ERM Student Match Form

Student Name: ______Date: ______

Program: MS ____ PhD ____ Year in program: ______

PURPOSE:The purpose of this form is to provide ERM faculty with information about your research and professional interests so that the faculty can best match you with a research advisor.Note that the research advisor differs from the initial faculty advisor to whom you are assignedupon admission into ERM. The initial faculty advisor serves to assist you with your plan of study and any other issues related to your involvement with ERM when you first enter into ERM. In contrast, the research advisor serves in more of a mentoring capacity with respect to your research and professional development. After the first year of study, students in the MS/PhD and PhD programs will transition from the initial faculty advisor to their research advisor, based on the matching process. In some instances, the initial faculty advisor will be the same person as the research advisor, but in other instances they will differ.

WHO SHOULD COMPLETE THIS FORM? This form should be completed by students in the MS/PhD or PhD programs who: (a) are completing their first year of their program, or (b) are beyond the first year of their program but do not yet have a research advisor, whereby a research advisor is a faculty member who will be overseeing your research activities. If you already have a research advisor (i.e., you have your doctoral committee formed, or already have established a faculty member as your research advisor), then there is no need to complete this form. If you have questions about whether you should complete this form, you can contact the Department Chair for clarification.

HOW TO COMPLETE THE MATCH: If you are scheduled to enter the matching process, please do the following:

(i) Complete this form by the designated date and return the form to the designated individual. The designated date and individual will be provided to you by midway through the Spring Semester.

(ii) If you have a CV, please attach to the matching form.

(iii) You will be notified of the matching outcome shortly after submission of the documents.


1. Please indicate which broad topic(s) best align with your research interests.

___ Measurement, assessment, and psychometrics

___ Evaluation methodology and associated applications

___ Applied statistical methods for informing practice and decisions

2. If you selected “Measurement, assessment, and psychometrics” in Part 1 above, then identify which of the following topic areas are of primary interest to you.

___ IRT (general)___ IRT (polytomous)___ Multidimensional IRT

___ Computerized testing___ Mixture modeling___ Latent class models

___ Diagnostic models___ DIF or invariance___Language testing

___ Linking/equating___ Validity___ Standard setting

3. If you selected “Applied statistical methods for informing practice and decisions” in Part 1 above, then identify which of the following methods are of primary interest to you.

___ SEM___ HLM___ Multivariate methods

___ General linear models___ Growth Curve Modeling

4. If you have a clear vision for areas of interest, please describe this in the space provided below. If you have already conducted research in a particular area of interest, please describe that research and related publications or reports.


Please list any journals that you read on a regular basis, national/international conferences that you have attended, and any other means that you conduct self-directed learning of current research in measurement, evaluation, statistics, and research methodology. If there are particular methodological topics (e.g., linking and equating, mixed methodology, computer adaptive testing, etc.) for which you have developed a strong familiarity of current research through such self-direct learning, please list these topics.

SECTION C. Are there particular ERM faculty members whose research and professional interests align with yours? If so, please let us know who, and why you feel there is an alignment. You can find information about ERM faculty research and professional interests on the ERM web site, or meeting individually with the faculty.

Student Match Form May, 2012 1