CHHS Football Booster Club
Date 04/20/2017 |6:49PM| Meeting called to order byRyan Young
Opening comments-Ryan Young
Things to accomplish before end of school year
Coach Willis
- Thank you for serving Booster Club. The importance of culture to program.
- It is important to win the hearts of the community not to just win football games
- Booster Club is very important-Communication
- Successful football teams are when players like each other and parents like each other
- Football vs. School work balance
- Branding is important
- New Uniforms –PRIDE * 6 different uniform combinations
- Mission Statement FOCUS
Q: Website UpdatesA: Coach Freddy is the contact
Q: Registration set up on website for Punt/Pass/KickA: Chris Steele to assist Coach
Q: Homecoming dateA: Homecoming events will need to back up 1 day for Thursday football game/discussed different days for Homecoming
Q: Coaching changesA: Explained why a few coaches left and talked about new hires taking their place.
Q: Stadium ChangesA: After 2017 Football Season major renovation to begin
Q: Punt-Pass-KickA: Flyer going to elementary soon along with dates listed about future events
Budget Overview & YTD Actuals-Ryan Young on behalf of Steve Shirley
- Booster Club goals
- Sponsorships needed to meet Goal
- Football fundraiser $21,000 from website + those that opted out
- Seasonal meal cost
- Total Revenue
- Coaches Discretionary
- Need to look at cat daddy trailer needing work or new trailer
Booster Club Membership Update- Michael Ward
- 36 Members
- Advertise on MP sight
- Punt/Pass/Kick need a group of 4-6 people to rally to kickoff
- Coach has a connection for cheap shirts
- Follow up with Coach- punt/pass/kick shirt be the same as spring game shirt?
- Cost-$4 per shirt
Spring Game Preview- Angie Losack
- Activities for Spring Break
- Attendance
- Food asking for donations
- Great Scott food $3.00, $4.25, $1.00
- Spirit Wear
- Tented areas
- Sponsors-Looking for additional sponsors (they can be located outside the fence)
- T-shirts for event (shirt be the same as spring game shirt) need shirt sponsor 250 shirts printed
- Punt/Pass/Kick 5PM Spring Game 6PM
- Set up volunteer sign up
- Entry fee $5 includes sausage on a stick OR $10 entry fee with BBQ plate
Football 101-Ryan Young
- 30 RSVPS
- Looking for sponsors (Ryan Young will find sponsor)
- $20 per Person
- Location Great Scott time 7PM date 5/18/2017
- Conchevia Collins guest speaker
Sponsorship Program Overview- Michael Ward
- Program using different company
- Cheer ads
- Pantera ads
- Seniors ads
- Need sponsors
- Compass Church-follow up
- App Add space, Game day magazine, Radio time
- Game day sponsor (triangle sideline/end zone advertisement)
Special Events- Sherri Flint
- Volunteer on Panther football page
- Letters going to companies to sponsor Panther Pride night in May 2017
- Budget for Breakfast
- Mom/Dad Breakfast (separate events)
- Boys write a letter to mom/dad and invite to breakfast
- Breakfast time 7:30Am-8:30AM Friday Game day
- Varsity Players
- Back to School Kickoff events
- Rent a local pool (checking options/dates)
- Event to take place Saturday/Sunday prior to Fall Camp (August 13th)
- Tailgate Sponsors for home games
- Tent
- Calendar of events
- Sponsors
Website Update- Chris Steele
- Sports Engine (website facelift)
Closing Questions/Comments
- Social Media follow, share and personalize post to gather more traction- Brandon Beard
- CHHS Football website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Remind 101
- Twitter @PantherFBBoost
Meeting adjourned 8:37PM
Next Meeting
Meeting April 24th- Freshman Football Meeting
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