Sugar House Park Authority October 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Approved Meeting Minutes
from the
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Meeting at the Sugar House Garden Center
Advertised Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Special Event and Athletic Field Use(none)
III. Approval of Minutes from October 11 Meeting
IV. Discussion of Off-leash DogsAlden Brienholt
V. Discussion of July 4 FireworksScott Workman
VI. Discussion of Special Event Policies
VII. Discussion by Lauren Shurman
VIII. Budget Discussion and Approval
IX. Sugar House Circulation Plan
X. New Board Member Search
XI. Financial Matters
XII. President’s Report
XIII. Other Business
XIV. Adjournment
Call to Order
Mark Morris called the Sugar House Park Authority Board meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Board members present were: Mark Morris, Wayne Johnson, Alden Breinholt, Joedy Lister, Lauren Shurman and Mark Kittrell.
Board members not present were: Elizabeth MacGregor, George Sumner and Mark Danenhauer.
County staff member present was Craig Cheney.
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Sugar House Park Authority November 8, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Approval of Special Event and Athletic Field Use Requests
(no event or field use requests)
Approval of Minutes from the October 11 Meeting Minutes
Mark M. asks for any comments or corrections needed. There are none.
Lauren makes a motion to approve the October 11 meeting minutes.
Alden seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 4 in favor, none opposed, Wayne abstains.
Discussion of Off-Leash Dogs
Alden Brienholt
Alden states that Salt Lake City is receiving complaints mostly about off-leash dogs. The City proposes that additional signs be posted in the park which will help enforcement by the City and Animal Services. The park does have a rules sign, but Alden feels that the specific one about dogs gets lost in with all of the other rules. Most of the complaints are about dogs in the creek and around the pavilions.
Where should the new signs be posted? Wayne proposes that we have Animal Control come and assess where new signs need to be placed.
Do we need to re-think having an off-leash area in the park?
Alden makes a motion to approve additional signage subject to:
placement reviewed by Animal Control and
signs funded by SHPA up to a maximum of $250 total.
Joedy seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 5 in favor, none opposed.
Discussion of July 4 Fireworks
Scott Workman, Preserve Our Ways
Scott comes to provide the status of holding the 2013 4th of July event. He is working on new partnerships: KJZZ, part of the Mill Group; and Ragnar, which sponsors races. Ragnar would hold a race in the morning. These would be the two “title” sponsors. KSL may also help with advertising and Jamba Juice would be back again this year. Scott notes that MediaOne will not participate this year because they were more interested in an all day event with less limitations and having more vendors. If this worked out then Scott would have enough funding given the same amount in donations as the 2012 event.
Mark M. asks about the type of race that Ragnar would hold. They are known more for their endurance-type races. Would it be held in the park? What type of race would it be?
Wayne asks about what the Miller Group and Ragnar would expect to get in return for being sponsors.
Joedy, who had talked with Scott previously about the 4th of July events, reiterates his concern about the commercial nature this event is taking, and why Scott doesn’t want to pursue becoming a non-profit entity. Joedy states that a for-profit entity would be perceived as making money off of the park. Joedy would prefer a non-profit community-oriented event. Any profit would go back to the park.
Mark M. asks Scott to get more details on the proposed Ragnar event – hours, number of people, type of event. He would like to set some parameters for this event. Joedy offers to become the liaison between Scott and the board for the 4th of July event.
Discussion of Special Event Policies
Currently, no refundable damage/clean-up deposits are assessed for special events. Mark M. asks Wayne how much we should assess groups that bring in stages, tents or must drive vehicles on grass. Wayne says a fair amount would be from $500 to $1,000.
The 2012 season had some events in which the park crews commented about the condition of the park. If a group wants to hold an event in 2013, feedback information will be available from the park crews. The board may then use this information to determine whether or not to assess a refundable deposit.
Lauren makes a motion to amend the special events approval policy so that the board has the discretion to require a group to post a refundable deposit of up to $1,000 total that has a potential of causing damage to the park.
Wayne seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 5 in favor, none opposed.
[Mark K. arrives.]
Discussion by Lauren Shurman
Lauren passes out a presentation titled Fiduciary Duties of Directors, Fulfilling Your Role with the Sugar House Park Authority to each board member. This is the board’s annual review in order to stay compliant with non-profit statutes. Lauren reviews the presentation and will make special notes regarding trustee’s duties since that is also applicable to this board. The presentation defines “fiduciary” and references State of Utah code in reference to board director’s and officer’s standards of conduct, and of board director’s accountability, duty of care and duty of loyalty.
Budget Discussion and Approval
Mark M. distributes budget summary and balance sheet. He explains that George Sumner had created a 2013 budget and notes that it includes capital funding from both Salt Lake City and County. The City has approved the $140,000 funding for a new restroom. Wayne states that the County’s request is currently with the council; we’ll know its status after the second Tuesday in December.
The 2012 reservation fees only reflect the amount received. The total 2012 amount is projected to be about $71k, but hasn’t been received due to the maintenance agreement contract not being signed. The 2012 budget’s maintenance contract expense is half of what it will be when we pay the County the second half of the expense.
The maintenance agreement contract should be approved by the County council soon.
Wayne asks the board to approve the 2013 budget. It should have been approved in September. A letter needs to be sent to Mayor Corroon and a copy of it sent to Salt Lake City’s Gordon Hoskins. Wayne notes that the 2012 4th of July contribution amounts from the City and County are switched.
Mark K. makes a motion to approve the 2013 budget.
Lauren seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 4 in favor, none opposed; Wayne and Alden abstain.
Sugar House Circulation Plan
Mark M. states that a traffic circulation plan was written for the Salt Lake City’s Redevelopment Agency. The plan was included in the meeting packet as a pdf file. It doesn’t have a great deal to do with the park itself, but looks at the traffic in the Sugar House business district – streets such as Highland Drive, Wilmington and Sugarmont. Traffic includes cars, bicycles, pedestrians and the new street car. It includes the Hidden Hollow area which is just west of where the Draw will be at 1300 East. If any board members have comments or input on this subject, Mark can relay that back to the agency.
New Board Member Search
Mark M. states that Mark D.’s term expires in February, 2013. He has served eight years and he will be here for the February meeting and, given the length of the January meeting, the February meeting would be the best for conducting interviews.
Is there anyone that we interviewed earlier this year that we would be interested in? The board likes Chad Anderson, who is in construction. We could invite him to the January meeting. Joedy would defer to the rest of the board’s judgment of Chad. Mark M. doesn’t care for the lengthy process of interviewing several candidates.
Mark M. will contact Chad Anderson and see if he is still interested in serving on the board. If so, he will invite him to the January meeting so that the whole board can be re-introduced to him. If the board likes him then he will be nominated to the board. If this doesn’t work out then board openings will be advertised for interviews at the February meeting.
Financial Matters
Mark M. reviews the October statements summary since Elizabeth is out of town.
Wayne makes a motion to approve the October financial statements.
Mark K. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.
President’s Report
Mark M. reports that Proposition 1, the Parks Bond, passed. We worked with Juan Arce-Larreta, with PRATT, who spearheaded the whole bond effort. Michael Jensen, with the County Council and Nicole Dunn, with the County Mayor’s office, also worked on the effort by getting a lot of lawn signs out and doing so with no funding. This means that funding for the Parley’s trail along the southern border and for the Draw in the park will not longer be an issue.
Mark M. has been trying to get a hold of Walt Gilmore about the status of landscaping the berm. Wayne says that a bid will be put out this Tuesday. The project was held up by UDOT. It’s up to the contractor as to whether or not it will get done this year.
Other Business
Alden says that the City’s Parking Enforcement department personnel met with George Sumner at the park about “no parking” signs. He noted that more “one-way” and “no-parking” signs are the biggest issues, but George will have the details about the assessment.
Lauren comments about the National Guard at the park doing training with “guns” and if they have permission. Mark M. thinks it’s the University of Utah ROTC. They had previously come to the board for permission to use “guns”, but the board denied that request. Craig will find out who the contact person is.
Lauren makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Time is 8:26 pm.
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