).

2.Criteria for the Award

The Award of Honorary Fellowship will recognise the efforts and achievements of colleagues who have served the University or a discipline area with particular distinction. The award may provide a means of continuing the association of long-serving colleagues with the University; recognising individuals who have the potential to act as a 'champion' or supporter for the University or recognising the distinctive contributions made by members of the local community and others to the University or discipline area.


Serving members of the University and members who have retired from association with the University for less than 12 months shall not be eligible for the Award.


Nominations for the award may be made by any member of the Board of Governors or member of staff of the University, or by the Students Union Council. All nominations shall be made in writing on the official form and be accompanied by a supporting case.

5.Conferments Board

Nominations shall be submitted to a Conferments Board, constituted as above. Each decision of the Conferments Board shall require at least a two-thirds majority.

6.Offer of Award

The offer of award shall be communicated in writing by the Secretary to the person(s) selected. Notice of acceptance or otherwise shall be requested.


The proceedings of the Conferments Board will be strictly confidential to the membership of the Board until a public announcement of its decisions is made.


Nominations for the award shall normally be invited at the beginning of each Academic Year; the closing date for nominations shall be 30 September. The Conferments Board shall meet as soon as possible thereafter. The award will normally be conferred at the Awards Congregation in the following year.


Persons to whom the award is to be made will normally be expected to attend an Awards Congregation for the conferment of the award. In exceptional circumstances the award may be made in absentia.

A citation shall be given, outlining the grounds on which the award is being made in absentia.

A citation shall be given, outlining the grounds on which the award is being made. An appropriate officer of the University shall then formally admit the candidate to an Honorary Fellowship.

10.Obligations and Privileges

There shall be no further specific obligations, other than that of attending a Congregation for the conferment of the award. Persons receiving Honorary Fellowships shall be entitled to attend all major University occasions as honoured guests.


Whenever there may appear cause for the withdrawal of Honorary Fellowships from a holder, the Conferments Board shall consider the case and recommend to the Board of Governors. Withdrawal of Honorary Fellowships shall require at least a three-fourths majority of the Board of Governors, arrived at by ballot.


Updated November 2014