Week 1 Theme: Express Yourself

Tested Skills / Performance Objective /
Student Friendly PO
Materials Map


/ I can orally tell between a fantasy and real stories / Day1Be Bold And Show It!
Day 2: Olivia
Day 3: Read Aloud: The Upside Down Boy
Day 4:
Read Aloud: Hilda Must Be Dancing
Cats in Art


/ I will orally blend words with long /o/ oa, ow.
Phonics / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words (bit/bite). / I can orally blend and read words with long /o/ oa, ow.
I can orally read words with inflectional ending –y.
High Frequency
Words / Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words. / I can orally read word high frequency word wall words.
I can write high frequency word wall words in a sentence.
Grammar / Adjectives / I can write an adjective word to describe a person, place, or thing.
Week 2 Theme: Watch It Go
Comprehension / I know how to identify the problem and the solution in a story.
I know Diagrams show part of things. / Decodable: Flying High!
Textbook: See the Ball Fly!
Day 2: The Kite
Day 3 Read Aloud: The Wheels On the Bus Materials
The Kite
Day 4 Read Aloud: Turtle’s Race with Beaver
Textbook: Toys That Fly
Phonemic Awareness / I can orally blend and read words with long /i/ y. igh
Phonics / I can blend and read words with long /i/ y, igh
I can spell words with long /i/ y, igh
I can build words with inflectional ending -er, and -est
High Frequency
Words / Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words. / I can orally read High Frequency word wall words.
Grammar / adjectives / I know to add –er, and -est to adjectives to compare people, places and things.
I know to add –er, and -est to adjectives.
Tested Skills / Week 3 Theme: Inventions
Comprehension / http://www.wiki-teacher.com/resources_view_video.php?id=54
Here is a link to a video on cause and effect by Anita Archer. You need to sign up first. / I can tell the cause and effect in a story.
I will identify the cause and effect.
Day 3: I know a card catalog tells you where to find a book. / Day 1:
Decodable: Carly in the Dark
Textbook: Invent It
Textbook: Kids Inventions
Day 3:
Read Aloud: Alexander Graham Bell
Day 4:
Read Aloud: The Sound Of Music
Textbook: Helping Drivers See
Phonemic awareness / I will say the sounds in a word.
Phonics / r-controlled vowels / I can blend and write r-controlled vowels. (ar) like in car
Vocabulary / High Frequency Words / I can high frequency read word wall words.
I will use high frequency words in a sentence.
Language Arts / Use color words as adjectives. / Some adjectives tell what color something is.
Tested Skills / Week 4 Theme: I Can Do It
Comprehension / I can orally discuss and write what an inference is. / Day 1:
Decodable: No More Mort the Short
Textbook: Nothing Stops Cory
Textbook: Whistle for Willie
Day 3:
Read Aloud: The Enormous Turnip
Day 4:
Read Aloud: The Little Engine that Could
Textbook: A Winning Swimmer
Phonemic awareness / I will orally blend sounds in words.
Phonics / r-controlled vowels / I can orally blend sounds and write words with r-controlled vowels. (or) like in corn
Day 4: I can write inflectional ending –ed when y is changed to i.
Vocabulary / High Frequency Words / I can orally spell and read high frequency word wall words.
Language Arts / Use number words as adjectives. / I can orally say some adjectives are words for numbers.
I can orally identify number words in a sentence.