Board of Trustees/
President’s Office
April, 2008
Trustee News:
Trustees Kay Malec and her husband, George, and Ray McGuinness and his wife, Susan, attended the Heroes for Andy Gala Benefit on Friday, April 4, at LaMalfa. Morris and Connie also attended this event.
Trustee Kip Molenaar and Morris had a lunch meeting with former Trustee A. James Totin on Wednesday, April 9. Mr. Molenaar presented Mr. Totin with a framed copy of Resolution No. 04-08 and a commerative clocktower to thank him for his service on the Board of Trustees.
Trustees Ken Iwashita, Kay Malec and Ken Quiggle will attend the Lakeland Foundations Annual Donor/Scholar Breakfast on Wednesday, April 23, at Lakeland in Breakers.
President’s Office
Morris met with:
Representatives from the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services Board (ADAMHS) on Wednesday, April 2, to discuss an upcoming non-profit event. Wednesday, April 2. Carol Willen, Manager of the Nonprofit & Public Service Center also attended the meeting.
Cynthia Allgood, a reporter for The Lakelander, to discuss the Governor’s ten-year Strategic Plan for Higher Education on Tuesday, April 8.
Morris also:
Facilitated a presentation regarding Balanced Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence to the Lake County Council of PTA’s on Tuesday, April 1, at Orchard Hollow Elementary School.
Facilitated a presentation, Leadership – From the Inside-Out: As Leaders, Who are We About? The Role of Emotional Intelligence for the leadership staff at Breckenridge on Thursday,
April 10 at The Holden Arboretum.
Participated in the Excellence and Ethics campaign for Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland on Thursday, April 10. Morris discussed Excellence and Ethics with a class of 11th-grade students at Mentor High School.
Spoke to the Alumni Association Committee on Wednesday evening, April 9, to discuss the Governor’s recently released Strategic Plan for Higher Education and how it will effect Lakeland Community College.
Spoke at the Ohio Bursar’s Conference at LaMalfa on Wednesday, April 16. Morris’ presentation was entitled, Are We Having Fun Yet? Why Humor?
Morris attended:
The Ohio College Presidents Conference hosted by Senator Sherrod Brown on Thursday,
April 3, in Washington, D.C. The conference focused on how to better integrate the skills of the workforce and the labor needs of the economy.
The United Way Annual Meeting and Awards Breakfast at LaMalfa on Tuesday, April 9. Mary Ann Blakeley, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development and Executive Assistant to the President; Wynette Barnard, Vice President for Community and College Relations; Bob Cahen, Executive Director of The Lakeland Foundation; Nan Mayer; Co-Chair of Lakeland’s United Way Campaign and Connie Beverage also attended this event. Morris also attended the United Way Bard meeting on Tuesday, April 15.
The first meeting of the Chancellor’s 2008 Subsidy Consultation Committee on Friday,
April 11. The Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC) was asked to name 13 individuals to represent the OACC at the upcoming Subsidy Consultations. The committee will make recommendations regarding aligning funding with the Strategic Plan for the University System of Ohio. Morris will also attend the next committee meeting on Wednesday, April 30.
Lakeland’s Pride Day on Saturday, April 12
The International Folk Festival on Sunday, April 13, sponsored by the Center for International Education.
Morris will also:
The Lakeland Foundation’s Donor Scholar Breakfast on Wednesday, April 23.
Meet with Dr. Thomas B. Matthews, Director of the Career Center at Case Western Reserve University on Tuesday, April 22, to discuss a presentation that Morris will facilitate for Case’s Career Center.
Meet with Mr. Brad Whitehead on Wednesday, April 23, to discuss the Fund For Our Economic Future.
Attend the Donor/Scholar breakfast on Wednesday, April 23.
Attend the Student Government Awards Dinner on Friday, April 25.
Host the President’s Coffee on Tuesday, April 29 at 2 pm in the Performing Arts Center.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for:
Thursday, April 24, at 5:30 p.m. for the Committee of the Whole meeting in A1044f.
Friday, April 25, at 6 p.m. for the Student Government Awards Dinner in Breakers.
Tuesday, April 29, at 2 p.m. for the President’s Coffee/Service Awards in the Performing Arts Center.
Wednesday, April 30, at 11:30 a.m. for the Phi Theta Kappa Awards lunch in Columbus at the Ohio Statehouse Atrium.
Thursday, May 1, at 5 p.m. for the Board of Trustees meeting in the Board room on Lakeland’s main campus.
Friday, May 2, at 6 p.m. for the Part-Time Faculty Appreciation Dinner in Breakers.
Sunday, May 4, at 4 p.m. for the Lakeland Civic Orchestra and Lakeland Jazz Orchestra performances in the Performing Arts Center.
Tuesday, May 6, at 11:30 a.m. for the Retirees Luncheon at Mooreland.
Wednesday, May 7, at 6 p.m. for the Athletic Awards Banquet in Breakers.
Thursday, May 8, at 7 p.m. for the Academic Awards Ceremony in the Performing Arts Center.
Saturday, May 10, at 10 a.m. for Lakeland’s Commencement ceremony on the grounds outside of the Athletic & Fitness Center.
Thursday & Friday, May 22 and 23, for the Ohio Association of Community Colleges Annual meeting in Columbus.
Monday, May 26 -- the college will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.
Thursday, May 29, for the Committee of the Whole Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in A1044f.