P.O. BOX 1112
Posting Date: January 15, 2009
The Sabine County Hospital District Board of Directors will meet in Regular Session on Monday, January 19, 2009, at 5:30 PM, in the Board Room of the SabineCountyHospital, Room 167, located at 2301 Highway 83 West, Hemphill, Texas75948.
PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING: The subjects to be considered are set forth on the Agenda below, which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
This Notice shall be filed with the Sabine County Clerk, copies of this notice shall be sent to the media that previously requested such Notice and a copy shall be posted on the East door of the first floor of the Sabine County Courthouse and on the exterior door of the Sabine County Hospital. The time, date and name of person posting this notice shall be noted on the face of this Notice.
- Call to order and establish quorum.
- Public comments. Public comments shall be heard for a total maximum of 30 minutes. Individual speakers shall be given two minutes each to present their comments. The public is requested to present their items in writing if they need a response from the Sabine County Hospital District.
- Consideration and possible action on the following consent items:
A.Approval of minutes from December 22, 2008 meeting.
B.Discussion and possible action on 2009 financials.
C.Discussion and possible action on the January bills.
- Discussion and possible action to change the date of the next regular meeting.
- Discussion and possible action to engage a qualified firm to conduct accounting and or auditing duties.
- Discussion and possible action to set fee payment policy of open records requests.
- Discussion and possible action to rename a certain part or parts of the hospital or hospital grounds.
- Discussion and possible action on purchase of medical records transcription equipment.
- Discussion and possible action to develop a facility plan to update, repair, renovate and improve the physical plant and equipment of Sabine County Hospital District.
- Discussion and possible action upon review financial reports.
- Discussion and possible action for a resolution for Order Calling Election for Board of Directors positions for Precincts 2 and 4 and the unexpired term for Precinct 3; setting early voting location at the Sabine County History Center and setting election day polling locations.
- Closed Session to consult with attorney.
§551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter.
- Return to open session.
- Board member comments.
- Adjourn
Phil Yocom, President
Sabine County Hospital District
Board of Directors