Unit 6: Storytelling

Tomás and the Library Lady

·  gulps—plural form of gulp: the amount swallowed at one time;

·  cot—a type of bed;

·  howling—a form of the verb howl: to make a loud, wailing cry;

·  lap—to drink a liquid by lifting it up with the tongue;

·  setting—a form of the verb set: to go down below the horizon;

·  eager—wanting very much to do something;

·  package—a thing or group of things packed, wrapped up, or tied together, a bundle;

·  borrow—to take something from another person with the understanding that it must be given back.

Storm in the Night

·  streaming—running, flowing;

·  mantel—a shelf above a fireplace;

·  siren—a device that makes a loud, shrill sound;

·  scarcely—barely;

·  drenched—past tense of drench: to soak completely;

·  errand—a short trip to do something;

·  overcome—to beat or conquer;

·  natural—found in nature, not made by people.

Pueblo Storyteller

·  pueblo—a Native-American village consisting of adobe and stone houses joined together;

·  modern—from the present or recent time;

·  traditions—plural form of tradition: the practice of passing down customs, beliefs, or other knowledge from parents to their children;

·  cylinder—a solid or hollow object shaped like a drum or a soup can;

·  modeling—the making or designing of something;

·  concentrate—to give careful attention;

·  pure—not mixed with anything else;

·  ancestors—plural form of ancestor: an older family member from long ago.

Johnny Appleseed

·  stored—past tense of store: to put away for future use;

·  cleared—past tense of clear: to remove things from;

·  survived—past tense of survive: to stay alive;

·  boasted—past tense of boast: to brag;

·  affectionately—with love;

·  exaggerated—past tense of exaggerate: to go beyond the truth;

·  claim—to say that something is true;

·  exhausted—very weak or tired.

McBroom and the Big Wind

·  deny—to say that something is not true;

·  common—happening often, familiar;

·  shingle—to cover with shingles;

·  battered—past tense of batter: to hit over and over again with heavy blows;

·  gust—a sudden, strong rush of wind or air;

·  huddled—past tense of huddle: to crowd together;

·  haste—quickness in moving or in acting, speed;

·  calculate—to figure out.