CM6: Lesson 2 Synthesizing information
1. Do a brainstorming (with yourself) and give alternative ways in which some of the common objects given below can be used. The alternative use should be something other than its common use. One example is given.
Bicycle wheel: ______
A house brick
Empty bottle
Tooth paste
The wheel tube of a big truck
2. Pictures are a great way to remember things. Following is a comprehension about the various components of food. Represent it pictorially.
Our body gets energy from the food we eat. Food can be classified according to their functions namely; energy giving, body building and body protecting. For doing various physical activities and physiological functions (sleep, respiration, thirst, speech, perspiration, etc.) our body needs energy. This energy is got from carbohydrates and fats. Some sources of carbohydrates are wheat, potato and rice. Some fat sources are ghee and oil. Due to constant wear and tear in the body, new cells are built in our body to repair the damaged parts. Proteins like milk, eggs, meat, cheese and dal help in building of our body. The third are vitamins and minerals, whose absence can cause deficiency diseases like rickets, beriberi etc. Vegetables like carrot, spinach and fruits like papaya, lemon and guava are rich in vitamins and minerals.
3. Study the following figure. Can you now give a suitable title for this?
Title: ______
4. A list of some countries is given below.
UruguaySwazilandMadagascarSingaporeNew ZealandBurundi
a. Select the countries from the list based on the following criteria
- Starts with the letter B, M, R, or S.
- Has at least 7 letters in its name.
- Is entirely in the southern hemisphere.
b. If a fourth criterion is added, find out the countries that meet all the four criteria?
The fourth criterion is as follows:
- The country does not have a coast on any of its borders.
6. A figure is given below, go through it carefully and answer the questions.
1. Name three galaxies.
2. How many planets are there for sun?
3. Name a dwarf planet of sun.