English II: Genre Study
Academic Year: 2017-2018
Fall 2017Kent Island High School
Teachers:Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Marketto Prerequisites: English I
Department: English Credit: One
Cluster: Health and Human Services – RM 213
Room: 107
Planning: 1-2:30Extra help available daily until 3:10pm or by appointment.
Teacher Contact: You may email me at , or phone me at the school at 410-604-2070 from or after 2:30. Email is the best way to contact me.
English II is a required course for graduation. It builds upon and reinforces the skills acquired in English I, including genre study, critical reading, language usage and conventions, and effective writing. Additional emphasis is placed upon research skills and oral communication. The skills and knowledge attained will prepare students for successful completion of the English High School Assessment. A research project is required.
Use the English language effectively in written and oral communication.
Develop listening strategies.
Develop effective speaking skills for a variety of audiences and purposes.
Develop and use before, during and after reading strategies when constructing meaning of text.
Use a variety of writing strategies.
Explore and analyze a variety of literary genres.
Use traditional and emerging media in order to stimulate and develop critical thinking, generate and communicate ideas, and gather and analyze information.
Develop vocabulary and verbal skills.
Develop note-taking, organizational and documenting skills for use in research.
Textbook/Materials for Daily Classroom Use
Textbook: myPerspectives (Pearson, 2016)
Night: Elie Wiesel – Hill and Wang – 2006
Animal Farm: George Orwell – Harcourt Brace and Company- 1973
A Glass Castle: A Memoir –Jeanette Walls - Scribner; Reprint edition - 2006
3-ring binder with divider tabs and notebook paper
Black or blue ink pen, pencil and Highlighter
Spiral notebook for grammar
**Post-It Notes – we will be annotating all texts!
SHOW RESPECT for your classmates, your teacher, yourself, and learning
- Arrive on time, physically and mentally prepared. Look at the front board for what
materials you need for the day and start your warm-up. Homework should be turned into the
bin at the start of class.
(Three unexcused times being late will merit a phone call; four will result in after school detention.)
- Bags will be kept in the front of the room with cellphones off and away
- No food or drink except bottle water – this should be away in your bag as well
- Listen quietly and attentively while others are speaking, raising your hand and waiting for acknowledgement before sharing.
- 1 Bathroom pass and 1 hall pass are to be used 1 at a time and for no more than 5 minutes. If you abuse this, the privilege will be taken away.
*Choosing to disrespect oneself or others will result in verbal warnings, phone calls home, after school detention, placement outside the general education classroom, or disciplinary referrals.
COURSE OUTLINE: (indicated times may vary or overlap)
Topics/Unit of Study / Time Frame / Assessment(s)Night
Non-Fiction Texts
“Extending Freedom’s Reach” / 4 - 5 weeks / Pre-assessment(2nd day)
Research Simulation Paper
A Glass Castle
“All That Glitters”
Short Stories, Poetry / 4-5 weeks / Compare/Contrast Essay
Animal Farm
“Outsiders and Outcast” / 4-5 weeks / Compare/Contrast
Narrative Practice
The Tempest / 4 weeks / Final Creative Review Project
Final Exam
PARCC Exam – 3 days
Make-up Work:
If you miss class for any reason, there will be extra handouts filed in the classroom under your class section. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING UP THE MISSED WORK. You get 3 days for every one absent.
Late homework or major assignments: Unless it is excused, for all late work I will deduct 25% for the 1st day it is late. It will then be worth 50% and will not be accepted after one week from due date.
Late classwork will not be accepted.
Plagiarism: If any portion of your work is plagiarized, your work is considered plagiarism. Plagiarizing any portion of your work, no matter how large or small will result in a zero on your assignment. You are not entitled to redo the assignment under these circumstances. Additionally, plagiarism will likely result in an office referral (which is part of your permanent academic record) and/or other consequences from coaches and/or advisors, including NHS.
Formative assessments may include but are not limited to announced and unannounced quizzes, class work, daily or weekly assignments, journal writing, brief constructed responses or other writing assignments, and exit slips.
Summative assessments may include but are not limited to research papers, extended writing assignments, group and individual projects, presentations, unit tests, chapter tests, and midterms.
15% Final Exam
45% Summative Assessments: Argument Essays, On Demand Essays, Unit Tests, Major Projects, and Narrative Essay
40% Formative Assessments: Midterm Exam, Grammar lessons, Class work, Critical Response Journal, Quizzes, Small writing assignments, Study guides
It is important that you participate in class discussions and assignments. A part of your grade depends on your participation and cooperation. Class discussions are meant for thoughtful opinions, comments, questions and concerns. Please be respectful.
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
~William Butler Yeats
“I have read and understand the English II Honors syllabus.”
Student Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Parent/Guardian E-mail ______
Best Daytime Phone Number(s) ______
Today’s Date ______
Refrigerator Info:
English II
Academic Year: 2017-2018 Kent Island High School
Teacher: Mrs. Bennett Planning: 1-2:30
Email: Phone: 410-604-2070
Extra help available daily until 3:10pm