Regular Meeting
City Council
April 7, 2014
5:30 PM – City Hall
Mayor Flaherty called the meeting to orderat 6.21PM with Council members Pahl, Maunu, Belmore, Ulmer, and Reis present.
Absent Council members: Schilling.
City Employees present were: City Foreman Flynn, Attorney Radermacher and Police Chief Frannea.
Also present:R Johnson, representing Dickey County Leader; Bob Gulke, Kyong Gulke, Mickey Thorpe, Jeff Thorpe, Joel Hamar, Nick Kendall, Tabitha Knott, Mike Reinke, Aaron Tschosik, Paula Tschosik and Lorraine Betting.
Agenda additions: Due to time Ordinance amendment discussion tabled.
Minutes: Motion by Reis, second byMaunu to approve the minutes of March 10thcouncil meeting, March 17th Special Meeting and March 31st Special Meeting. All members present,aye. Motion approved.
Operating statement: Motion by Pahl, second by Maunu to approve operating statement as presented. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Bills: Motion by Reis, second byUlmerto approve the bills as presented. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Delinquent accounts: Razi and Lewis House.
Raffle Permits: None
6:30PM Garbage Contract Bid Opening:
Bids received from Kendall Construction and Excavating for $29.99 per ton for garbage to be loaded and hauled from transfer station to designated location plus an increase of 2% each year beginning September 1, 2014 through December 31, 2019. A monthly sum of $3,987 will be charged to pick up garbage from all residential and commercial businessesbeginning September 1, 2014 thru December 31, 2019. Proof of insurance appears to be in order.
Thorpe Excavation bid received for $37.50 per ton for garbage loaded and hauled from transfer station to designated location plus 2% increase each year beginning September 1, 2014 through December 31, 2019. A monthly sum of $5,000 plus 3% increase each year to pick up garbage from all residential and commercial businesses beginning September 1, 2014 through December 31, 2019. Proof of insurance appears to be in order.
Motion by Belmore, second by Ulmer to accept the Kendall Construction and Excavating bid for $29.99 per ton for garbage to be loaded and hauled from transfer station to designated location plus an increase of 2% each year beginning September 1, 2014 through December 31, 2019. A monthly sum of $3,987 will be charged to pick up garbage from all residential and commercial businesses beginning September 1, 2014 thru December 31, 2019. Roll call vote: Pahl – Yes; Maunu – No; Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes; Reis – Yes. Motion approved.
Police Chief Frannea reported on the police activity for the month of March. Chief Frannea attended training in Fargo for a week.
Mayor Flaherty sent a letter to ND DOT to inform them of the decision to pursue the solar stop sign on the north/south signs on the intersection of Hwy 281 and Main Street. Information was handed out describing two options for lighted stop signs. Motion by Ulmer, second by Pahl to authorize spending up to $3,500 to purchase 2 stop signs and necessary reflective material. Roll call vote: Maunu – Yes; Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes; Reis – Yes; Pahl – Yes. Motion approved.
7:00PM Outlot G & Unplatted area land sale:
One bid received from Robert and Kyong Gulke. Motion by Ulmer, second by Belmore to accept the bid from Robert and Kyong Gulke to purchase Outlot G of Shepards and Grahams Addition & an unplatted Area south of Outlot G for $650 per acre for approximately 12 acres, Buyer will pay for a certified survey of the property. Roll call vote: Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes; Reis – Yes; Pahl – Yes; Maunu – Yes. Motion approved.
City Foreman report: Flynn reportedon the March jobs completed. Spring clean-up will be May 12-13-14. New landfill hours from April 1st to September 30th are: Monday 5pm to 7pm. Wednesday 5pm to 7pm. Saturday 10am to 2 pm. A procedure for water leaks will be fine-tuned by Pahl, Schilling and Flynn.
Potential of a fourth public works employee was discussed. Straw poll vote: Yes - proceed to gather further information. No-continue as last year with seasonal/summer help. Ulmer – No; Reis – No; Pahl – No; Maunu – No; Belmore – No.
Ellendale Golf Course Limited Police Powers: Discussion concerning NDCC 40-49-01 – Municipalities acquired real estate for parks or public ground by gift or devise within five miles of its corporate limits. It is proposed that the city exercise limited police powers over the golf course for the collection of the city sales tax and those incidents that involve the need for law enforcement intervention would be handled by the city police. Council will wait for a response from the Ellendale Country Club board before further discussion. A definition of the term Police Powers will be requested from Attorney Radermacher and the procedure to limit such powers.
Building Permits: None.
Building Inspector Report: Kassa absent no report available.
104 2nd St S: No new information.
New building permit form: Motion by Pahl, second by Maunu to approve the new building permit form keeping fees at $5.00. All members present, aye. Motion approved
Newly Acquired City Property: Tabled to next meeting.
Mayor Flaherty shared a report from Don Frye on his contact with Family Dollar. Currently the project is on hold with no further explanation from Family Dollar.
City Auditor presented information regarding E Billing for Utility Bills and possibility of accepting credit cards. Council suggested taking a poll to find out the number of customers interested.
Klipfel Violation Letter: A stipulation of Klipfel’s building permit from September 2012 was to complete an Affidavit of Affixation. Council approved a certified letter to Klipfel to notify failure to complete could result in a fine.
Correspondence: Motion by Belmore, second by Maunu to permit a variance to fireworks ordinance for Chris Stanley on August 16th. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Mickey Thorpe addressed the Council pertaining to proof of insurance for the Kendall Construction & Excavating and the new garbage contract. Council decided to have Attorney Radermacher give an opinion on this subject.
A special meeting will be held April 21st at 5:00 PM at City Hall to continue discussion of Ordinance amendments.
Next meeting will be May10th at 5:30PM.
Mayoradjourned meetingat 9:54PM.
Approved Bills:
Postmaster (MV) / 109.90 / Sam Steelman / 32.50 / Postmaster / 301.10Jacobson Implement / 34,127.5 / League of Cities / 15.00 / The Leader / 449.72
J.P. Cooke Co. / 76.29 / Crabtree Insurance / 111.00 / City of Fargo / 14.00
M D U / 3,382.28 / Stryker Sals Corp. / 120.40 / Ellendale Chamber / 85.00
VISA / 89.79 / Thorpe Excavating / 1,783.39 / Waste Management / 2,056.71
Lana Schlecht / 388.04 / BCBS of ND / 710.70 / Postmaster / 15.81
Ellendale Motor Veh. / 19.00 / Michael Frannea / 374.52 / Wordie Wilburn / 254.77
VISA / 462.81 / Lloyd Trautmann / 49.87 / Brad Knutson / 35.00
City Council / 415.56 / City Employees / 20,333.08 / Amb Employees / 8,080.47
Thorpe Excavating / 4,935.07 / Kim Radermacher / 800.00 / Crossroads Advisors / 2,850.00
Michael Frannea / 6.11 / Postmaster / 2.66 / Postmaster / 46.22
I.R.S. Payroll Taxes / 8,193.59 / Ellendale True Value / 165.23 / SENSUS / 250.00
Fireside Restaurant / 180.00 / SE Water Users / 13,000.00 / Muckey Concrete / 250.00
Service Maid / 40.00 / Crabtree Insurance / 14.00 / Candy Middlestead / 276.00
Starion Insurance / 1,688.00 / AFLAC / 227.09 / Verizon Wireless / 306.41
M D U / 4,405.46 / John Deere Financial / 25.88 / A & B Business / 77.59
Matheson Tri-Gas / 9.95 / Fargo Waterworks / 2,083.53 / Mahler's Variety / 126.16
State Tax Commission / 778.44 / ND PERS / 4,004.75 / Postmaster / 5.60
Secretary of State / 36.00
Donald W Flaherty, MayorCandace Middlestead, City Auditor
(Minutes subject to corrections and approval at next regular meeting)