Complete Assignment List for

Summer MUS 100 Online

Please remember the following important dates:

1) The midterm is to be taken during week 3. It is in two parts, written and listening.

2) Concert reports can be submitted anytime during the semester, but no later than August 12.

3) The final is to be taken during week 6, but no later than August 12.

4) Please make sure you are familiar with the requirements for the concert reports and the exams (midterm and finals) before you submit them.

5) If you have any questions please email Dr. Nelson at

Generally speaking, email communication is sufficient during the regular semester. However, due to the compressed nature of a six week summer session, some students will need a more rapid response. Therefore, I will provide you with my cell number. Use this only in true emergency situations. 909 263-6396

Week 1

starting Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Due no later than 9PM on the following Sunday

1) Log on to:

Go to TalonNet and log into the MUS 100 class. Make sure you have purchased your e-book and have registered for online listening. See the syllabus on the Cerritos College website for instructions.

2) E-book: In your e-book read the chapters 1 through 13. Access your e-book by clicking on the links on the right hand side of the page. Listen to the musical examples on the StudySpace page under “Listen & Download” for each chapter. Not all chapters have musical examples. The Prelude (the first chapter in the e-book) is an explanation of how to use your Study Space and contains no outline or musical examples. Be sure to review this first before reading further.

3) Study Plan: Review the key points of each chapter by clicking on the Study Plan link on the right side of the page.

4) Outline: Click on the outline link on the right hand side of the page and review the terms and concepts for each of the chapters 1 through 13.

5) Listen and Download: Take the listening quiz on Hildegard (Alleluia)in Chapter 13. Take the listening quiz on Machaut(Puis qu’en oubli) in Chapter 13. Make sure to forward the results to in the form provided after completing each quiz.

6) Flashcards: Click on the flashcards link and create and review your own flashcards for memorization if desired.

7) Browse: check out the features in the “Connect”, “Learn”, and “Organize” categories.

8) Quiz+ : Click on the Quiz+ link and take the quiz for chapter 13 (select 20 questions) and forward your results to Dr. Nelson at when the quiz is completed.

9) Musical Comment: None this week

10) Online Listening Lab Quiz: This is different than the “Listen and Download” section. Apart from simple identification of the piece, this quiz asks more in depth questions. To start, look for the “Online Listening” link at the top of the Study Space page. Click and then select “Access Premium Content”. In order to enter you must pay for access. See the syllabus for details or the Norton website. Next, click on “Returning User” (if not returning, purchase access here). You will now enter your email and password (given to you when you purchased access). After submitting this data, click on “Enter the Site”. Now click on “Music Identification Listening Quiz”. Select “Medieval Music”. Take the quiz and forward your results to Dr. Nelson at after completing the quiz.

Week 2

starting Monday July 11, 2011

Due no later than 9PM on the following Sunday

1) Log on to:

Go to TalonNet and log into the MUS 100 class. Make sure you have purchased your e-book and have registered for online listening. See the syllabus on the Cerritos College website for instructions.

2) E-book: In your e-book read the chapters 14 through 20. Access your e-book by clicking on the links on the right hand side of the page. Listen to the musical examples on the StudySpace page under “Listen & Download” for each chapter. Not all chapters have musical examples.

3) Study Plan: Review the key points of each chapter by clicking on the Study Plan link on the right side of the page.

4) Outline: Click on the outline link on the right hand side of the page and review the terms and concepts for each of the chapters 14 through 20.

5) Listen and Download: Take the listening quizzes on Purcell (two quizzes for Dido and Aeneas), Handel (two quizzes on the Messiah), and Bach (Cantata) in Chapter 13. Take the listening quiz on Vivaldi (Spring) and Handel (Water Music) in Chapter 19. Take the listening quiz on Bach (Art of the Fugue) in Chapter 20. Make sure to forward the results to in the form provided after completing each quiz.

6) Browse: check out the features in the “Connect”, “Learn”, and “Organize” categories.

7) Flashcards: Click on the flashcards link and create and review your own flashcards for memorization if desired.

8) Quiz+ : Click on the Quiz+ link and take the quiz for chapters 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20 (select 10 questions for each chapter when prompted) and forward your results to Dr. Nelson at when each quiz is completed.

9) Musical Comment: Go to the “Tests and Quizzes” link on the TalonNet website. Select “Musical Comment for Week 2”. Follow the instructions. Instructions for making your musical comment are also found in the syllabus.

10) Online Listening Lab Quiz: This is different than the “Listen and Download” section. Apart from simple identification of the piece, this quiz asks more in depth questions. To start, look for the “Online Listening” link at the top of the Study Space page. Click and then select “Access Premium Content”. In order to enter you must pay for access. See the syllabus for details or the Norton website. Next, click on “Returning User” (if not returning, purchase access here). You will now enter your email and password (given to you when you purchased access). After submitting this data, click on “Enter the Site”. Now click on “Music Identification Listening Quiz”. Take the quizzes on “Renaissance”, “Baroque Vocal Music”, and “Baroque Instrumental Music”. Forward your results to Dr. Nelson at after completing each quiz.

Week 3

starting Monday July 18, 2011

Due no later than 9PM on the following Sunday

1) Log on to:

Go to TalonNet and log into the MUS 100 class. Make sure you have purchased your e-book and have registered for online listening. See the syllabus on the Cerritos College website for instructions.

2) E-book: In your e-book read the chapters 21 through 25. Access your e-book by clicking on the links on the right hand side of the page. Listen to the musical examples on the StudySpace page under “Listen & Download” for each chapter. Not all chapters have musical examples.

3) Study Plan: Review the key points of each chapter by clicking on the Study Plan link on the right side of the page.

4) Outline: Click on the outline link on the right hand side of the page and review the terms and concepts for each of the chapters 21 through 25.

5) Listen and Download: Take the listening quizzes on Mozart (two quizzes for Night Music) in chapter 22. Take the listening quizzes on Haydn (Surprise Symphony) and Beethoven (Symphony No. 5) in Chapter 23. Take the listening quiz on Beethoven (Moonlight Sonata) in Chapter 24. Take the listening quizzes on Mozart (two quizzes for Marriage of Figaro) in Chapter 25. Make sure to forward the results to in the form provided after completing each quiz.

6) Browse: check out the features in the “Connect”, “Learn”, and “Organize” categories.

7) Flashcards: Click on the flashcards link and create and review your own flashcards for memorization if desired.

8) Quiz+ : Click on the Quiz+ link and take the quiz for chapters 22 through 25 (select 10 questions for each chapter when prompted) and forward your results to Dr. Nelson at when each quiz is completed.

9) Musical Comment: Go to the “Tests and Quizzes” link on the TalonNet website. Select “Musical Comment for Week 3”. Follow the instructions. Instructions for making your musical comment are also found in the syllabus.

10) Online Listening Lab Quiz: This is different than the “Listen and Download” section. Apart from simple identification of the piece, this quiz asks more in depth questions. To start, look for the “Online Listening” link at the top of the Study Space page. Click and then select “Access Premium Content”. In order to enter you must pay for access. See the syllabus for details or the Norton website. Next, click on “Returning User” (if not returning, purchase access here). You will now enter your email and password (given to you when you purchased access). After submitting this data, click on “Enter the Site”. Now click on “Music Identification Listening Quiz”. Take the quizzes on “Classical Orchestral Music”, “Classical Chamber Music”, and “Classical Opera”. Forward your results to Dr. Nelson at after completing each quiz.

11) Take the Midterm: Don’t forget the exam is in two parts, written and listening. Instructions for the test are found on our webpage under “Tests and Quizzes”.

Week 4

starting Monday July 25, 2011

Due no later than 9PM on the following Sunday

1) Log on to:

Go to TalonNet and log into the MUS 100 class. Make sure you have purchased your e-book and have registered for online listening. See the syllabus on the Cerritos College website for instructions.

2) E-book: In your e-book read the chapters 26 through 28. Access your e-book by clicking on the links on the right hand side of the page. Listen to the musical examples on the StudySpace page under “Listen & Download” for each chapter. Not all chapters have musical examples.

3) Study Plan: Review the key points of each chapter by clicking on the Study Plan link on the right side of the page.

4) Outline: Click on the outline link on the right hand side of the page and review the terms and concepts for each of the chapters 26 through 28.

5) Listen and Download: Take the listening quizzes on Schubert (Erlking) and Chopin (Polonaise) in chapter 27. Take the listening quiz on Berlioz (Symphonie Fantastique) and Smetana (Moldau) in Chapter 28. Make sure to forward the results to in the form provided after completing each quiz.

6) Browse: check out the features in the “Connect”, “Learn”, and “Organize” categories.

7) Flashcards: Click on the flashcards link and create and review your own flashcards for memorization if desired.

8) Quiz+ : Click on the Quiz+ link and take the quiz for chapters 27 and 28 (select 10 questions for each chapter when prompted) and forward your results to Dr. Nelson at when each quiz is completed.

9) Musical Comment: No musical comment this week

10) Online Listening Lab Quiz: This is different than the “Listen and Download” section. Apart from simple identification of the piece, this quiz asks more in depth questions. To start, look for the “Online Listening” link at the top of the Study Space page. Click and then select “Access Premium Content”. In order to enter you must pay for access. See the syllabus for details or the Norton website. Next, click on “Returning User” (if not returning, purchase access here). You will now enter your email and password (given to you when you purchased access). After submitting this data, click on “Enter the Site”. Now click on “Music Identification Listening Quiz”. Take the quizzes on “Romantic Piano Music” and “Romantic Orchestral Music”. Forward your results to Dr. Nelson at after completing each quiz.

Week 5

starting Monday August 1, 2011

Due no later than 9PM on the following Sunday

1) Log on to:

Go to TalonNet and log into the MUS 100 class. Make sure you have purchased your e-book and have registered for online listening. See the syllabus on the Cerritos College website for instructions.

2) E-book: In your e-book read the chapters 29 through 31. Access your e-book by clicking on the links on the right hand side of the page. Listen to the musical examples on the StudySpace page under “Listen & Download” for each chapter. Not all chapters have musical examples.

3) Study Plan: Review the key points of each chapter by clicking on the Study Plan link on the right side of the page.

4) Outline: Click on the outline link on the right hand side of the page and review the terms and concepts for each of the chapters 29 through 31.

5) Listen and Download: Take the listening quiz on Verdi (Rigoletto - La Donna e Mobile only) in Chapter 29 and the listening quiz on Brahms (A German Requiem) in Chapter 30. Make sure to forward the results to in the form provided after completing each quiz.

6) Browse: check out the features in the “Connect”, “Learn”, and “Organize” categories.

7) Flashcards: Click on the flashcards link and create and review your own flashcards for memorization if desired.

8) Quiz+ : Click on the Quiz+ link and take the quiz for chapters 29 and 30 (select 10 questions for each chapter when prompted) and forward your results to Dr. Nelson at when each quiz is completed.

9) Musical Comment: Go to the “Tests and Quizzes” link on the TalonNet website. Select “Musical Comment for Week 5”. Follow the instructions. Instructions for making your musical comment are also found in the syllabus.

10) Online Listening Lab Quiz: This is different than the “Listen and Download” section. Apart from simple identification of the piece, this quiz asks more in depth questions. To start, look for the “Online Listening” link at the top of the Study Space page. Click and then select “Access Premium Content”. In order to enter you must pay for access. See the syllabus for details or the Norton website. Next, click on “Returning User” (if not returning, purchase access here). You will now enter your email and password (given to you when you purchased access). After submitting this data, click on “Enter the Site”. Now click on “Music Identification Listening Quiz”. Take the quiz on “Romantic Opera”. Forward your results to Dr. Nelson at after completing each quiz.