Thea 1613 - 201 Performance Make-up
Spring 2015
Elizabeth Lewandowski
940-397-4392 940-723-0936
Office: FFA B204
Office hours: M-F 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. (Costume Studio)
Course Objectives
To develop skills in the application of stage make-up.
Theatre Learning Outcome 2: Employability
To develop an understanding of the basic tools of stage make-up and the safe usage of the tools.
Theatre Learning Outcome 2: Employability
To develop skills in the design of stage make-up.
Theatre Learning Outcome 2: Employability
Theatre Learning Outcome 3: Theoretical/Conceptual Knowledge and Application
General Education Learning Outcome: Critical Thinking
To develop skills in assessing make-up design and application and communicating that assessment.
Theatre Learning Outcome 2: Employability
General Education Learning Outcome: Communication
Make-up Designory’s Beauty Make-up by Yvonne Hawker
Make-up Designory’s Character Make-up by Paul Thompson
Make-up Designory’s Beauty Make-up Workbook
Copy of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
9 x 12 pad of tracing paper (quality paper will make a difference so get Canson)
9 x 12 pad of newsprint
Drawing pencils (non-mechanical)
Stage make-up kit (We will order these as a group. If you already have a complete kit, you do not need to purchase an additional kit.)
Tackle box or other container for make-up kit
USB drive
3 inch three ring binder or additional USB drive
Brown eyelashes, eyelash glue, eyelash glue remover
Attendance and participation100 points
Make-up morgue150
Exercises 75
Corrective make-up 50
Beauty make-up 50
Extremely fat make-up 50
Extremely thin make-up 50
Twenty years older make-up 50
Forty years older make-up 50
Extreme old age make-up 50
Crepe hair make-up 50
Horror/gore make-up 50
Fantasy make-up 50
Written assessment of colleague’s project 25
Total points = 1000
Student Responsibilities
You are expected to attend all classes. Since lectures expand on assignments, missing class means missing important information. This class is, by its nature, participatory. Missing class means missing the chance to participate in your own education and the education of others in class. Attendance is taken at the beginning of class. The professor reserves the right to disallow counting a student present who is extremely late. The professor reserves the right to drop a student from the class who is frequently absent or tardy. If you need to miss class due to a religious holiday, please see the professor as far in advance as possible. If you need to miss class due to university-sponsored events, please see the professor as far in advance as possible. You will be required to complete the assigned work on or before the due date and you will be required to submit an official form from the university before your absence. Please note that work, non-emergency medical and dental appointments, hangovers, intramural games, visitors from out of town, fixing your roommate’s computer, fraternity/sorority events, arguments with significant others and studying for other classes do NOT constitute excused absences.
You are expected to do the assignments when they are assigned. Failure to do so will result in an inability to grow as an artist. All graded assignments should be submitted on or before the deadline. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Dishonest work on homework is a serious offense, as is plagiarism. The university and the professor will not tolerate either. If either occurs, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. By enrolling in this course, the student expressly grants MSU a “limited right” in all intellectual property created by the student for the purpose of this course. The “limited right” shall include but shall not be limited to the right to reproduce the student’s work product in order to verify originality and authenticity, and educational purposes.
Many of us own and use cell phones as our major method of electronic communication. Students are expected to turn off their cell phones when entering the classroom. Under no circumstances are cell phones to be answered during class. This includes voice mail, calls and texts. Should the student need to take an emergency call, the professor expects the student to leave the room and not return, minimizing disruptions for the remaining students. Before class begins, ensure that cell phones are turned off or set on vibrate. Better yet – leave the phone at home! If other commitments are so pressing that they cannot wait until the end of the class session, it may be in the student’s best interests to reconsider the priority placed on being in the class. In any case, the professor reserves the right to ask you to leave immediately or to otherwise mercilessly embarrass you if your phone makes noise during class.
Students with disabilities or who are in need of special arrangements should see the professor as early as possible in the semester. Please note that in order to qualify for consideration of special accommodations, the students must be registered with the MSU Office of Disability Services, and the professor must receive a memo on file from that office, along with the Special Accommodations Request.
Should there be a need to alter the number of assignments/presentations/tests, the professor will explain at that time how this will change the grading for the semester.
Students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate for a college classroom. Students that repeatedly interrupt class will be dropped from the class. Additional guidelines for appropriate behavior can be found in the MSU Student Handbook.
You are required to have your own make-up kit and to be prepared for class each day. You may use a locker in the make-up room to store your kit (MSU is NOT responsible for those items stored in an unlocked locker.) If you need additional time for class work, you may, when appropriate, arrive early or stay late.
You are expected to document each of your make-up projects this semester. Do not throw out or otherwise destroy any paperwork related to your design work. You are expected to take quality photographs of your graded projects (digital photography is preferred). Don’t take these hastily. Be sure you check each photo before you remove your make-up – you should not use any blurred photographs. Do not rely on friends to take/store your pictures for you! You will need this documentation for your final project. The professor will not “forgive” the final project if your phone “forgets” your pictures. Store them in multiple places! Failure to keep photographs or paperwork on any project(s) will result in a lower grade on the portfolio.
Privacy Policy
In accordance with Federal Privacy Laws a student’s personal information is protected. As an instructor it is unlawful for me to share your personal information (including grades) with anyone unless I have written consent. This means I will not be able to discuss your grades with parents. If you have questions about your grades or have forgotten the grading policy for the course please come by during office hours.
Character Analysis Guidelines
When analyzing your character, carefully consider and write out the following. You may use an outline form, but you must write in complete sentences.
- Name of character
- Age of character
- Race of character and how that is a factor
- Gender of character and how that is a factor
- Environmental influences
- Time period in which the character lives
- Personality of the character
- Health of the character
- How the above listed information impacts your design of the make-up. Be specific! This is usually where students fail to adequately complete the analysis.
Requirements for Make-up Designs
When preparing a make-up design, do the following.
- Choose a character from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, unless otherwise directed.
- Write a character analysis using the guidelines shown above.
- Find and provide a minimum of 6 color pictures with faces that are no smaller than 4 inches tall. Pixilated pictures are not acceptable. Pictures must be appropriate to the character’s age, race and gender.
- Create a list of changes to be made to your face to demonstrate the character.
- Using your headshot, draw front and side views of the character.
- Prepare the continuity chart for the application.
Before you will be allowed to practice your make-up design in class, you must show the following to the professor. Failure to do so will result in a 0 and an unexcused absence for the day, not being allowed to practice your design in class and being asked to leave the classroom.
- Character analysis
- Minimum of 6 color pictures *
- List of changes
- Front and side designs
- Continuity chart
*Note regarding color printing: The department is under no obligation to provide students with a venue for color printing. Color ink will not be provided in the student lab (B120) nor will you be able to print color pictures in the college office. Get a color printer or put your pictures on a thumb drive and go to Kinkos or Office Depot and pay to print them (very cheap – around 50 cents a page). Black and white pictures, pixilated pictures or pictures printed without one color (“But I ran out of yellow toner!”) will not be accepted. You may opt to turn your pictures in on a flash/thumb drive but if you choose this route you MUST have a computer/pad on which to observe your pictures during the make-up application.
Extra Credit
This semester the SyFy channel is airing the second season of Face Off, a show that features professional make-up artists. The program airs on Tuesdaysat 8:00 pm CST. As many of you will be in rehearsal or night classes, I will be recording this show each week that it airs. Beginning the following morning (Thursday), the episode will be available on the upstairs tv/video/dvd player. On the Thursday following the airing of each new episode promptly at 11:00 am, a short 5 point extra credit quiz will be given. In order to take the quiz, students must be in class when it is passed out. Five minutes will be allowed for the taking of the quiz.
Again, this is extra credit! That means you are not required to watch the program or take the quizzes. On the other hand, why not take the opportunity to learn something beyond the classroom?!?
By accepting this syllabus, you are indicating that you understand and accept all the professor’s policies listed herein.