Select Board Draft Agenda/Minutes

August 22nd2016

6:00 P.M.

  1. Minutes to meeting of July 25th to review and approve as written.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of July 22, 2016 as written.

  1. To let any guests speak.

Brian Smith wanted to let the Board know that he was heading to Montpelier in January and wanted the Select Board to know that he will make himself available as much as possible and not to hesitate to call him for anything he may be able to help with. He was checking to see if there were any concerns they might have.

Robert Durgin suggested for next year during the busy weeks of June, July and August the board consider hiring a couple of college kids who need Community Service for 6 to 8 weeks of the summer to help out at the Transfer station. The board agreed to look into this next Spring.

  1. NVDA News and Announcements.

The NVDA will hold its annual meeting at Lyndon College on Thursday, September 15th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

A motion was made and seconded to have Robert Guyer and his wife attend.

  1. Town Plan Language.

Larry received 4 other Town copies of Animal Control Plans and has drafted up a new plan changing/adding some new Animal control rules and regulations for the Town of Morgan. He will bring a draft back to the Board on the next meeting for them to go over and make changes or additions, then this will be given to the Town attorney to go over and proceed from there.

  1. Water softener proposal from Fred’s in the amount of $ 4,768.00.

A motion was made and seconded to approve payment to Fred’s in the amount of $ 4,768.00.

  1. Water Shut off proposal from Nadeau’s in the amount of $450.00.

A motion was made and seconded to approve payment to Nadeau’s in the amount of $450.00.

  1. Gas burner repair – 2 burners not working.

A motion was made and seconded to ok Nadeau’s to order and install a new gas burner kit for E. Taylor Hatton School.

  1. Special needs room toilet repairs.

A motion was made and seconded to approve toilet repairs in the Special Needs room.

  1. Review and approve reversal of duplicate deposit for Highway reimbursement in the amount of $13,277.96.

The board reviewed the reversal and a motion was made and seconded to approve the double deposit reversal.

  1. Thank you letter from Circle of Friend for the use of the School and Community House for their Bazar. They raised over $ 8,000.00.

(FYI) Read and reviewed and appreciated.

  1. A copy of a letter to Attorney Davies from Tarrant, Gilles & Richardson re: Town of Morgan/Dumoulin/Land dispute.


  1. A letter from Vermont Land Trust Re: Acquisition of Development Rights; Morin Farm.


  1. Vtrans Transportation Alternatives (TA) Grant Program from Agency of Transportation.


  1. Bill to Seymour Lake Association for ½ of the first (2nd) quarter unemployment 2016.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the bill for ½ the 2nd quarter unemployment contributions in the amount of $ 510.64.

  1. Transportation/Recycling refrigeration/Chronicle minutes of Derby Meeting.

There was an article in the Chronicle stating that the Morgan Recycling /Transfer Station would accept refrigerators from the Town of Derby. This was a misunderstanding/wrong wording to Irene Douglas by Paul Tomasi from NEKWM. Larry contacted Mr. Tomasi and he apologized and assured Mr. Labor that he would rectify the situation. Derby is responsible to handle their scrap metal.

  1. NEKWM District Supervisor needed to represent the Town of Morgan and a alternate person has been requested also.

A motion was made and seconded to appoint Robert Durgin as NEKWM District Supervisor for the Town of Morgan. Robert Durgin agreed. Larry Labor will get the time and dates of the meetings and send to Bob at his e-mail : .

A motion was also made and seconded to reimburse Robert Durgin for travel to and from these meeting.

  1. Letter of request of for medical leave pay from Assistant Town Clerk/Treas. Amanda Wright.

A motion was made and seconded to approve to pay 60% of Amanda’s 30 hour per week regular pay for 2 weeks.

A motion was made and seconded to bring back in 2 weeks if she is still out for discussion.

  1. Orders #16003 were approved and signed by Chairmen Larry Labor and Thomas Bonneville in the amounts of: PR - $ 8,765.57 and AP - $ 7,809.10, on Monday August 8th for payment but the meeting was canceled for that evening for a lack of quorum.

Orders #16004 to be approved and signed for payment.

A motion was made and seconded to approve payment of AP and PR in the amounts of:

Accounts payable: $ 22,900.75

Payroll: $ 2,673.88

Other Business:

NFI contacted Larry Labor about some conference room chairs. NFI is downsizing the conference room and don’t need these big chairs and has asked the Board if they would like them.

A motion was made and seconded that the chairs would not be needed.

Larry Labor will contact Beth Torpey on Maintenance agreement from SLA. The Board has not heard or seen any word as of yet.

Adjourn the meeting @ 7:15