8:30 AM -11:30 AM / 12:30 PM-3:30 PM / 3:50 PM-4:45 PMRound #1 / 5:00 PM-5:50 PM
Round #2
Judith Shrum and Rebecca Fox,
Writing the ACTFL/NCATE Report / #9Patti Lozano
Classroom Theater Techniques / EXHIB: Holt-McDougal
Kristin Warner
Create Learning Scenarios and Assessments with Technology / KarenGuffey, Jana Sandarg, Bernice Nuhfer-Halten
Instructors and Students Abroad: Creating Independent Individuals
#5Greg Duncan
Talking up a Storm! Getting Students Into Intermediate Proficiency / #14Laura Zink
En sus marcas! AP Spanish / SCOLT Assessment Project: Sara Cashin, Candida Thompson, Robert Walker, Debra Welch, Peggy Wright, Penny Johnson, Greg Duncan Working Smarter, Not Harder / Advocacy:DeniseOverfield, Rhonda Wells, & Elizabeth Webb, Lynne McClendon
Language Policy in SCOLT Region
Jean Paul Carton
La Chason “Trad”
Donna Clementi /Lentz
Assessing What Matters / CARLA
Clementi/Ursula Lentz
Assessing What Matters / ComorotoRodriguez
Teaching by the Multiple Intelligences Code / Charles Moore
Adventures in Learning: Avila, Salamanca, and Extremadura (Spain)
#7Marie Bruner
PBJ-Performance Based & Jam Packed / #12 Priscilla Russell
Pacific Tales: Authentic Legends Springboard for Communication / AlanLytle
Core Diversity / First Timers: Norah Jones, SCOLT Past President
#11Esther Gordon
Games and Strategies for the World Lang. Classroom / Anne Fountain & Catherine Fountain
New Look at Translation in the Classroom: Tools for Teaching Languages & Literatures / Scholarships: Susan Navey-Davis,
SCOLT Scholarship Director
#10Cancelled / Marat Sanatullov
Collaboration & Empowerment in FL Field Experiences / SEALLT: DouglasCanfield
How to Get Published in the IALLT Journal: Advice from an Editor
#6 Michael Couet
Differentiate Instruction & Motivation w/ Digital Storytelling / David Alley & Patricia Alley
Mambo Magico and Salsa Sensacional
Greg Barfield, Jon Valentine, Elizabeth Webb,
Intro to Lingua Folio / #13GA DOE
Greg Barfield, Jon Valentine, Elizabeth Webb
Second Step: Lingua Folio II / WilliamGriffin, Kristin Hoyt, Peter Swanson, Anja Bernardy
Georgia Foreign Language Educators Need You! / Victoria Rodrigo
Study Abroad program and in-campus program: from motivation to language development
Vicki Alvis & Jamie PattersonThematic Units Can Be Thoroughly Thrilling! / #15 SEALLT: Frank Krugger-Robins Empower your Language Curriculum through the Collaboration of Technology / BEST OF TFLTA
Kelly Scheetz & Betsy Taylor Building Bridges: Cross-curricular Ideas for the Foreign Language Classroom / BEST OF FLAVA
Rebecca McQueen.
A “Magic Box for Teachers”
#8SEALLT: Rachida Primov
Integrating Fun Technology in Language Learning [AT GSU] / #16 Rachida Primov and Matthew Lubeck
Integrating Web-based Technology in Language Learning [AT GSU]
#17 FLAG: Patricia Early and Peter Swanson [AT GSU]
The ABCs of Blogging for ACTFL's 5 Cs
SCOLT Leadership Session & Luncheon: 10 AM to 3:30 PM (by invitation)
GEORGIA BALLROOM/EXHIBIT HALL: Exhibit Sneak Preview @ 5:50 PM to 7 PM (open to all registered participants)
German Film” Gib mich die Kirche” shown at 8 PM the Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta/ Colony Square1197 Peachtree Rd. (See ad)
Keynote Address / WL TOY Announcement
10:10 AM- 11:00 AMRound 3 / 11:10 AM- 12 N
Round 4 / 2:30 PM- 3:00 PM
Collaboration I / 3:10 PM-4:00 PM
Round 5 / 4:10 PM – 5:00 PM
Round 6 / 5:10 PM-5:40 PM
Collaboration II
Opening Assembly / Opening Assembly / Spanish Embassy
Eva Martinez Sanmartin / EXHIB: Pearson Prentice Hall Lucy Amarillo Connect Students with Communication: Step-by-Step Success / KristinChambless
Culture…What is it? How do we teach it? / Spanish Embassy
Opening Assembly / Opening Assembly / Heifer International
Polly Holder / Greg Duncan
Assessment for Learning: The Crucial Role of Feedback for Students / EXHIB: WOR
Steven Langolis(Étienne)
Language Rock – Music for the French and Spanish Classrooms / Heifer International
Opening Assembly / Opening Assembly / College Board:
AP Languages
Keth Cothrun
James Monk / GregoryThompson
Edwin Lamboy
Collaboration & Community: Service-learning in the FL class / WLTOY: Ken Stewart, J.C. Morales, & Carmen Scoggins
Best Practices / College Board
Opening Assembly / Opening Assembly / EXHIB: EMC
Teri Kuester: Keeping up with Technology in the WL Classroom / EXHIB: John Conner
Breaking the Barrier
The Ideal Lesson Plan: 10 Steps to Total Fluency
Tips for success on the French AP language Examination / Carrie Haight, Carol Herron, Lucie KnightCollaborative and Multimedia Program for Teaching FL Grammar / AATF—
Jayne Abrate : Promoting French Collaboratively / KennethGordon
Using Recent Québécois Cinema in the Classroom / EllenFredrich
Artistes / femmes: Vanessa Paradis et Carla Bruni / AATF
EXHIB: Santillana
Marcia Spielberger
Using French Literature at all levels to Improve Proficiency / DavidJahner
Collaborative Professional Learning Communities / Brenau Unv:Language Bistro
Larry Bolling &
Beth Nott / EXHIB: Vista HigherLeraning-Norah Jones
Films in the Classroom / EXHIB: Auralog
Alain DeConinck
Authentic Materials: Impact on Language Learning / BrenauUniversity
Language Bistro
EXHIB: Wright Group-McGraw-Hill
InesLorman: Literacy, Content and More: You Can Have it All / EXHIB: Glencoe
McGraw Hill
Lorene Layser
Active Lessons= Active Learning / Cultural Services of theFrench Consulate
Emilie Renouvin / EXHIB: DOLO
Patti Lozano
Uses of Song in the World Langs. Classroom / EXHIB: Holt McDougal Patty Bohanan
Creating Learning Opportunities for Every Student / French Consulate Cultural Services
Linda Meigs: A Picture is Worth 1,000Words: Enabling Students to Make Better PresentationsLinda Markley:Center-based Learning: Using Realia and the Traveling Suitcase / WLTOY
Wendy Cunningham: The 5 C’s: Celebrity Style
Gladys Collins: Learning with the Stars / Peace Corps
Ciara Ginyard & Amy Clark / BEST OF FLANC
Raúl Joven & Maria Acosta
Señor, What are we going to do today? / BEST OF FLAG: Lara Droms & Holly Brodnax
Come on Down!: Games and Game Shows in the Foreign Language Classroom / Peace Corps
Nicole Courtney & Anne Hawkins
Sprachlabor? Take a trip to the language lab…. / HorstKurz
Filme Fernsehen Fertigkeiten / Goethe/AATG
Helene Zimmer-Loew + Michael Höfig / J.C.MoralesMaryAshcraftMeet the AP German Development Committee / Helene Zimmer-Loew + Michael Höfig
Intercultural Communicative Competence: Definition, Teaching
and Assessment / Helene Zimmer-Loew + Michael Höfig
Intercultural Communicative Competence: Definition, Teaching and Assessment
Round 3
10:10 AM- 11:00 AM / Round 4
11:10 AM- 12 N / Collaboration I
2:30 PM- 3:00 PM / Round 5
3:10 PM-4:00 PM / Round 6
4:10 PM – 5:00 PM / Collaboration II
5:10 PM-5:40 PM
ACTFL: MartiAbbott, J.anine Erickson, Toni Theisen
ACTFL’s Teacher of the Year Program / SCHOLARSHIP I
Perspectives from the Field I: Spanish Scholarships for Language and Culture
Sharing this experience in the classroom…..
Elizabeth Mandeel / SCHOLARSHIP III
Perspectives from the Field I: German Scholarships for Language and Culture
Sharing this experience in the classroom…..
David Kleinberg
Perspectives from the Field I: French Scholarships for Language and Culture
Sharing this experience in the classroom…..
Jennifer Carson
Aubrey Phillips / AATSP Business Meeting
LourdesBetanzos & Gilda Socarras
Adventures in Placement Testing Implementation
(SEALLT ) / Douglas Canfield
MUVE to Collaboration: Get a Second Life
(SEALLT ) / ACTFL Standards
Marty Abbott / Sharon Scinicariello
Conquering the Web 2.0 Roller Coaster (SEALLT ) / Frank Kruger-Robbins
A Collaborative "Blackboard" Site - Empower your Technological Needs! (SEALLT ) / ACTFL Standards
Eddy Cuisinier & Tim Straubel
Goectsville, Goectsstadt, La ciudad de Goects / Oscar Moreno
Heritage & Native Speakers in the Spanish Curriculum / International Baccalaureate
CASIE:Suzanna Jemsby/ Bobbi Kay Sidor / Clara Krug
Communication, Cultures, Connections: A Virtual Trip to the LoireValley / Virginie Cassidy & Emily Stow
Collaboration Inside & Outside the Classroom: Wiki / International Baccalaureate
Lindsey Campbell
Incorporating Culture Effectively / Keith Toda
Connecting Ancient Words to the Modern Context / Jamie Claymore
Using Latin: Latin Composition How To… / Douglas Jackson
Multi-Lingual Medical Terminology / JCL/GCA Business Meeting
SCOLT Awards Luncheon……………………………………………….12:15 PM to 2:15 PM (ticket event)
Awards Presentations/ Door Prizes
SCOLT Sponsors Patrons /Leadership Exchange Reception …………………..5:55 PM-7:15 PM (ticket event by invitation)
7:45 -8:35 AMRound 7 / 8:45 AM- 9:35 AM
Round 8 / 9:45-10:35 AM
Round 9 / 10:35 to 11 / 11:00 AM-11:50 AM
Round 10 / 2:30 PM-3:20 PM
Round 11
/ Sue Barry, Svetoslava Dimova, Lara Droms Looking for Perspectives : Ethnographic Study / Mary Risner & Linda Markley
Fulbright-Hayes Grant: Culturally Authentic Teaching Units
Edwina Spodark
Developing Target Language Voices with Web 2.0 Technology / Claus-Nix, Hastings
Using Short Media Clips in FL Class / Davidson
Using I Pods and TV / Rosalie Cheatham
Collaborative Community for the igeneration students / Karen Guffey
Teachers, Students…Power Points
Meeting / Gladys Lipton
Empowering FLES* Students in Real-life Projects / Cornelia Okraski
Ants, bees, caterpillas, etc. in the FLES Classroom / Rebekah Martin-Fong
Games & Activities / Ann Lewis & Helen Stewart
Songs & Rhymes for Fluency
EXHIB: Pearson-Prentice Hall
Cathy Wilson Cool Connections to Spanish Culture: New Ways to Build Deeper Understanding / Claudia Becker
Including ALL Learners in FL Learning & Teaching Contexts / Paula Heusenkveld
Building Community: Outreach Activities with Hispanics / Erica Dotson
Student Learning & Student-Teacher Collaboration On-Line
Jamie Davis
Humor as a Pedagogical Tool / BarbaraBoyd & Valorie Larson
Empowering Students though Comm. Svc. / Maria Hellin
Sp. Culture through Festial Calendar Project / Carmen Rogers
Spanish vs. French: Misconceptions about Lang. Difficulty / Jorge Medina
La Nostalgia: Evocando el pasado por música y conversación
AATF Business Meeting / Jayne Abrate
Project-Based Ideas for Exploring the French-Speaking World / Peggy Boyles
Let’s Get the Conversation Started / E / Carol Ann Constabile-Heming
World Langs in Northern Kentucky / Diane Gluck & Rhonda Wells
Keeping it Real!
Sandra Dixon, Blanca Skaggs and Nancy Ryan:
Communication through Culture: FL Immersion / BEST OF SCFLTA
Lizette Laughlin Maria Spicer-Escalante
Can you teach to the OPI?? What happens when key functions are targeted and practiced? / BEST OF AFLTA
Anna Love-Wild
The Power of Pictures in a Language Class / X / BEST OF FFLA
Jeri Craven: Better than Coffee / CindyMollard
Once upon a time Passe Compose and Imparfait lived happily ever after
Anna Love-Wild
Activities for Moving Students Beyond the Classroom / Arabic / Eman Maaoum, Hana Arslan, Djaouida Bensadoun
Differentiation in the Arabic Classes / Chinese
Ann Marie Gunter (NCDOE) / H / Melanie Hutsell & Marcianne McHugh
How to Get Them and How to Keep Them / Ken Stewart
National Spanish Exam
AATG Business Meeting / Horst Kurz
Zuhören, verstehen, aufschreiben: Fortschritt mit Hörspielen / J.C. Morales & Mary Ashcraft
AP German Strategies / Patrick Wallace
Musik, Spiele und andere Tips fur den Unterricht
… / Patrick Wallace
Building Your Own Website—One Year Later
7:45 am-8:30 a.m.
R7 / 8:45 am -9:35 am
R8 / 9:45 am-10:35 am
R9 / 10:35am-11am / 11:00 am—11:50 am
R10 / 2:30 pm—3:20 pm
Patricia Carlin
Designing an IPA Can Be Fun! / Beth Caraccio, Jon Valentine, Elizabeth Webb (Georgia DOE)
Working Smarter, Not Harder with GSO and Collaborating Groups / Beth Caraccio, Jon Valentine, Elizabeth Webb (Georgia DOE)
Working Smarter, Not Harder with GSO and Collaborating Groups
(continuation) / Exhibit
Break / Carol Semonsky, Susan Boutier, Zachary Jones
Enhancing Instruction via Blogs and Websites / Zachary Jones
Using Electronic Translators
SEALLT Business Meeting / Douglas Canfield
Language Lab Unleashed: Virtual Professional Development Collaboration (SEALLT ) / Raegan Lemmond & Traci OBrien
ClickerMania-Join the Fun
(SEALLT ) / Exhibit
Break / Georgia Schlau & Barbara Kuczun-Nelson
Really Cool Stuff for the Foreign Language Classroom (SEALLT ) / Patricia Early
10 Tech Resources You Can't Live Without
NADSFL Breakfast & Mtg. 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM
(by invitation) / Steven Dupoy
Linking Spanish for Heritage Speakers to AP Courses / Exhibit
Break / Jana Sandarg & Judith Schomberg
Licensure Exams / Dennis Miller:Tracking Difficult Grammar Points via Contextual Activities
Jennie Green
Original Latin Texts / Caroline Kelly
But it doesn’t make sense, Magistra! / Exhibit
Break / Robert Zaslavsky
Translation Strategies