Religious Education Committee – Meeting July 10, 2013


Meeting was called to order at 7: 00P.M. Present were Mary Ann Olson ,BarbGawlik,GabeYurovich, Diane Perko, JanellNeises, Father Brice, Theresa Kiel, Joyce Rondorf and Janet Boh. Absent was Therese Hoeser.

Prayer by Father Brice

There has been a review of texts, all parishes will be using the courses they had last year, Holy Family and St. Mary’s, Our Sunday Visitor and St. Anthony’s the Sadlier text. There will be a committee set up to review and advice for text books for 2014-2015 school year. We will choose two representatives from HF and SM and two from SA. Theresa Kiel expressed interest; we will need to have a committee by next month.

Gabe will teach confirmation material to HF and SM students, who attend jointly. Father Joe has already given Gabe material which will be looked at and a lesson will be planned. They will also be teaching classes called Vital Signs, Exercising Faith, Scriptural Vital, keeping a journal and community service. SA will continue this program as it worked well last year.

A new schedule for junior and senior high students will be implemented this year. We are trying to make the classes more interesting for students. A calendar month will include two teaching sessions, one event for students (probably on weekend) and one in-service meeting for all teachers to attend.

The students starting in seventh grade will start using the Flash Cards that goes along with the Vital Signs program.

On August 28th a parent – teacher meeting will be held at HF/SM and SA for parents of all students and registration if need be. The student handbook will be studied and questions answered. Time is 7:30P.M.

On Sept. 4th a Teacher in-service evening will be held, for all teachers from all the parishes at Loyal. Soup will be served at 6:00 P.M. with the meeting following. Barb Gawlick is in charge of planning the in-service, she is planning on asking Deacon Tom Kinnick of St. Charles Borremo church in Chippewa Falls.

Discussed sending more students to Adventure camp, the last date is August third and we felt it was too late to consider. Also a day retreat at Independence, we will work on that.

St. Mary’s will provide the Net Retreat again at Greenwood for 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th grade students from all parishes. The date will be Saturday October 12th, the groups will be broken into two sections, 7th and 8th and 9th and 10th. Because of this there will be no Faith Formation Classes for these students Wed. October 9th.

November 16th and 17ththere will be a retreat for all confirmation students at St. Anthony’s Retreat Center, Marathon.

Catechetical Sunday is on September 15th, 2013 (National) Father Brice will be conducting a service at each mass that weekend for all catechist for the school year.

The Parent Handbook was reviewed. Mary Ann took a copy and Joyce emailed a copy to others. We were all supposed to go over it for corrections or ideas.

Embracing Parenthood, DVD of teaching the Way of Love Series: Embracing Parenthood. We will watch as a group as catechetical material.

Representative for the SA Parish Council will be Theresa Kiel and MaryannOlson; they will take turns on monthly bases.

Joint Parish Mission during Lent will be held. All three parishes will have an evening at their church, taking turns. Father Steve will ask Father Frank Corradi a week during Lent that Father Corradi is free. Father Steve will be in charge of setting up the mission.

Rough timeline for joint curriculum – Not really decided Theresa Kiel is interested in being on a committee representing St. Anthony’s. St. Mary’s and Holy Family should each find two people from each parish to contribute to a joint curriculum.

Next agenda:

Work on joint curriculum timeline, each have two members participate.

Review material for our Faith Formation Classes and get set for the school year.

Meeting will be August 15th after 6:30 mass at Saint Anthony’s in the school library.

Father Steve Brice closed with prayer at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Janet Boh – approval pending