OSN Training Resources
Title / Description / MaterialsSam Glenn Series: Customer Service and Change
Who Put a Lizard in My Lasagna? / Sam Glenn is an author and motivational speaker who travels the world teaching people to “laugh and lighten up". "Who Put a Lizard in My Lasagna?" began as a practical joke with a small plastic lizard several years ago. It is now a philosophy that can be used to motivate and inspire every employee. In this video, you will learn Sam's four key training lessons: Be Creative, Remember What's Important, Go Above and Beyond, and Have Fun!
1 – 1.5 hours / Leader’s Guide and
22-minute DVD
A Kick in the Attitude! / We cannot control what goes on around us but we can control our perceptions, responses and actions, which ultimately form our attitude. San Glenn’s “A Kick in the Attitude” video will inspire you, make you laugh, and help you improve employee attitude and customer relationships. In this video, you will learn Sam’s four key training lessons: Lighten Up, Keep Your Perspective, Reject Negativity, and Practice!
1 – 1.5 hours / Leader’s Guide and 23-minute DVD.
When Change Happens, Adjust Your Sail. / Change is happening all around us. When Sam Glenn Speaks about change, he uses the analogy of being on a small sailboat in the middle of a storm. Change is tossing us around and we need to adjust our sails to stay afloat. In this video, Sam introduces his essential navigational tools to help your organization make it through the storm of change. In this video, you will learn Sam’s three key training lessons: Don’t Panic, Stay Positive, It’s OK to Complain, BUT…
1 – 1.5 hours / Leader’s Guide and 22-minute DVD.
Conflict and Discipline
Dealing with Conflict / This film teaches how to control conflict before it happens. While the skills and insights presented will enhance a manager’s ability to resolve conflicts, they are for all employees – enabling everyone to work through conflicts.
Three scenarios in personal and work settings dramatize the five positions taken by most people during conflict: Avoiding, Accommodating, Competing, Compromising and Collaborating. Participants learn how these positions lead to destructive or constructive results.
The Dealing with Conflict Instrument is an individual assessment. The assessment may also be expanded to include feedback on the participant’s style from peers, managers, subordinates and other individuals who they interact with on a regular basis (360-Degree Feedback Instrument).
2 training designs: 2 hours 35 minutes or 3 hours 5 minutes / 20-minute DVD, Leaders Guide, and Dealing With Conflict Instrument (optional, must order)
What to Do When Conflict Happens / Interpersonal conflicts cause the most stress across ALL occupations. When Conflict Happens introduces the C.A.L.M. model:
C: CLARIFY the issue
A: ADDRESS the problem
L: LISTEN to the other side
M: MANAGE your way to resolution
An added vignette shows how to “scale back” the C.A.L.M. model when there isn’t time to use the full approach. This shows the versatility – and usability- of the program, as does the optional Leadership Module included in the Leader’s Guide. This Module, along with the Leadership Discussion Segments included on the DVD, guides leaders and managers on their role in conflict resolution: either Mentor the employee to resolve the conflict on their own, Mediate the conflict, or Mandate behavior change in one or both of the employees involved in the conflict.
3 hour workshop / Chaptered 21-minute DVD with leadership discussion segments, Leader’s Guide, PowerPoint presentation on CD-ROM, Participant workbook (must order), What to Do When Conflict Happens Employee Guide (must order), Reminder Cards (optional)
Positive Discipline / Supervisors and managers will develop new skills to help their employees meet performance goals. Participants will analyze current situation in their own work environments and develop ways to solve disciplinary problems in a positive, performance-oriented framework. They will discuss their issues and develop new strategies, keeping their approach consistent with existing organizational guidelines and standards.
2.75-3 hour workshop / DVD, Leader’s guide, PowerPoint, Participant’s workbook (must purchase)
Adapting to Change
Riding the Wave: Strategies for Change / Juxtaposing workplace scenarios with breathtaking views of the ocean, Riding the Wave uses three mini-dramas to show how trying to control the uncontrollable leaves us feeling powerless and overwhelmed. It also can seriously upset workplace productivity by causing conflict, poor communication and closed-mindedness. This program shows us that when we focus on what we can learn from every single surprise, we are no longer afraid of getting caught off-guard. Then we become more open to everything life deals to us, instead of trying to protect or defend ourselves.
Two training designs: 2 hours or 2 hours 50 minutes / 18-minute DVD and Leader’s Guide.
Customer Service
WAYMISH® / WAYMISH is an acronym for Why Are You Making It So Hard for me to give you my money? It represents all the slights and indifferences made by employees and organizations that lead customers to perceive that you don’t really want their business. Eliminate WAYMISHes and keep customers with this superb customers service program. Hidden camera footage on a TV talk-show reveals service providers in retail, hospitality and banking committing all-too-common WAYMISHes. Skill points include:
· Quickly Acknowledge Customers
· Listen Carefully
· Fix Problems on the Spot
· Find a Way to Say Yes
· Coach Each Other
· Remember that being of service to all customers is your job.
2 hours / Chaptered 18 minute DVD, Chaptered DVD, The Supervisor Show, Leader’s Guide with worksheets, PowerPoint slides on CD-ROM with worksheets, Leader’s Guide, Employee Handbooks, Reminder Cards.
Give ‘em the Pickle! / Bob Farrell is the most impassioned customer service guru of his time. Combining humor and heartwarming stories he inspires viewers to a new level of customer service excellence.
The country’s most successful businesses have learned that customer service is their business. It is an opportunity to connect with your customer, to brighten a day, to possibly make a difference to those who you serve. “Your business is not what you sell: it’s what you serve.”
In the DVD, Farrell talks about the secret to a successful business – which is doing those special or extra things, “pickles,” to make customers happy. He also outlines the four principles that will help ensure your customers keep coming back: Service, Attitude, Consistency and Teamwork.
1 hour / DVD, Leader’s Guide
The Leadership Pickles / In Leadership Pickles, Bob Farrell shares more insights and practical ideas. He talks about the three keys of outstanding leadership and how you can increase your proficiency in these areas:
• Spreading enthusiasm
• Inspiring confidence
• Demonstrating integrity
Participant will also be able to:
1. Self-assess their proficiency in each of the three key skills.
2. Determine how to increase their effectiveness in each of the three key skills.
3. Track their progress in 30 to 60 days as they work to increase their Leadership Pickle proficiency.
There are two self-study options available in the Self-Study Guide: traditional self-study and colleague self-study. Both self-study approaches utilize the DVD and rely on activities and assessments to enhance learning. This study will take approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours to complete.
· Colleague self-study offers you peer guidance and support. You may choose to work with one colleague or a small group.
· Traditional self-study relies on your desire to learn. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.
1- or 4- hour meeting with instructions / DVD, Leaders’ Guide, Participant Worksheets, Exercises with Handouts
Make It Matter / This program was created to make sure you matter as a professional. Does the contribution you make have such an impact that people depend on you day in and day out? Becoming a person that “matters” in an organization requires that you pay attention to the way others perceive you.
This powerful program can be used in a group setting to kick off discussion on areas of interest to all managers, leaders, and team members. Alternately, the DVD can be watched by an individual employee who then uses the Personal Branding Workbook in a self-directed manner to guide them through the steps of creating their personal brand.
1 to 2 hours / Chaptered 22-minute DVD, Discussion Guide, Personal Branding guide
Mixing Four Generations in the Workplace / This two-DVD program will help you:
• Communicate easier – By increasing shared understanding between the different generations
• Motivate, coach, hire and retain employees of different generations – By understanding what makes them tick.
• Create and sustain a productive workforce – By increasing their understanding of one another, the different generations will work better as a team, effectively resolve conflicts and be more productive.
• Enjoy and appreciate the people you work with – By understanding the different generations we learn to enjoy and appreciate who they are. This appreciation will help reduce stress in the workplace and create more enjoyable relationships.
Can be done in 2- or 4-hour sessions. / 2-DVD program, Facilitator’s Guide, PowerPoint presentation, Participant Guide
The Attitude Virus / Once an attitude virus begins to spread, it can instantly become an epidemic. Productivity suffers and so do individual workers. There’s no doubt that today’s workplace is especially susceptible. The warning signs are:
· Resisting change
· “It’s not my job…”
· Spreading gossip
· Misdirected anger
· Condescending perfectionism
Learn how to get to the cause, administer the cure and create a healthier workplace for everyone. / 21-minute DVD and Leader’s Guide
The Biggest Generation / Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention documentary focusing on the obesity epidemic among youth. / 30-minute DVD
Undeliverable: E-mail Etiquette for Today’s Workplace / This video will instill your employees with best practices when handling customer service issues via e-mail. They will also learn how to avoid those disastrous errors that plague so many companies.
1 – 1.5 hour presentation / 40-minute DVD, quizzes