RSVP is necessary for ALL trainings, due to limited space. Sessions marked with an asterisk(*) may be viewed via video
teleconference, from participating locations. 4 business day advance notice is required for VTC coordination.
To RSVP, call ourTraining Line at (520) 318-6950 ext. 3000 Unless otherwise noted, all trainings will be held at CPSA Training Center, 2502 N. Dodge Blvd.
Monday04Arizona Vision and the Twelve Principles
9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Presented by: Jim Cates, CPSA
This interactive workshop is designed to give participants an in depth and practical
understanding of the Arizona Vision, 12 Principles and Child & Family Teams.
Monday 04 * Overview of Mental Illness Presented by: Ricardo Ruiz, CPSA
9:30a.m. - 12:00p.m. Learn the symptoms of several adult thought and mood disorders.
Monday04 *Basic Documentation & Record Keeping
2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.Presented by: Lisa Whitehead, CPSA
Participants will review the simple rules to accurate documentation, overview of the
records necessary in a clinical file, and the responsibilities of a Community Service
Agency - including attendance records and progress notes.
Wednesday 06 ASAM 201 Presented by: Inge Detweiler and Robert Moore, CPSA
1:00p.m. - 4:30p.m.This interactive session is intended for clinicians and case managers who participate in the placement of clients being treated for substance use disorders. Using special tools based on the A.S.A.M. PPC-2R, participants are introduced to concepts of Risk Assessment and Intensity of Service. Limited to 25. Prerequisite: ASAM 101
Monday 11General Assessment & Intake Training
9:00a.m - 4:00p.m.Presented by: Karl Sachs – AzCA, Rita Silverberg – Pantano, Sandy Loomis – SEABHS,
and Cyndi Deines - CPSA
This session provides a detailed overview of the strengths-based assessment and service planning process.
Wednesday13Documenting Culture in Assessments & Service Plans
2:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. Presented by: Cyndi Deines, Victor Flores and Noel Gonzalez, CPSA
This hands-on session will give Clinical Liaisons the opportunity to practice asking and documenting assessment questions that capture a person's or family's strengths and culture. This assessment information will be used in developing the service plan.
Thursday 14 * Crisis Intervention Presented by: Dick Janney, SAMHC
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Participants will learn about a model of crisis intervention and how it can be used as
a “beginning” towards a successful treatment recovery plan.
Wednesday 20 * Children and Adolescents with Mental Illness
8:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Presented by: Karl Sachs, Psy.D. Arizona’s Children Association Learn the symptoms of several child/youth thought and mood disorders.
Thursday 21 BHT Enhanced Assessment Training
8:30a.m - 4:30p.m. Presented by: Monica Malone, La Frontera
This training provides an overview of strengths-based clinical interviewing, psychiatric mental status examinations, DSM-IV-TR criteria and service planning. This part of the assessment training is needed for Behavioral Heath Technicians to become a clinicalliaison.
Required for personnel working in a Community Service Agency
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