DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 7th December, 1949, Limanowa (Poland)



AGH - University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection

Av. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow


tel: +48-12-6172433, fax: +48-12-6332936


EDUCATION: 1972- MSc. at the University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH), with a specialization in ore geology and mineral deposits (Rector's award for the MSc. project: “Influence of uranium mining on local environment), 1982- PhD at the University of Mining and Metallurgy, PhD thesis: Geology and ore mineralization in the Rudna Mine of the Lubin - Polkowice Region, SW Poland (Rector's award for the doctor thesis). 1995- habilitation: Genesis of the Kupferschiefer type deposits. 1999- professor title

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Lectures and classes for the Geology and Mining Engineering Faculties on the following courses: mineralogy, ore petrography, geology of ore deposits and ore prospecting; field summer trainings. 47 graduated MSc. students and 2 PhD. 1998: Egypt, invited speaker, lecture on gold deposits. Since 2001 head of Economic Geology Department. Since 2004 head of Economic Geology Center

KNOWLEGE OF LANGUAGES: English, German, Russian


1972- Georgia (USSR), one month, visiting of Zn, Pb, and Mn deposits. 1974- Sweden, two weeks, visiting of ore deposits: Bastkarn, Strasa, Grangesberg, Ixioberg, Dannemora and Falun. 1977- Czechoslovakia, one month, field training in Przybram, Zlate Hory, Krumlow and Stare Ransko mines. 1978- United Kingdom, two weeks, vein deposits of fluorite, barite, wolframite; underground mapping. 1981- Ireland, two weeks, visiting mines of Navan, Avoca and Silvermine. 1983- Spitsbergen (Norway), two months, leader of the scientific expedition; geological mapping, prospecting for ore deposits, planning of the mapping works on the surface and mineralogical and petrographical studies of the metamorphic rocks of the SW Spitsbergen Region. Research of the dust pollution in Skirllyg Glacier. 1987-1989- West Germany, Heidelberg University, Humboldt Fellowship; synthesis of Cu-S and Cu-Mo-S minerals in dry conditions, collaboration with Prof. G.H. Moh. 1993: training in remote sensing and GIS, Imperial College, London (three months). 1993-1994: Planning for environmental restoration of radioactively contaminated sites in central and eastern Europe, IAEA-TECDOC-865. (Polish representative). 1997: Ural – Russia, two weeks, mineral deposits of the Central Ural: Berezovsk -Au-deposit, (pegmatites, Ni-laterites) visiting mines, field prospecting. 1998: Egypt, Eastern Desert evaluation of gold deposits. 1999: Ukraina, two weeks, mineral deposits of the Inner Carpathian Belt, visiting mines, field training. 2000-2001: Chairman of the Joint 6th Biennial SGA-SEG Meeting, August 26-29, 2001, Kraków, Poland. 2000-2003: IAEA Vienna, co-ordinated research project (TECDOC-1403) on: The long term stabilization and of uranium mill tailings. Project: “Room temperature ceramics, the breakthrough material, for long term stabilization and isolation of low-waste uranium” – national leader.

During 33 years of my activity, 105 industrial reports were prepared and managed for Polish mining industry. From this list 39 projects were focus on extraction of hard coal. 61 projects are related to copper – silver deposit. In 1993-1993 underground prospecting for gold, was performed for KGHM Polish Cooper Company. During this project, genetically new type of gold deposit containing minor Pt and Pd was discovered and described. Full data assessment were performed including calculation of Au reserve, cut of grade and preparation of mineral dressing technology based on detailed mineralogical study. The other projects for KGHM Company were related to geology and distribution of ore minerals on the surface of c.a. 500 km2. During 20 years activity more than 15,000 polished sections have been studied. Several projects were performed for Zn-Pb MVT –type deposits, and for Fe-Ti anortosite type deposits. The main achievement was discovery of Pt-Pd ore mineralization related to porphyry cooper hydrothermal systems. In 1997 the feasibility study of copper related to basaltic traps in the Ukrainian Shield has been completed .

MEMBERSHIP: Polish Mineralogical Society, Polish Society of Earth Science, Polish Academy of Science; Department of Mineralogy, IAGOD- International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, SGA- Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, SEG- Society of Economic Geologists. PTG/PGS Poland it is a member of the European Federation of Geologists.

PUBLICATIONS: more than 150 papers published