Sermons From Genesis

2-CREATION: GOD’S STORY Genesis 1:1-13

Intro- Have you ever stood beside the Ocean and looked across the Horizon and said How did all this happen? Have you ever stood on top a Mountain looking out across the valley and wondered How did it all begin? On Christmas Eve, 1968, 3 men were aboard the Apollo 8. As they orbited the moon, they became so aware of the presence of God in space, that they publicly read the first ten verses of Genesis chapter one to the listening world thousands of miles away. On another mission, James B. Irwin, was an astronaut with Apollo 15. When he walked on the surface of the moon, he said he was so overwhelmed with the conscious awareness that God was present on the surface of the moon. And God Was! Because God is not bound by space!

Only once in eternity has God been bound by time and space. It was when He chose to be bound by a woman’s womb for nine months. When He lay confined to a manger. The time when God, who inhabits eternity, put on Himself a human body and walked this earth for 33 ½ years. Only once, voluntarily, was God confined to a wooden cross, bound by three nails. And in the end when His body lay bound in a borrowed tomb for 3 days. But I’m glad to tell you… that though he was bound to a Cross for death. And though He was bound to a Tomb because of death. He has risen never to be bound by time or space ever again!


Vs.1 says In the beginning GOD

  1. God’s Word Settles The MYSTERY of Creation

Genesis 1:1 says In the beginning God CREATED the heaven and the earth.

It does not seek to argue or debate the fact!

GOD is Responsible for How it all happened!

Creation is GOD’S STORY!

If you want to know how something happened you need an Eye Witness. God is the only Eye Witness of the Creation account.

After the death of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, America watched for months as the drama unfolded with O.J. Simpson. After all the incriminating evidence, O.J. Simpson was acquitted of the deaths because there were no Eye Witness’s.

The same was true in the doll-sized beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey case. Still there are no Eye Witness’s of what happened.

  1. God’s Word Shows The METHOD of Creation

Hebrews 11:3 says“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, …”

God literally Spoke this World into existence!


What does the Picture Reveal?

  1. It Reveals The DISORDER

“And the earth was without form”

1-The earth had No Virtue to it

2-The earth had No Value to it

  1. It Reveals The DEADNESS

“… the earth was VOID”

There was nothing there! It was lifeless!

  1. It Reveals The DARKNESS

1-Darkness is a Picture of SORROW

(Jeremiah 4:23) "I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light."

2-Darkness is a Picture of SIN

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness (or sin) rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

  1. It Reveals The DELIVERANCE

“And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”

In the beginning of verse 2 there’s CHAOS.

In the end of the verse there’s COMMOTION.

What are you saying Preacher? In the midst of Chaos, God swept in and straightened out the Disorder! God stepped in and straightened out the Deadness. God swept in and Settled the Darkness!


Do you remember story of Dollie the sheep? Dollie was a sheep in Scotland that was created from the DNA of another sheep. It left many reeling from its implications. I would not argue that it is an amazing achievement. But then again, they had DNA to work with. They took something and made something. God took nothing and made something with it. That was God’s Process!

What was God’s Process in Creation? Forming & Filling!

  1. The 1st 3 Days of Creation- God Was FORMING the Earth

The Bible speaks of 6 days of creation. In the first 3 days there was a specific work that God did.

DAY ONEGod brought light into existence (1:3-5)DAY TWOGod formed the atmosphere.(1:6-8)

DAY THREEGod formed the continents and the seas- in Genesis 1:9-10,

Also on the 3rd dayGod gave the world plant life. in verses 11-13

Notice that it was on day 3 that the phrase"after his kind." Simply put, little calves become big cows, and little trees become big trees, but little calves do not become big trees and little trees do not become big cows.

  1. The Second 3 Days of Creation- God Was FILLING

On DAY FOUR God filled the heavens. We read in verses 14-19

On day four God made the sun. The sun is our nuclear plant in the sky. It runs on a 10 trillion supply of hydrogen fuel, producing a steady flow of heat and light for all life on earth. At 8 cents per kilowatt-hour, New Yorkers alone would have to pay up to 400 million dollars a day to provide the light that comes to them free from the sun.8

God placed the sun 90 million miles away from this earth. If you boarded a jet and traveled 1000 mph it would take you 10 years to get the sun. Yet God placed it right where it had to be. If it had been farther away the earth would have been frozen. If He had placed it closer it would have burned up.

On Day 4 God placed the moon in the sky. It is interesting that God identified the Sun as the greater light. If you look up in the sky, to the eye the moon would seem bigger. But since God created it He knew which one was bigger. It is also interesting that God called the Sun the greater of two lights: the sun and moon. He did not call the Sun the greatest light. You know why? Because Jesus is the Greatest Light!

John 8:12 Jesus said I Am the Light of the World: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

On Day 4 God made the stars also. What scientist have wrote volumes on, trying to describe the stars- God said in 5 words.

Did you know, there are 400 Billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy? I stayed up all night counting them!!!Yet God calls them all by name.

On DAY FIVE God filled the seas and skies. in verses 20-23

God filled the skies with birds. It is estimated that there are around 10 thousand species of birds.

On DAY SIX God filled the earth with various creatures. verses 24-25

Three classes are given. There are cattle (four-footed domestic animals). There arecreeping things (creatures that move along the ground). There arebeasts (wild animals). Scientists have classified millions of different species of animals, including more than 800,000 kinds of insects, 6,000 kinds of reptiles, 3,000 kinds of amphibians, and 5,000 kinds of mammals.

Finally on the 6th day God created man.

How did God create it all? He simply spoke the word and it was so. Over and over againwe read, "And God said."


What is Gods purpose for all God has created? The Bible tells us that this universe and world were created for:

A.The Enjoyment Of Man

We read in I Timothy 6:17, that God "giveth us richly all things to enjoy." This world was created for the good and happiness of man. This world was created to sustain man and satisfy man. The world in and on which we live is a gift from God. He created all things with man in mind.

ALSO-we see that this universe and worldwere created for:

B.The Exaltation Of God

We read in Revelation 4:11, “Thou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created." This world was created to be a testimony to the greatness and glory of God.This world was created with a two-fold purpose. It was created for man's good and God's glory.

Where did we come from and how did we get here? The One Who was there has told us!