December 21, 2015 Minutes

Regular Meeting

Town of Pine Bluffs, Laramie County, Wyoming

Present: Mayor William Shain; Councilman Mark Fornstrom; Councilman Alan Curtis; Councilman Tom Mohren; Carleen Graves, Clerk; Alex Davison, Attorney. Also present was Jimmie Earls, PB Post, John Gross and Gary Naill. Mayor Shain called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

AGENDA APPROVAL Councilman Fornstrom made a motion to accept the Agenda with the addition of an Executive Session and New Business Request from Pine Bowl to serve alcohol early for Tournament in January. Councilman Curtis seconds the motion and the motion passed unanimously with 3 ayes.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ADGENDA Councilman Fornstrom made a motion to approve all items in consent agenda items 1 through 3. A second was heard from Councilman Mohren. The motion passed unanimously with 3 ayes.


Armstrong, Brenda / Recertification / 250.00
Bicycle Station / Recreation / 605.96
Capital Business / PD Copier / 86.10
Capital Business / Lease / 400.78
Cheyenne Laramie County Health / Daycare / 75.00
Cheyenne Leads / Annual pledge / 100.00
Cheyenne Light Fuel / Utilities / 3,348.55
Comtronix / Alarm monitoring / 240.00
Crescent Electric / Supplies / 759.59
High West Digital Solutions / Computer equipment / 1,964.71
High West Digital Solutions / Supplies / 53.86
High West Energy / Utilities / 377.00
Home Depot Credit Services / Supplies / 596.26
Indoff Incorporated / Cabinet Installation / 375.00
LCFD #5 / Lease / 600.00
Long, Amy / Recertification / 175.00
Meridian Trust FCU / Credit card purchases / 2,442.06
Moore Medical / Supplies / 721.07
North Star Pharmacy / Ambulance meds / 125.01
One Call / Testing and compliance / 8.25
Phoenix Fire / CC Fire Alarm / 574.00
Pine Bluffs Post / Advertising / 436.00
Plankinton, JoAnn / Janitorial / 568.25
Qtpod / Airport service plan / 995.00
Rabago, David / Janitorial / 450.00
Redden, Andy / Clothing / 100.00
Romig, Sandra / Recertification / 250.00
RT Communication / Phones / 1,620.31
Russell Industries / Booster Station software patch / 444.00
Sam’s Club / Supplies / 86.02
Sinclair Truck Stop / fuel / 1,207.36
Terminix / Pest control / 129.00
Tucker, Tammy / Janitorial / 391.00
UW Family Medicine / Employee Screening / 17.00
USA Blue Book / Water Tank Repair / 384.12
USTI / Payroll forms / 223.00
Verizon / PD Phones / 439.34
Verizon / Ambulance phone line / 14.04
WY Department of Health / Ambulance Business License / 20.00
Payroll / 12/14/2015 / 31,144.77
Totals / 51,941.45

NEW BUSINESS Approve Resolution 2015-15 Appointing William Cushing to WMPA Board of Directors. Councilman Fornstrom made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-15 Appointing William Cushing to WMPA Board of Directors for another 3 year term with a second from Councilman Curtis. Motion passed with 3 ayes.

Pine Bowl is requesting to serve alcohol early for a Tournament on January 9th, Sunday, 2016. Councilman Curtis made a motion to approve Pine Bowl on being able to serve alcohol early for their Tournament in January with a second from Councilman Mohren. Motion passed with 3 ayes.

VISITOR COMMENTS Gary Naill and John Gross spoke to the Council on what plans the Council has for the land out north. Gary is entertaining the idea of putting in a sale barn and would like to put it in Wyoming. He would need possible 20 acres. They have spoken to Cheyenne Leads and The Business Council and the next step would be to have a feasibility study done. The Council will encourage any Economic Development for the Town and will get a price per acre to him as soon as we can.

DEPARTMENT REPORTS Councilman Mohren reported that the Daycare Fund raiser they had at Christmas at Home made a little over $400.00. Carleen Graves reported Kim Patterson has been on vacation but will be back this week. City of Cheyenne issued a Public Notice on a renewal application for the Solid Waste Transfer Station. WMPA sent out a memo on the 2016 rates. WAM Winter Workshop is February 17, 18, 19 in Cheyenne and if anyone is interested in attending please let her know. The letter to Littler Learners Daycare went out referencing a waiver for the Health Department on a grease trap. Attorney Davison is concerned about the County’s control on Towns sewer. After discussion the Council asked Clerk Graves to call Little Learners and explain concerns but it won’t affect her opening up the new site. Mayor Shain explained an email in reference to the recent snow storm and the slick conditions. Councilman Curtis wanted to give the Council a heads up on the condition of the loader that was recently repaired.

MEETINGS AND ANNOUCEMENTS Next Town Council Meeting will be January 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm.

EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilman Fornstrom moved to go into Executive Session on Litigation matters with a second from Councilman Mohren. Motion passed with 3 ayes. Councilman Fornstorm moved to end Executive Session with a second from Councilman Mohren and the motion passed with 3 ayes.

ADJOURNMENT Councilman Mohren moved to adjourn with a second from Councilman Curtis. Motion passed unanimously with 3 ayes. Meeting was adjourned.



William Shain, Mayor


Carleen Graves, Clerk

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