1. What song best describes your season right now? Why?
2. Share a time in your life when you were in a very difficult situation and then someone came and rescued you from your situation.
3. Who is your favorite superhero? Why?
(Read Genesis 17:1-8 for reference)
Genesis 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.
Life is full of challenges. Whatever season we are in, there is a trial ready to strike us. As long as we are in this world, we can never have a problem-free life. The good news is, through God we can prevail and live victorious lives in spite of the challenges we face. But what is it about God that assures us of this victory?
1. God is able to do anything.
Romans 4:20-21 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
As we read our Bibles, we discover that God is a promise-giving and promise-fulfilling God. He is more than able to fulfill whatever it is that He has promised to us. Its fulfillment may take some time, as in Abraham’s case but make no mistake about it: God can and will fulfill His promise to us.
2. God is able to meet any need.
Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
God can be whoever we need Him to be. If you need encouragement, He will be your encouragement. If you need provision, He will provide for you according to His vast wealth. God is not just all you need, but all you need when you need it!
As we know God more, we realize that He alone is all we need. When we come to a point that we have nothing left but God, we still have a reason to celebrate and prevail, for
- How do you see God in this season of your life?
- What dream or promise from God that you were reminded of?
- What situation you are in right now that you need the help of God?
- What do you think God is telling you to do to show your trust and dependency on Him for the fulfillment of your dream or promise from Him?
- What area in your life right that you think is a hindrance for the fulfillment of the promise of God? What can you do this week to remedy that?
- What is one thing that God is telling you need start/stop doing so that God can fulfill His work in your life?
- Pray for grace that we will always obey Him in every area of our lives and the grace to surrender everything to Him.
- Pray for your Victory Group: pray for their dreams and promises from God that their holding on to right now.
- Pray for the patience and strength to able to prevail in whatever difficult situation they are in right now.