Wednesday, October 11, 2017

“Race” Time: 12:50 -1:50 P.M.

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017, the students (and any interested parents with clearances) of St. Philip School will be participating in our 10th Annual SPS SPIRIT WALK! We wish to extend an invitation to family and friends to join us in helping to raise funds for our school to keep our tuition low. Our goal this year is to raise over $10,000.00!!!

Each participant can raise funds by asking sponsors to contribute a donation.

This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year!!!

*****Families will earn $10 FRQ credit for every single Spirit Sign purchased and $12.50 FRQ credit per sign for every two Spirit Signs purchased! THIS IS A GREAT DEAL!!!!

Students will walk with Teachers and Parent Volunteers with clearances, complete with a Crafton Borough Police escort, to showcase our school spirit while simultaneously promoting Wellness in Education and earning money for SPS.


$30.00 donation total collected:FREE SNACK CARD

$60.00 donation total collected: ICE CREAM TREAT

$100.00 donation total collected:SPS PRIZE ITEM

*Each family who sells at least 2 signs will earn a Dress Down Day!!!!

*All Donor Forms (see attached) and payments are due by Friday, October 6, 2017 (On-line School Store orders are due Sunday, October 8th). Checks should be made payable to St. Philip PTG. Look for the forms and additional info on the SPS Website under PTG or in the Family Information Packet!

*Interested businesses, families or individuals are encouraged to purchase SPIRIT SIGNS for $25.00 to be posted along the SPS Spirit Walk “Parade” Route which will be displayed on the day of the event as well as on SPS property during the weeks leading up to and following the Spirit Walk. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FRQ CREDIT!!!


Designated Route: We will set out from our school parking lot heading towards the Crafton Borough Building, continue to follow the Municipal turn-about toward Dollar General and then turn left onto Noble Avenue and walk along East Crafton Avenue (past Wolbert Auto Body ,Sarafino’s and the Senior High Rise), and return back to St. Philip School through the underpass.

*If you are interested in helping in ANY way for this event, please email

Sharon Gaitens at or Darcilynn Reilly at