Chair: John Nagy / P / Pres: Charlie Philpot / P / VP: Gene Fabryka
Trea: Rich Neva / P / Sec: Mark Kavanagh / P / Museum Dir Greg Bonn

Trustees Present

Bill Binns (2015) / P / Gage Geist (2015) / P / Gene Fabryka (2015)
Mark Kavanagh (2013) / P / Mark Moore (2014) / P / John Nagy (2014) / P
Adam Samish (2013) / P / Bob Terkelsen (2014) / P / Carolyn Vernon (2013) / P

Members & Guests

Rod Cox, “Trolley” David Rowe, Wayne Jones

The meeting was called to order in the Antique Powerland Conference Room at 1:03pm Chair John Nagy


·  Minutes from June Meeting Approved (Vernon/Terkelsen)


·  Treasurer

o  Account balance $40671.88

o  Membership list has been handed over to the secretary

o  Still working on transitioning to Quickbooks

o  Treasurer is not assuming responsibility to donation boxes due to limited access

o  Thanks Brandt Williams and David Rowe for working under budget on VT514

·  APMA Report

·  Executive Director

o  Down to 9 candidates.

o  Interviews occurring over the next few weeks. 5 are from Oregon, 4 from outside.

o  Goal is for them to start by Sept 1.

·  Steamup

o  Everything is on track.

·  Caterpillar Auction:

o  Open to anything. Will take items until the night before (7/26)

o  OERHS is considering bucket truck, trailer, etc…

·  Landscaping

o  APMA wants to add trees on north end, OERHS is not in favor.

·  Retention pond

o  National Guard is working on it

·  WST

·  VT514 status

o  Load Test is scheduled for 11am on 7/16. After the load test VT514 would be considered “ready”

o  Need to add a $300+ electrical safety feature to the car

·  Operation

o  Target start date is August 17th. It is gated by load test and ODOT release

o  Drug testing of operators is in progress

o  Track work and ties still need to be replaced.

o  Radios: Chris A is working on getting discount radios from Day Wireless,

·  Museum Report

·  Cleanup around the shop completed

·  Motor 401

o  catwalk installed

o  Eric is working on trolley pole bases

o  The motor is basically nearly ready to go

·  Carbarn door got jammed

·  Yard track need constant grease to prevent derails. > Needs to be addressed

·  Gene picked up trolley parts and PCC trolley pole basses from someone down in Brookings.

·  Interpretive Center Report

·  Interior wood finished

·  Trim work started

·  Exterior is over 75% painted.


·  Issaquah car

o  Bill Binns is looking into grants for the car move

o  Logistics issues for car move

§  Ideal pickup location not possible due a trestle with weight restriction.

§  Crane = $$

§  Can load in street, but requires barricades and off-duty police officer.

§  It is believed it can still be done within the $4170 bid to move the car.

§  Will send out fundraising request in the transfer.

§  Plan for an August/Sept move.

·  Samtrak Car

o  Waiting on Samuels for the lease agreement

·  Steamup Operations

o  Operating plan is in place via Gage Geist

§  Better communication and 2-man operation

o  Interpretive Center will not be open

o  Not enough surplus sales to make it worthwhile this year.

o  New tickets are available.

·  Macadem WigWag from WST retrieved.


·  Donation Policy

o  OERHS needs a policy to prevent becoming from a dumping ground.

o  Most museums have one, Charlie to bring one to share with the Board.

·  Scrap pile by the shop

o  Tom Kneeland is looking for donations for the line shaft shop

MOTION: Donate scarp items for the line shaft fund (Moore/Terkelsen) Passed

·  Paypal Triangle

o  The museum can now accept credit cards via Paypal Triangle

o  The fee is 2.7% with not transaction or monthly fees

o  Just requires a Smartphone, or Tablet (with 3/4G) with Paypal App

·  Brochures

o  Need to look at updating brochures

Motion: Budget set for $500 (Kavanagh/Moore) passed




·  Executive session was called by the chairman at 2:40pm


·  Second Saturday of the month in the afternoon in Antique Powerland Conference Room,

·  Next meeting to be held on August 10th at 1pm

Respectfully submitted, Mark Kavanagh, Secretary

OERHS meeting Minutes July 13, 2013 Page 1 of 2