APPENDIX B - Puyallup Education Support Professionals Association

(PESPA) Evaluation

Puyallup School District

Employee’s Name: ______Work Location: ______

Job Title: ______

Evaluation Period: From______To ______

Evaluation Type: Annual New Hire Other______

Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Improvement Needed
Commitment to Quality
Consistently gives best effort.
Evaluates work and adjusts, as necessary.
Completes work to quality standards.
Demonstrates continued professional growth.
Appropriately accepts and implements feedback for improvement.
Instruction/Tutoring This section is not applicable to this employee’s assignment.
Utilizes a variety of activities so that students grasp the desired outcome. (Technology, manipulatives, sensory devices, etc.) (Comp.#1, #10 &13)
Presents learning activities so students understand the purpose of the lesson. (Comp. #9)
Uses specific written and verbal comments which reinforce and stimulate desired student learning. (Comp. #9)
Gives timely feedback while student work is in progress. (Comp. #1&11)
Assesses student work to determine areas that require repetition, emphasis or a different instructional strategy. (Comp. # 3)
Provides positive behavioral support and management. (Comp. #6)
Presents information in a clear, organized manner using a variety of methods and resources. (Comp. #3, #8, #9, #10)
Consults with other instructional staff as needed. (Comp. #5)
PESPA Evaluation / Exceeds Expectations
Page 2 / Meets Expectations
Improvement Needed
Work Habits and Attitudes
Displays initiative, interest, and knowledge in work assignment.
Begins and follows through on tasks using time effectively for maximum output and highest quality.
Displays ability to adapt as needed.
Maintains appropriate records. (Comp. #7)
Maintains confidentiality. (Comp. #4)
Demonstrates ability to analyze situations, assess problems and make appropriate decisions. (Comp. #8, #10)
Displays dependable, consistent work habits; is punctual.
Demonstrates high interest, commitment and enjoyment in working with students.
Receives, understands, and interprets information accurately. (Comp.#5)
Communicates appropriately with students. (Comp. #8, #11)
Communicates appropriately with other staff/work group members. (Comp. #5)
Communicates appropriately with parents as directed. (Comp. #5)
Interpersonal Effectiveness
/ Works successfully and positively with others. (Comp. #2)
Contributes productively as a member of a work team. (Comp.#2)
Plays an appropriate role in the success of the work team’s efforts. (Comp.#2)
Interpreter Effectiveness This section is not applicable to this employee’s assignment
Topic usually clear. Appropriate use of directionality, classifiers and sign choices, grammar and language mode.
Main message is provided with only a few minor details missed.
Letters and numbers are easy to read with appropriate finger spelling.
Vocabulary is appropriate for the setting and student.
Comfortable with most concepts and is prepared.
Lag time is sufficient for the setting and the user.
Matches speaker’s emotional State and intensity.
Voicing – Matches student(s) most of the time, shows their personality less than interpreter’s.
Understands most speakers without excessive clarification
PESPA Evaluation
Page 3

Exceeds Expectations: Performance exceeds the criteria or standards of performance for practically all aspects of the work. Employee performs even the difficult and complex parts of the job competently and thoroughly, including extra or unique tasks assigned. Results show achievements of extremely high value.

Meets Expectations: Performance meets the criteria or standards of performance of the job.

Improvement Needed: Performance meets the criteria or standards of performance for some aspects of the work. However, job objectives are often not met and are generally below expectations or are met with only a minimum level of acceptability. Performance improvement is indicated.

Unsatisfactory: Performance is below the criteria or standards of performance for almost all aspects of the work. Attainment of primary work objectives has not been met. Improvement is mandatory. Retention of employee at this level may not be warranted.

OVERALL RATING:______Satisfactory______Unsatisfactory


The signature below does not necessarily imply that the employee agrees with the preceding report, only that he or she has seen and discussed it with the evaluator and has been provided a copy. Employee may attach statement.

Employee ______Date ______

Evaluator ______Date ______

Employee statement attached: Yes No

Administrator Date ______


Washington State Recommended Core Competencies for Pareducators

To work in education and related services programs for children and youth with disabilities, Paraeducators will demonstrate:
1. / understanding the value of providing instructional and other direct services to all children and youth with disabilities;
2. / understanding the roles and responsibilities or certificated/licensed staff and Paraeducators;
3. / knowledge of (a) patterns of human development and milestones typically achieved at different ages, and (b) risk factors that may prohibit or impede typical development;
4. / ability to practice ethical and professional standards of conduct, including the requirements of confidentiality;
5. / ability to communicate with colleagues, follow instructions, and use problem solving and other skills that will enable the Paraeducator to work as an effective member of the instructional team;
6. / ability to provide positive behavioral support and management;
7. / knowledge of the legal issues related to the education of children and youth with disabilities and their families;
8. / awareness of diversity among the children, youth, families and colleagues with whom they work;
9. / knowledge and application of the elements of effective instruction to assist teaching and learning as developed by the certificated/licensed staff in a variety of settings;
10. / ability to utilize appropriate strategies and techniques to provide instructional support in teaching and learning as developed by the certificated/licensed staff;
11. / ability to motivate and assist children and youth;
12. / knowledge of and ability to follow health, safety, and emergency procedures of the agency where they are employed;
13. / awareness of the ways in which technology can assist teaching and learning; and
14. / awareness of personal care and/or health related support.